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Last active December 13, 2022 01:44
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Python script to parse a .bib file and print its @Article and @inpreceedings entries in a human readable format
# Author: Nicolas Bohm Agostini
# Date: 2022-Dec-12
# Version: 1.1
# License: MIT
# Changelog:
# 1.1 - added alternative way of printing
# @brief: This script parses a bib file and prints it in a specific format
# @usage: python3 <bibfile>
# if no bibfile is provided, the script will look for a file named "works.bib"
# Dependencies:
# create a virtual environment
# python3 -m venv venv
# source venv/bin/activate
# pip install pybtex
import os
import re
from pybtex.database.input import bibtex
import argparse
# Function to load the data from a bib file into a dictionary
def load_bib(bibfile):
bib_data = bibtex.Parser().parse_file(bibfile)
list_of_entries = bib_data.entries
# BibliographyData(
# entries=OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict([
# ('agostini2022sodaopt', Entry('inproceedings',
# fields=[
# ('bo
# oktitle', 'IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design'),
# ('series', "ICCAD'22"), ('title', '{An MLIR-based Compiler Flow for System-Level Design and Hardware Acceleration}'),
# ('year', '2022'),
# ('volume', ''),
# ('number', ''),
# ('pages', ''),
# ('publisher', 'IEEE'),
# ('address', 'San Diego, CA'),
# ('doi', '10.1145/3508352.3549424')],
# persons=OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict([('author', [Person('Bohm Agostini, Nicolas'), Person('Curzel, Serena'), Person('Amatya, Vinay'), Person('Tan, Cheng'), Person('Minutoli, Marco'), Person('Castellana, Vito Giovanni'), Person('Manzano, Joseph'), Person('Kaeli, David'), Person('Tumeo, Antonino')])])))]),
# preamble=[])
# print(bib_data)
# OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict([('agostini2022sodaopt', Entry('inproceedings',
# fields=[
#('booktitle', 'IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design'),
#('series', "ICCAD'22"), ('title', '{An MLIR-based Compiler Flow for System-Level Design and Hardware Acceleration}'),
#('year', '2022'),
#('volume', ''),
#('number', ''),
#('pages', ''),
#('publisher', 'IEEE'),
#('address', 'San Diego, CA'),
# ('doi', '10.1145/3508352.3549424')],
# persons=OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict([('author', [Person('Bohm Agostini, Nicolas'), Person('Curzel, Serena'), Person('Amatya, Vinay'), Person('Tan, Cheng'), Person('Minutoli, Marco'), Person('Castellana, Vito Giovanni'), Person('Manzano, Joseph'), Person('Kaeli, David'), Person('Tumeo, Antonino')])])))])
# print(list_of_entries)
return bib_data
# function find and remove braces from a string at any position
# and other special characters: \, {, }, '
def remove_braces(s):
return re.sub(r'\{|\}|\\', '', s)
def remove_parenthesis(s):
return re.sub(r'\(|\)', '', s)
# function to remove leading number and spaces from a string
def remove_leading_number(s):
return re.sub(r'^\d+\s', '', s)
# function to remove trailing expression in parenthesis from a string
# input "something like this (with parenthesis)"
# output "something like this"
def remove_trailing_parenthesis(s):
return re.sub(r'\s\(.+\)', '', s)
def process_title(s):
s = remove_braces(s)
s = remove_leading_number(s)
s = remove_trailing_parenthesis(s)
return s
# retrieve expression in parenthesis
# input: 2021 {IEEE}/{ACM} International Conference On Computer Aided Design ({ICCAD})
# input: a string (ICCAD)
# output: (ICCAD)
def get_expr_in_parenthesis(s):
# if there is no parenthesis, return the string
if not'\(.+\)', s):
return s
return'\(.+\)', s).group()
# function to format the journal name
# input: 2021 {IEEE}/{ACM} International Conference On Computer Aided Design ({ICCAD})
# output: (ICCAD)
def format_journal_name(journal):
tmp = get_expr_in_parenthesis(journal)
tmp = remove_braces(tmp)
tmp = remove_parenthesis(tmp)
return tmp
# function to transform a number into 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
def ordinal(n):
if 10 <= n % 100 < 20:
