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Created June 14, 2020 17:36
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My .gitconfig configuration
email = <email here>
name = Divyanshu Agrawal
last = log -1 HEAD
logline = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
symlinks = true
abbrev = 9
ui = auto
default = current
conflictstyle = diff3
defaultToUpstream = true
stat = true
noprefix = true
# Use color to identify code that was moved around verbatim.
# Enable the feature.
colorMoved = zebra
# Supercharge it to do the equivalent of `git diff -b`.
# The ideal criterion would be pure leading-whitespace changes;
# but "allow-indentation-change" actually allows whitespace
# changes anywhere, even breaking up words.
colorMovedWS = ignore-space-change
[color "diff"]
# The default colors stay within the classic 16-color palette,
# which is pretty constraining: old/"-" lines are bold magenta
# or bold blue, and new/"+" lines are cyan or yellow. With a
# modern terminal emulator, we can do much better.
# Our approach: Old/"-" and new/"-" lines should be in reddish
# and greenish hues, consistent with non-moved code.
# We also add a faint gray (or yellow-gray) background, to
# help mark it as moved in a way that reduces emphasis --
# assuming a black terminal background. If using a light
# terminal background, then substituting light gray in these
# backgrounds should give the same effect.
oldMoved = "#ff0077 #222222"
oldMovedAlternative = "#ff3322 #222a00"
newMoved = "#00cc77 #222222"
newMovedAlternative = "#66aa00 #222a00"
autosetupmerge = always
helper = cache --timeout=36000
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