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Created April 26, 2015 23:44
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Matthew's Script for Calculating Centrality among LS entities
import sys
import MySQLdb as my
import networkx as nx
import csv
from IPython import embed
db = my.connect(host='localhost', user='littlesis', passwd='midm681_beet', db='littlesis')
cur = db.cursor(my.cursors.DictCursor)
# all positions
# sql = "SELECT l.entity1_id, l.entity2_id, l.category_id, r.is_current, AS name1, AS name2 FROM link l LEFT JOIN relationship r ON ( = l.relationship_id) LEFT JOIN entity e1 on ( = l.entity1_id) LEFT JOIN entity e2 ON ( = l.entity2_id) WHERE l.category_id = 1 AND l.is_reverse = 0"
# all board memberships
sql = "SELECT l.entity1_id, l.entity2_id, l.category_id, r.is_current, AS name1, AS name2, e1.primary_ext AS primary_ext1, e2.primary_ext AS primary_ext2 FROM link l LEFT JOIN relationship r ON ( = l.relationship_id) LEFT JOIN position p ON (p.relationship_id = l.relationship_id) LEFT JOIN entity e1 on ( = l.entity1_id) LEFT JOIN entity e2 ON ( = l.entity2_id) WHERE l.category_id = 1 AND l.is_reverse = 0 AND p.is_board = 1"
# all positions of people with positions in fortune 1000 companies
# first get fortune 1000 companies
# sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(le.entity_id) FROM ls_list_entity le WHERE le.list_id = 110 AND le.is_deleted = 0"
# cur.execute(sql)
# company_ids = [str(row['entity_id']) for row in cur.fetchall()]
# # then get all people with positions in fortune 1000 companies
# sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(r.entity1_id) FROM relationship r WHERE r.entity2_id IN (" + ",".join(company_ids) + ") AND r.category_id = 1 AND r.is_deleted = 0"
# cur.execute(sql)
# entity_ids = [str(row['entity1_id']) for row in cur.fetchall()]
# # finally get all positions of those people
# sql = "SELECT l.entity1_id, l.entity2_id, l.category_id, r.is_current, AS name1, AS name2 FROM link l LEFT JOIN relationship r ON ( = l.relationship_id) LEFT JOIN entity e1 on ( = l.entity1_id) LEFT JOIN entity e2 ON ( = l.entity2_id) WHERE l.entity1_id IN (" + ",".join(entity_ids) + ") AND l.category_id = 1 AND l.is_reverse = 0 AND r.is_deleted = 0"
links = cur.fetchall()
names = {}
exts = {}
g = nx.Graph()
# category_weights = {
# '1': 1,
# '2': 0.8,
# '3': 0.5,
# '4': 1,
# '5': 0.8,
# '6': 1,
# '7': 1`
# }
for i in range(len(links)):
link = links[i]
id1 = str(link['entity1_id'])
id2 = str(link['entity2_id'])
name1 = str(link['name1'])
name2 = str(link['name2'])
names[id1] = name1
names[id2] = name2
ext1 = str(link['primary_ext1'])
ext2 = str(link['primary_ext2'])
exts[id1] = ext1
exts[id2] = ext2
g.add_node(id1, name=name1)
g.add_node(id2, name=name2)
weight = (1 if link['is_current'] == '1' else 0.5)
g.add_edge(id1, id2, weight=weight)
nodes = nx.betweenness_centrality(g, weight='weight')
ids = sorted(nodes, key=nodes.get, reverse=True)
with open(sys.argv[1], 'wb') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
for id in ids:
writer.writerow([id, names[id], exts[id], nodes[id]])
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