return str(n) + 'th'
return str(n) + {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'}.get(n % 10, "th")
# function join the author name and fix the case. Only the first letter is capitalized
def full_name(author):
tmp = ' '.join(author.first_names +
author.middle_names + author.last_names)
return tmp.title()
def last_first_name(author):
firstname_initials = ['{}. '.format(x[0]) for x in author.first_names]
middle_initials = ['{}.'.format(x[0]) for x in author.middle_names]
tmp = ' '.join(author.last_names+[',']+firstname_initials+middle_initials)
tmp = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', tmp)
tmp = re.sub(r'\.\s', '.', tmp)
tmp = re.sub(r'\s+,', ',', tmp)
return tmp.title()
# function to get the position of an author in the list of authors
def get_author_position(author, authors):
for i in range(len(authors)):
if full_name(authors[i]) == author:
return i
return -1
# function to print entries of a specific type
# must print the following fields for @articles: title, author, year, journal
# must print the following fields for @inproceedings: title, author, year, booktitle
def print_entries_of_type(bib, entry_type):
for entry in bib.entries.values():
if entry.type == entry_type:
# print on the same line:
print(ordinal(get_author_position('Nicolas Bohm Agostini',
'author of', len(entry.persons['author']),
'in: ', end='')
print(remove_braces(entry.fields['title']), end='. ')
for author in entry.persons['author']:
author_name = full_name(author)
author_name = remove_braces(author_name)
if author_name == 'Nicolas Bohm Agostini':
# perform last print and break the loop
print(author_name, end=', et al. ')
print(author_name, end=', ')
print(entry.fields['year'], end='. ')
if entry_type == 'article':
print(process_title(entry.fields['journal']), end='.')
elif entry_type == 'inproceedings':
print(process_title(entry.fields['booktitle']), end='.')
# function to print entries of a specific type
# must print the following fields for @articles: title, author, year, journal
# must print the following fields for @inproceedings: title, author, year, booktitle
# this generates entries with the format:
# Paper in ICPE2021: Gutierrez, J., Shi, D., Agostini, N.B., and Kaeli, D., Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Computer Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Edge Computing Devices
def print_entries_of_type2(bib, entry_type):
for entry in bib.entries.values():
if entry.type == entry_type:
# print on the same line:
if entry_type == 'article':
print('Article in', end=' ')
print(format_journal_name(entry.fields['journal']), end='')
elif entry_type == 'inproceedings':
print('Paper in', end=' ')
print(format_journal_name(entry.fields['booktitle']), end='')
print(entry.fields['year'], end='. ')
count = 0
for author in entry.persons['author']:
count += 1
if count > 4:
print('et al.', end=', ')
author_name = last_first_name(author)
author_name = remove_braces(author_name)
print(author_name, end=', ')
print(remove_braces(entry.fields['title']), end='.')
# function to count the number of entries of a given type
def count_entries(bib, entry_type):
count = 0
for entry in bib.entries.values():
if entry.type == entry_type:
count += 1
return count
# main function
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('bibfile', nargs='?', default='works.bib')
args = parser.parse_args()
bibfile = args.bibfile
# print full path to file
bibfile_path = os.path.abspath(bibfile)
print('Processing file:', bibfile_path, '\n')
bib = load_bib(bibfile)
# print count of journal entries
print('Journals: ', count_entries(bib, 'article'))
print_entries_of_type(bib, 'article')
print('Proceedings: ', count_entries(bib, 'inproceedings'))
print_entries_of_type(bib, 'inproceedings')
# print('Journals: ', count_entries(bib, 'article'))
# print_entries_of_type2(bib, 'article')
# print()
# print('Proceedings: ', count_entries(bib, 'inproceedings'))
# print_entries_of_type2(bib, 'inproceedings')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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