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Created June 29, 2023 15:12
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  • Save agourlay/49bf246a12c1629afa62f3103b5d598e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save agourlay/49bf246a12c1629afa62f3103b5d598e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lockbud logs on qdrant
agourlay@agourlay-thinkpad:~/Workspace/lockbud/Code$ ./ ../../qdrant
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.14s
Updating index
Downloaded hyper v0.14.27
Downloaded num_cpus v1.16.0
Downloaded quote v1.0.29
Downloaded rustls-pemfile v1.0.3
Downloaded h2 v0.3.20
Downloaded tokio v1.29.0
Downloaded 6 crates (1.1 MB) in 0.78s
Compiling quote v1.0.29
[2023-06-26T11:37:13Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 222:32 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 238:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 218:55 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 238:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 222:53 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 238:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-26T11:37:13Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate once_cell contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 3 }
Compiling tokio v1.29.0
[2023-06-26T11:37:21Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-26T11:37:21Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-26T11:37:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 48:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 51:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-26T11:37:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-26T11:37:33Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-26T11:37:33Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-26T11:37:31Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:78 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 113:67 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:62 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-26T11:37:31Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate httparse contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 4 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling rustls-pemfile v1.0.3
Compiling num_cpus v1.16.0
Compiling rustls-native-certs v0.6.3
Compiling rayon-core v1.11.0
Compiling syn v2.0.22
Compiling syn v1.0.109
[2023-06-29T14:05:04Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:05:04Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate rayon_core contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling rayon v1.7.0
Compiling prettyplease v0.1.25
Compiling tokio-macros v2.1.0
Compiling tracing-attributes v0.1.26
Compiling pin-project-internal v1.1.0
Compiling async-trait v0.1.68
Compiling async-stream-impl v0.3.5
Compiling serde_derive v1.0.164
Compiling async-stream v0.3.5
Compiling prost-derive v0.11.9
Compiling pin-project v1.1.0
Compiling axum-core v0.3.4
Compiling tracing v0.1.37
Compiling tracing-futures v0.2.5
Compiling prost v0.11.9
Compiling prost-types v0.11.9
Compiling prost-build v0.11.9
Compiling tonic-build v0.8.4
[2023-06-29T14:05:46Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "<sync::notify::Notified<'_> as std::ops::Drop>::drop",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:61 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:57 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Data"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "runtime::time::entry::StateCell::fire",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 220:59 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:05:46Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio-util v0.7.8
Compiling tokio-io-timeout v1.2.0
Compiling qdrant-client v0.11.6
Compiling tokio-stream v0.1.14
Compiling tokio-rustls v0.23.4
[2023-06-29T14:05:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"DoubleLock": {
"bug_kind": "DoubleLock",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"first_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"first_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 280:51 (#0)",
"second_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"second_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 227:14 (#0)",
"callchains": [
"/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 280:52 (#0)"
"explanation": "The first lock is not released when acquiring the second lock"
[2023-06-29T14:05:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio_util contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 1 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling h2 v0.3.20
Compiling tower v0.4.13
Compiling criterion v0.3.6
Compiling hyper v0.14.27
Compiling axum v0.6.18
Compiling hyper-timeout v0.4.1
Compiling tonic v0.8.3
Compiling search-points v0.0.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/benches/search-points)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2m 02s
Downloaded memmap2 v0.7.1
Downloaded uuid v1.4.0
Downloaded clap_builder v4.3.9
Downloaded itertools v0.11.0
Downloaded geo v0.25.1
Downloaded earcutr v0.4.2
Downloaded clap v4.3.9
Downloaded 7 crates (1.3 MB) in 0.83s
Compiling libc v0.2.146
Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.54
Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.6
Compiling quote v1.0.26
Compiling autocfg v1.1.0
Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
Compiling memchr v2.5.0
Compiling version_check v0.9.4
Compiling syn v1.0.107
Compiling serde v1.0.164
Compiling once_cell v1.16.0
Compiling bitflags v1.3.2
Compiling bytes v1.3.0
Compiling scopeguard v1.1.0
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:32 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:53 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 228:55 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate once_cell contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 3 }
Compiling fixedbitset v0.4.2
Compiling pin-project-lite v0.2.9
Compiling log v0.4.19
Compiling ahash v0.7.6
Compiling lock_api v0.4.9
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling indexmap v1.9.2
Compiling smallvec v1.10.0
Compiling futures-core v0.3.28
Compiling adler v1.0.2
Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.28
Compiling aho-corasick v0.7.20
Compiling miniz_oxide v0.6.2
Compiling gimli v0.27.0
Compiling syn v2.0.11
Compiling jobserver v0.1.25
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::Client::mk",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 58:54 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 63:75 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate jobserver contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling getrandom v0.2.8
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling cc v1.0.78
Compiling num_cpus v1.15.0
Compiling hashbrown v0.12.3
Compiling object v0.30.0
Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.5
Compiling rustc-demangle v0.1.21
Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
Compiling thread-id v4.0.0
Compiling itoa v1.0.5
Compiling tokio v1.29.0
Compiling addr2line v0.19.0
Compiling futures-sink v0.3.28
Compiling signal-hook-registry v1.4.0
Compiling mio v0.8.8
Compiling socket2 v0.4.9
Compiling backtrace v0.3.67
Compiling regex v1.7.0
Compiling fnv v1.0.7
Compiling slab v0.4.7
Compiling futures-task v0.3.28
Compiling futures-channel v0.3.28
Compiling ring v0.16.20
Compiling futures-util v0.3.28
Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.3.8
Compiling pin-utils v0.1.0
Compiling futures-io v0.3.28
Compiling tracing-core v0.1.30
Compiling libm v0.2.6
Compiling spin v0.5.2
Compiling untrusted v0.7.1
Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.17
Compiling http v0.2.9
Compiling num-traits v0.2.15
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:38Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "symbolize::gimli::elf::debug_path_exists",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 287:71 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 294:67 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:38Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate backtrace contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling rand_core v0.6.4
Compiling percent-encoding v2.3.0
Compiling either v1.8.0
Compiling anyhow v1.0.71
Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1
Compiling itertools v0.10.5
Compiling rand v0.8.5
Compiling sct v0.7.0
Compiling tempfile v3.6.0
Compiling httparse v1.8.0
Compiling io-lifetimes v1.0.11
Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.0
Compiling fastrand v1.8.0
Compiling ryu v1.0.12
Compiling thiserror v1.0.40
Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0
Compiling httpdate v1.0.2
Compiling paste v1.0.11
Compiling serde_json v1.0.99
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:78 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 113:67 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:62 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate httparse contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 4 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling byteorder v1.4.3
Compiling typenum v1.16.0
Compiling form_urlencoded v1.2.0
Compiling generic-array v0.14.6
Compiling rustix v0.37.19
Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.22
Compiling mime v0.3.16
Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.13
Compiling webpki v0.22.0
Compiling zstd-sys v2.0.4+zstd.1.5.2
Compiling proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4
Compiling crc32fast v1.3.2
Compiling idna v0.4.0
Compiling semver v1.0.17
Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.14
Compiling prettyplease v0.1.22
Compiling heck v0.4.0
Compiling proc-macro-error v1.0.4
Compiling glob v0.3.0
Compiling base64 v0.21.0
Compiling rustls v0.20.7
Compiling minimal-lexical v0.2.1
Compiling local-waker v0.1.3
Compiling petgraph v0.6.2
Compiling clang-sys v1.4.0
Compiling which v4.3.0
Compiling bytestring v1.2.0
Compiling memoffset v0.7.1
Compiling zstd-safe v6.0.2+zstd.1.5.2
Compiling rustversion v1.0.11
Compiling prettyplease v0.2.4
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling multimap v0.8.3
Compiling alloc-no-stdlib v2.0.4
Compiling encoding_rs v0.8.31
Compiling alloc-stdlib v0.2.2
Compiling rustc_version v0.4.0
Compiling flate2 v1.0.25
Compiling actix-utils v3.0.1
Compiling crypto-common v0.1.6
Compiling block-buffer v0.10.3
Compiling actix-service v2.0.2
Compiling webpki-roots v0.22.6
Compiling crossbeam-epoch v0.9.13
Compiling tower-service v0.3.2
Compiling getrandom v0.1.16
Compiling strsim v0.10.0
Compiling time-core v0.1.0
Compiling time-macros v0.2.6
Compiling heapless v0.7.16
Compiling digest v0.10.6
Compiling tracing v0.1.37
Compiling serde_derive v1.0.164
Compiling tokio-macros v2.1.0
Compiling futures-macro v0.3.28
Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.40
Compiling brotli-decompressor v2.3.2
Compiling tracing-attributes v0.1.23
Compiling prost-derive v0.11.9
Compiling nom v7.1.1
Compiling http-body v0.4.5
Compiling cookie v0.16.2
Compiling libloading v0.7.4
Compiling convert_case v0.4.0
Compiling bindgen v0.65.1
Compiling cpufeatures v0.2.5
Compiling try-lock v0.2.3
Compiling sha1 v0.10.5
Compiling want v0.3.0
[2023-06-29T14:09:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "compress::x86::shani_cpuid::init_get",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:56 (#132)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 114:62 (#132)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate sha1 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling derive_more v0.99.17
Compiling local-channel v0.1.3
Compiling cexpr v0.6.0
Compiling brotli v3.3.4
Compiling prost v0.11.9
Compiling prost-types v0.11.9
Compiling actix-router v0.5.1
Compiling time v0.3.17
Compiling prost-build v0.11.9
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling crossbeam-channel v0.5.6
Compiling hash32 v0.2.1
Compiling rustc-hash v1.1.0
Compiling rustls v0.21.0
Compiling lazycell v1.3.0
Compiling stable_deref_trait v1.2.0
Compiling language-tags v0.3.2
Compiling peeking_take_while v0.1.2
Compiling rayon-core v1.11.0
Compiling shlex v1.1.0
Compiling async-trait v0.1.68
Compiling arrayvec v0.4.12
Compiling rand_core v0.5.1
Compiling crossbeam-deque v0.8.2
Compiling actix-web-codegen v4.2.0
Compiling actix-macros v0.2.3
Compiling is-terminal v0.4.6
Compiling rustls-webpki v0.100.1
Compiling nodrop v0.1.14
Compiling fs_extra v1.3.0
Compiling rand_chacha v0.2.2
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate rayon_core contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling url v2.4.0
Compiling spin v0.9.4
Compiling serde_urlencoded v0.7.1
Compiling rstar v0.10.0
Compiling futures-executor v0.3.28
Compiling pin-project-internal v1.0.12
Compiling axum-core v0.3.3
Compiling validator_types v0.16.0
Compiling approx v0.5.1
Compiling tower-layer v0.3.2
Compiling constant_time_eq v0.1.5
Compiling io-lifetimes v0.7.5
Compiling radium v0.7.0
Compiling if_chain v1.0.2
Compiling rustix v0.36.13
Compiling validator_derive v0.16.0
Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1
Compiling blake2-rfc v0.2.18
Compiling geo-types v0.7.9
[2023-06-29T14:10:11Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:10:11Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate parking_lot contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling futures v0.3.28
Compiling rayon v1.7.0
Compiling rand v0.7.3
Compiling axum v0.6.12
Compiling pin-project v1.0.12
Compiling serde_derive_internals v0.26.0
Compiling quantization v0.1.0 (
Compiling time v0.1.45
Compiling unicase v2.6.0
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling ucd-trie v0.1.5
Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.1.4
Compiling io-uring v0.6.0
