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Last active September 29, 2023 13:05
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My version of anysqlite
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ["connect", "Connection", "Cursor"]
import sqlite3
from import Callable, Sequence
from functools import partial, wraps
from typing import Any
from anyio import CapacityLimiter, to_thread
class Connection:
def __init__(self, _real_connection: sqlite3.Connection) -> None:
self._real_connection = _real_connection
self._limiter = CapacityLimiter(1)
async def close(self):
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_connection.close, limiter=self._limiter)
async def commit(self):
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_connection.commit, limiter=self._limiter)
async def rollback(self):
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_connection.rollback, limiter=self._limiter)
async def cursor(self, factory: Callable[[sqlite3.Connection], sqlite3.Cursor] = sqlite3.Cursor) -> Cursor:
real_cursor = await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_connection.cursor, factory, limiter=self._limiter)
return Cursor(real_cursor, self._limiter)
class Cursor:
def __init__(self, real_cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, limiter: CapacityLimiter) -> None:
self._real_cursor = real_cursor
self._limiter = limiter
def description(self) -> str:
return self._real_cursor.description
def rowcount(self) -> int:
return self._real_cursor.rowcount
def arraysize(self) -> int:
return self._real_cursor.arraysize
async def close(self) -> None:
await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_cursor.close, limiter=self._limiter)
async def execute(self, sql: str, parameters: Sequence[Any] = (), /) -> Cursor:
real_cursor = await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_cursor.execute, sql, parameters, limiter=self._limiter)
return Cursor(real_cursor, self._limiter)
async def executemany(self, sql: str, parameters: Sequence[Any], /) -> Cursor:
real_cursor = await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_cursor.executemany, sql, parameters, limiter=self._limiter)
return Cursor(real_cursor, self._limiter)
async def executescript(self, sql_script: str, /) -> Cursor:
real_cursor = await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_cursor.executescript, sql_script, limiter=self._limiter)
return Cursor(real_cursor, self._limiter)
async def fetchone(self) -> tuple[Any, ...] | None:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_cursor.fetchone, limiter=self._limiter)
async def fetchmany(self, size: int) -> list[tuple[Any, ...]]:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_cursor.fetchmany, size, limiter=self._limiter)
async def fetchall(self) -> list[tuple[Any, ...]]:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._real_cursor.fetchall, limiter=self._limiter)
async def connect(database: str) -> Connection:
real_connection = await to_thread.run_sync(
partial(sqlite3.connect, database, check_same_thread=False)
return Connection(real_connection)
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