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Created February 12, 2018 19:11
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# clipboard provider for neovim
# :help provider-clipboard
exec 2>> ~/clipboard-provider.out
set -x
: ${COPY_PROVIDERS:=tmux osc52}
main() {
declare buffer
case $1 in
internal() { base64 -d <<<"$buffer"; }
for p in $COPY_PROVIDERS; do
internal | $p-provider copy
done ;;
for p in $PASTE_PROVIDERS; do
$p-provider paste && break
done ;;
exit 0
tmux-provider() {
[[ -n $TMUX ]] || return
case $1 in
copy) internal | tmux load-buffer - ;;
paste) tmux save-buffer - ;;
osc52-provider() {
# HACK: this ignores stdin and looks directly at the base64 buffer
case $1 in
copy) printf $'\e]52;c;%s\a' "$buffer" > /dev/tty ;;
paste) return 1 ;;
main "$@"
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