Compiling iana-time-zone v0.1.53
Compiling slog v2.7.0
Compiling rustix v0.35.13
Compiling schemars v0.8.12
Compiling tap v1.0.1
Compiling procfs v0.15.1
Compiling wyz v0.5.1
Compiling chrono v0.4.26
Compiling pest v2.5.1
Compiling schemars_derive v0.8.12
Compiling earcutr v0.4.2
Compiling validator v0.16.1
Compiling permutation_iterator v0.1.2
Compiling uuid v1.4.0
Compiling tonic-build v0.9.2
Compiling protobuf-build v0.14.0
Compiling async-stream-impl v0.3.3
Compiling rustls-pemfile v1.0.3
Compiling ordered-float v2.10.0
Compiling geographiclib-rs v0.2.3
Compiling nix v0.25.1
Compiling xattr v0.2.3
Compiling filetime v0.2.19
Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.0.46
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_file_handle_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 35:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 74:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 101:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate filetime contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling half v1.8.2
Compiling dyn-clone v1.0.10
Compiling sync_wrapper v0.1.1
Compiling hex v0.4.3
Compiling termcolor v1.1.3
Compiling protobuf v2.28.0
Compiling humantime v2.1.0
Compiling matchit v0.7.0
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "BufferWriter::print",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 980:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1000:51 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate termcolor contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling ident_case v1.0.1
Compiling robust v0.2.3
Compiling funty v2.0.0
Compiling portable-atomic v1.3.2
Compiling float_next_after v1.0.0
Compiling darling_core v0.14.4
Compiling env_logger v0.10.0
Compiling geo v0.25.1
Compiling cgroups-rs v0.3.2
Compiling bitvec v1.0.1
Compiling serde_cbor v0.11.2
[2023-06-29T14:11:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "runtime::time::entry::StateCell::fire",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 220:59 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "<sync::notify::Notified<'_> as std::ops::Drop>::drop",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:61 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:57 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Data"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio-util v0.7.4
Compiling actix-rt v2.7.0
Compiling tokio-rustls v0.23.4
[2023-06-29T14:11:42Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"DoubleLock": {
"bug_kind": "DoubleLock",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"first_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"first_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:51 (#0)",
"second_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"second_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 231:14 (#0)",
"callchains": [
"/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:52 (#0)"
"explanation": "The first lock is not released when acquiring the second lock"
[2023-06-29T14:11:42Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio_util contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 1 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling h2 v0.3.17
Compiling actix-codec v0.5.0
Compiling tokio-rustls v0.24.0
Compiling tower v0.4.13
Compiling actix-tls v3.0.3
Compiling actix-server v2.1.1
Compiling tokio-io-timeout v1.2.0
Compiling tokio-stream v0.1.11
Compiling tar v0.4.38
Compiling raft-proto v0.7.0
Compiling api v0.11.1 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/api)
Compiling serde-value v0.7.0
Compiling async-stream v0.3.3
Compiling pest_meta v2.5.1
Compiling sysinfo v0.29.2
Compiling atomicwrites v0.4.1
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::move_atomic",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 234:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 254:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate atomicwrites contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling hyper v0.14.26
Compiling geohash v0.13.0
Compiling bincode v1.3.3
Compiling num-derive v0.3.3
Compiling itertools v0.11.0
Compiling ordered-float v3.7.0
Compiling memmap2 v0.7.1
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 414:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 418:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling terminal_size v0.1.17
Compiling crc-catalog v2.1.0
Compiling seahash v4.1.0
Compiling unicode-width v0.1.10
Compiling atomic_refcell v0.1.10
Compiling arc-swap v1.6.0
Compiling utf8parse v0.2.1
Compiling console v0.15.2
Compiling anstyle-parse v0.2.0
Compiling crc v3.0.0
Compiling pest_generator v2.5.1
Compiling mime_guess v2.0.4
Compiling darling_macro v0.14.4
Compiling fs4 v0.6.3
Compiling docopt v1.1.1
Compiling tikv-jemalloc-sys v0.5.2+5.3.0-patched
Compiling merge_derive v0.1.0
[2023-06-29T14:12:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::x86_64::detect::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 31:57 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 42:43 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate portable_atomic contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling rmp v0.8.11
Compiling rand_distr v0.4.3
Compiling memmap2 v0.6.2
Compiling siphasher v0.3.10
[2023-06-29T14:12:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 299:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 303:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling colorchoice v1.0.0
Compiling anstyle-query v1.0.0
Compiling anstyle v1.0.0
Compiling number_prefix v0.4.0
Compiling dlv-list v0.3.0
Compiling indicatif v0.17.5
Compiling wal v0.1.2 (
Compiling ordered-multimap v0.4.3
Compiling anstream v0.3.0
Compiling hashring v0.3.0
Compiling merge v0.1.0
Compiling rmp-serde v1.1.1
[2023-06-29T14:12:48Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:48Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate wal contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling hyper-timeout v0.4.1
Compiling hyper-rustls v0.24.0
Compiling darling v0.14.4
Compiling pest_derive v2.5.1
Compiling getset v0.1.2
Compiling fxhash v0.2.1
Compiling sys-info v0.9.1
Compiling linked-hash-map v0.5.6
Compiling parse-size v1.0.0
Compiling base64 v0.13.1
Compiling prometheus v0.13.3
Compiling clap_lex v0.5.0
Compiling ipnet v2.7.0
Compiling clap_builder v4.3.9
Compiling ron v0.7.1
Compiling actix-multipart-derive v0.6.0
Compiling reqwest v0.11.18
Compiling yaml-rust v0.4.5
Compiling librocksdb-sys v0.11.0+8.1.1
Compiling json5 v0.4.1
Compiling tonic v0.9.2 (
Compiling rust-ini v0.18.0
Compiling slog-scope v4.4.0
Compiling toml v0.5.10
Compiling serde_plain v1.0.1
[2023-06-29T14:14:00Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 259:72 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 298:18 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:14:00Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate slog_scope contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 1 }
