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Created January 29, 2018 16:28
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Deploy voting contract
var Migrations = artifacts.require('./Migrations.sol');
module.exports = function(deployer) {
deployer.deploy(Migrations, { gas: 4612388 });
var Voting = artifacts.require('./Voting.sol');
module.exports = function(deployer) {
deployer.deploy(Voting, [
'Wild Hair',
'Nerd Glasses',
'Big Shades',
'Purple Eye Shadow',
'Wild White Hair',
'Luxurious Beard'



When Voting.sol contract is deployed on the blockchain it initialized the list of super heroes as well as the total number of tokens available for "sale".

Getting started in localhost

# JSON-RPC node can be running and configured in `truffle.js` with your local network IP ( `` )

npm i -g ganache-cli

# run local eth

Build and deploy contracts

npm i -g truffle

# generates json files abstraction
# Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts
truffle compile

# deploy the contracts
truffle migrate --network development

Optional: copy local contracts to mobile dapp

yarn copy-local

For more information about truffle see ganache-cli

Getting started in ropsten

  • An account and an API is necessary to getting started

  • Edit truffle.js configuration

  • Run

truffle compile
truffle migrate --network ropsten

See intructions:

More info see:

Deployed info

Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c345 0xa24cb60cb5a83ae4551d807aeb8e44eaaf66d321e02bdb52a68585cf6eb48169
  Deploying Migrations...
  ... 0x17e2cb87112928003db97b914ffea56f88e71264ae6073d1d6791ee8c4cd5fca
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c346 0x97f3d5785174596f8a8b19a33a09a0c5e8f598a8f1aaec998491afff040b8a66
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c347 0x6ded48fd91957271958e49ab6f3b0c33a25561d66a32b2b2e8afc9b46f38c58d
  Migrations: 0x25cee65ac493a0c965f12a2d0c46fe82e09d6d44
Saving successful migration to network...
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c348 0x8098a920058b242545144d5d90ae070381495d95dda315c9c284ca7575e691b2
  ... 0x6b436779ce8cbb9e97a8b73b128980626e2d35f5721612e1421ca5281d0abd6d
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c349 0x946a15f08627382c186757926a2f2805bff82b885423490bd1e5d0d94386f480
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
  Deploying Voting...
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c34a 0x8b2e10e9a0a063575e2595d6c447eff9cf17300d0399b2779db9121e052a4008
  ... 0xe036a605987a60df918aef57d93a66db19bda4c3d7748d1c501224377585a9f5
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c34b 0x7d5d0e935ba19007400449afa8a8bde79f9a6231c888feccfe2f4848851efd56
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c34c 0xe6b5a68790ac1c4796583cda1a5611f01352f4be21db6b50fdaed0cce1837253
  Voting: 0xbb5f4afe9e81a6f60218dd1df25b74ad54fedcc8
Saving successful migration to network...
  ... 0xa532eb4fd7312f03d4cb109d64a2b42364ab91a4379add31d8d66be0bcdba6e0
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c34d 0xacc110bd7db53797faa84f8b66bba99e24a052f85be776c845ad852494effe3d
BLOCK CHANGED: #26c34e 0xfb359ceebbc07d405ac8d0e598cf673218a675d522ccb5e3dd31d3cf16390296
Saving artifacts...

More info see


MIT @ zetta

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