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Created October 16, 2012 22:23
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Perl: Homework TEST SYSTEM
use Switch;
use strict;
use warnings;
if ($#ARGV eq -1) {
print "Error! No script to test.\n";
print "Usage:\n []\n";
sub compare_dates {
my $expected = $_[0];
my $real = $_[1];
# everything is ok if strings equals
if ($expected eq $real) {
return 0;
# check input string to get into the pattern %S:%M:%H %m.%d.%Y
if ($real =~ m/^([0-5]\d:){2}([0-1]\d|2[0-3])\ (\d\d.){2}\d{4}/) {
my($ss, $mm, $hh) = $expected =~ /(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}).*/;
my $timestamp_e = $ss + $mm * 60 + $hh * 3600;
($ss, $mm, $hh) = $real =~ /(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}).*/;
my $timestamp_r = $ss + $mm * 60 + $hh * 3600;
# print $timestamp_e, ':', $timestamp_r, "\n";
# set maximum difference eq 2 sec
if (abs($timestamp_r - $timestamp_e) < 2) {
return 0;
return 1;
# Remove all whitespaces from begin and end of string
sub remove_whitespaces {
my $str = $_[0];
$str =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
return "$str";
sub test {
my $expected = $_[0];
my $real = $_[1];
chomp($expected, $real);
print "expected: $expected, real: $real";
print " ... ", ($expected eq $real) ? "OK\n" : "FAIL\n";
my @args = ("name", "time", "nfile", "ndirs", "other");
for my $to_test (@ARGV) {
print ">> $to_test\n";
for my $arg (@args) {
switch ($arg) {
case "name" {
test(`whoami`, `./$to_test $arg`);
case "time" {
my $expected = `date +"%S:%M:%H %m.%d.%Y"`;
# `sleep 2`;
my $real = `./$to_test $arg`;
my $res = compare_dates($expected, $real);
chomp($expected, $real);
print "expected: $expected, real: $real";
print " ... ", ($res == 0) ? "OK\n" : "FAIL\n";
case "nfile" {
test(remove_whitespaces(`ls | wc -l`),
`./$to_test $arg`);
case "ndirs" {
test(remove_whitespaces(`ls -d */ | wc -l`),
`./$to_test $arg`);
else {
my $real = `./$to_test $arg`;
print "expected: {Anything}, real: $real";
print " ... ", (length($real) > 0) ? "OK\n" : "FAIL\n";
print "\n";
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