Compiling clap_derive v4.3.2
Compiling atty v0.2.14
Compiling http-range v0.1.5
Compiling pathdiff v0.2.1
Compiling askama_escape v0.10.3
Compiling config v0.13.3
Compiling colored v2.0.0
Compiling clap v4.3.9
Compiling slog-stdlog v4.1.1
Compiling constant_time_eq v0.3.0
[2023-06-29T14:17:21Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 37:12 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:2 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 37:12 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:2 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:17:21Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate protobuf contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 2 }
Compiling tikv-jemallocator v0.5.0
Compiling raft v0.7.0
Compiling zstd v0.12.2+zstd.1.5.2
Compiling actix-http v3.3.0
Compiling actix-web v4.3.1
Compiling serde_qs v0.10.1
Compiling actix-web-validator v5.0.1
Compiling actix-cors v0.6.4
Compiling actix-multipart v0.6.0
Compiling actix-files v0.6.2
Compiling rocksdb v0.21.0
Compiling segment v0.6.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/segment)
[2023-06-29T14:27:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }, PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:27:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate segment contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 2 }
Compiling collection v0.4.2 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/collection)
[2023-06-29T14:30:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 259:72 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 298:18 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:30:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate collection contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 1 }
Compiling storage v0.2.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/storage)
Compiling qdrant v0.11.1 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 34m 32s
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::Client::mk",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 58:54 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 63:75 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate jobserver contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:32 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:53 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 228:55 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate once_cell contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 3 }
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio v1.29.0
Compiling futures-util v0.3.28
Compiling mio v0.8.8
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling lock_api v0.4.9
Compiling indexmap v1.9.2
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling bytes v1.3.0
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate rayon_core contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:78 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 113:67 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:62 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate httparse contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 4 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.5
Compiling rustls v0.21.0
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling schemars v0.8.12
Compiling url v2.4.0
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_file_handle_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 35:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 74:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 101:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate filetime contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling spin v0.9.4
Compiling heapless v0.7.16
Compiling prost v0.11.9
Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1
Compiling rstar v0.10.0
Compiling prost-types v0.11.9
[2023-06-29T14:41:24Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:41:24Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate parking_lot contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling geo-types v0.7.9
Compiling validator v0.16.1
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::move_atomic",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 234:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 254:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate atomicwrites contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 414:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 418:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "BufferWriter::print",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 980:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1000:51 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate termcolor contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling geo v0.25.1
Compiling geohash v0.13.0
Compiling axum-core v0.3.3
Compiling prost-build v0.11.9
Compiling futures-executor v0.3.28
Compiling futures v0.3.28
Compiling segment v0.6.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/segment)
Compiling tonic-build v0.9.2
Compiling api v0.11.1 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/api)
[2023-06-29T14:41:41Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "runtime::time::entry::StateCell::fire",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 220:59 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "<sync::notify::Notified<'_> as std::ops::Drop>::drop",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:61 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:57 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Data"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:41:41Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio-util v0.7.4
Compiling tokio-io-timeout v1.2.0
Compiling tokio-rustls v0.24.0
Compiling tokio-stream v0.1.11
[2023-06-29T14:41:43Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"DoubleLock": {
"bug_kind": "DoubleLock",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"first_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"first_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:51 (#0)",
"second_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"second_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 231:14 (#0)",
"callchains": [
"/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:52 (#0)"
"explanation": "The first lock is not released when acquiring the second lock"
[2023-06-29T14:41:43Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio_util contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 1 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling h2 v0.3.17
Compiling tower v0.4.13
Compiling hyper v0.14.26
Compiling hyper-timeout v0.4.1
Compiling axum v0.6.12
Compiling tonic v0.9.2 (
[2023-06-29T14:43:18Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }, PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:43:18Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate segment contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 2 }
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2m 11s
Compiling libc v0.2.146
Compiling syn v1.0.107
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling futures-core v0.3.28
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling futures-channel v0.3.28
Compiling futures-sink v0.3.28
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate rayon_core contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling indexmap v1.9.2
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling rustix v0.36.13
Compiling rand v0.8.5
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_file_handle_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 35:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 74:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 101:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate filetime contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:32 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:53 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 228:55 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate once_cell contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 3 }
Compiling geo v0.25.1
Compiling cgroups-rs v0.3.2
Compiling futures-util v0.3.28
[2023-06-29T14:41:24Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:41:24Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate parking_lot contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling atomicwrites v0.4.1
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 414:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 418:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:43:33Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::move_atomic",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 234:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 254:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:43:33Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate atomicwrites contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling jobserver v0.1.25
Compiling clang-sys v1.4.0
[2023-06-29T14:43:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::Client::mk",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 58:54 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 63:75 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:43:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate jobserver contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling cc v1.0.78
Compiling procfs v0.15.1
Compiling futures-executor v0.3.28
Compiling quantization v0.1.0 (
Compiling futures v0.3.28
Compiling validator_types v0.16.0
Compiling proc-macro-error v1.0.4
Compiling serde_derive_internals v0.26.0
Compiling validator_derive v0.16.0
Compiling num-derive v0.3.3
Compiling schemars_derive v0.8.12
Compiling validator v0.16.1
Compiling schemars v0.8.12
Compiling bindgen v0.65.1
Compiling librocksdb-sys v0.11.0+8.1.1
Compiling rocksdb v0.21.0
Compiling segment v0.6.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/segment)
[2023-06-29T14:55:47Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }, PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:55:47Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate segment contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 2 }
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 12m 27s
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::Client::mk",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 58:54 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 63:75 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate jobserver contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:32 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:53 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 228:55 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate once_cell contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 3 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:38Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "symbolize::gimli::elf::debug_path_exists",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 287:71 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 294:67 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:38Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate backtrace contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling petgraph v0.6.2
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:78 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 113:67 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:62 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate httparse contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 4 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate rayon_core contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:09:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "compress::x86::shani_cpuid::init_get",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:56 (#132)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 114:62 (#132)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate sha1 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling time v0.3.17
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling protobuf-build v0.14.0
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_file_handle_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 35:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 74:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 101:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate filetime contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "BufferWriter::print",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 980:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1000:51 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate termcolor contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling schemars v0.8.12
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::move_atomic",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 234:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 254:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate atomicwrites contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 414:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 418:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::x86_64::detect::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 31:57 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 42:43 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate portable_atomic contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:17:21Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 37:12 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:2 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 37:12 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:2 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:17:21Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate protobuf contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 2 }
Compiling webpki v0.22.0
[2023-06-29T14:12:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 299:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 303:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:48Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:48Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate wal contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling webpki-roots v0.22.6
Compiling raft-proto v0.7.0
Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.5
Compiling raft v0.7.0
Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1
[2023-06-29T14:56:08Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:56:08Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate parking_lot contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio v1.29.0
Compiling segment v0.6.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/segment)
[2023-06-29T14:56:30Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "runtime::time::entry::StateCell::fire",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 220:59 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "<sync::notify::Notified<'_> as std::ops::Drop>::drop",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:61 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:57 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Data"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:56:30Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio-util v0.7.4
Compiling actix-rt v2.7.0
Compiling tokio-rustls v0.24.0
Compiling tokio-io-timeout v1.2.0
Compiling tokio-stream v0.1.11
[2023-06-29T14:56:33Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"DoubleLock": {
"bug_kind": "DoubleLock",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"first_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"first_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:51 (#0)",
"second_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"second_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 231:14 (#0)",
"callchains": [
"/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:52 (#0)"
"explanation": "The first lock is not released when acquiring the second lock"
[2023-06-29T14:56:33Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio_util contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 1 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling h2 v0.3.17
Compiling actix-codec v0.5.0
Compiling tower v0.4.13
Compiling actix-server v2.1.1
Compiling hyper v0.14.26
Compiling actix-http v3.3.0
Compiling actix-web v4.3.1
Compiling axum v0.6.12
Compiling hyper-timeout v0.4.1
Compiling hyper-rustls v0.24.0
Compiling reqwest v0.11.18
Compiling serde_qs v0.10.1
Compiling tonic v0.9.2 (
Compiling actix-web-validator v5.0.1
[2023-06-29T14:58:45Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }, PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:58:45Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate segment contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 2 }
Compiling api v0.11.1 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/api)
Compiling collection v0.4.2 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/collection)
[2023-06-29T15:01:43Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 259:72 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 298:18 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T15:01:43Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate collection contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 1 }
Compiling storage v0.2.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/storage)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 8m 04s
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:06:54Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:32 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:53 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 228:55 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 248:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T14:06:52Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate once_cell contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 3 }
[2023-06-29T14:41:24Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "parking_lot_core::unpark_requeue",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 914:50 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 935:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:41:24Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate parking_lot contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::Client::mk",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 58:54 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 63:75 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:02Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate jobserver contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio v1.29.0
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:78 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 113:67 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "simd::runtime::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 106:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:62 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:55Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate httparse contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 4 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "util::LazyUsize::unsync_init",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 44:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 47:39 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:25Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate getrandom contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:50Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate rayon_core contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:08:23Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "set_logger_racy",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:39 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:55 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:07:36Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate log contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:09:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "compress::x86::shani_cpuid::init_get",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:56 (#132)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 114:62 (#132)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:09:03Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate sha1 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "file::imp::unix::persist",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 117:36 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 120:68 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:10:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tempfile contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_file_handle_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 35:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 74:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::linux::set_times",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 101:29 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 110:40 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:12Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate filetime contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "BufferWriter::print",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 980:51 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1000:51 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:11:15Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate termcolor contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::move_atomic",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 234:43 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 254:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:14Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate atomicwrites contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 414:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 418:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:22Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling segment v0.6.0 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/segment)
[2023-06-29T14:12:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "imp::x86_64::detect::detect",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 31:57 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 42:43 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Both"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:35Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate portable_atomic contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "os::page_size",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 299:44 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 303:58 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:40Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate memmap2 contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 1 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T14:12:48Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 221:49 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "crossbeam_channel::waker::SyncWaker::notify",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 223:53 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:18 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T14:12:48Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate wal contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
[2023-06-29T15:04:34Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "runtime::time::entry::StateCell::fire",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 220:59 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 232:64 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Control"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
"AtomicityViolation": {
"bug_kind": "AtomicityViolation",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"fn_name": "<sync::notify::Notified<'_> as std::ops::Drop>::drop",
"atomic_reader": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:61 (#0)",
"atomic_writer": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:57 (#0)",
"dep_kind": "Data"
"explanation": "atomic::store is data/control dependent on atomic::load"
[2023-06-29T15:04:34Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 2 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling tokio-util v0.7.4
Compiling actix-rt v2.7.0
Compiling tokio-io-timeout v1.2.0
Compiling tokio-rustls v0.24.0
Compiling tokio-stream v0.1.11
[2023-06-29T15:04:37Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"DoubleLock": {
"bug_kind": "DoubleLock",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": {
"first_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"first_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:51 (#0)",
"second_lock_type": "StdMutex(sync::cancellation_token::tree_node::Inner)",
"second_lock_span": "/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 231:14 (#0)",
"callchains": [
"/home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 288:52 (#0)"
"explanation": "The first lock is not released when acquiring the second lock"
[2023-06-29T15:04:37Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate tokio_util contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 1 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 0 }
Compiling h2 v0.3.17
Compiling actix-codec v0.5.0
Compiling tower v0.4.13
Compiling actix-server v2.1.1
Compiling hyper v0.14.26
Compiling actix-http v3.3.0
Compiling actix-web v4.3.1
Compiling hyper-timeout v0.4.1
Compiling axum v0.6.12
Compiling serde_qs v0.10.1
Compiling tonic v0.9.2 (
Compiling actix-web-validator v5.0.1
[2023-06-29T15:06:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [] }, PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Escape to Param/Return: Raw ptr PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] } at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 229:69 (#0) escapes to [PlaceRef { local: _0, projection: [Downcast(Some(\"Ok\"), 0), Field(field[0], rocksdb::backup::BackupEngineOptions)] }] but pointee is dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 245:6 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T15:06:28Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate segment contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 2 }
Compiling api v0.11.1 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/api)
Compiling collection v0.4.2 (/home/agourlay/Workspace/qdrant/lib/collection)
[2023-06-29T15:08:41Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] [
"UseAfterFree": {
"bug_kind": "UseAfterFree",
"possibility": "Possibly",
"diagnosis": "Raw ptr is used at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 259:72 (#0) after dropped at /home/agourlay/.cargo/registry/src/ 298:18 (#0)",
"explanation": "Raw ptr is used or escapes the current function after the pointed value is dropped"
[2023-06-29T15:08:41Z WARN lockbud::callbacks] crate collection contains bugs: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, conflictlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, condvar_deadlock: { probably: 0, possibly: 0 }, atomicity_violation: { possibly: 0 }, invalid_free: { possibly: 0 }, use_after_free: { possibly: 1 }
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4m 49s
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