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Created March 19, 2015 01:07
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Home spun tests for FP deduping thing for Tim
var _ = require('underscore');
// getDupeList([Tweet]) -> { String : [Int] }
// runs in O(n+m) where n is # tweets, m is # dupes
function getDupeList(ts){
var tts =_.chain(ts)
.map(function(t,i){ return _.extend(t, { i: i });})
.groupBy(function(tt){ return tt.id_str;})
return _.chain(tts)
.filter(function(k){ return tts[k].length > 1; })
return [kk,[kk], function(tt){
return tt.i;})];})
//test getDupeList
var fn = getDupeList;
var purpose = "getDupeList() finds the indices of dupes";
// testSimple() -> Void
function testSimple(){
var input = [
{ _id: 1, id_str: "123"},
{ _id: 2, id_str: "123"},
{ _id: 3, id_str: "456"},
{ _id: 4, id_str: "123"},
{ _id: 5, id_str: "456"},
{ _id: 6, id_str: "789"}
var expected = {
"123": [0,1,3],
"456": [2,4] };
test(fn(input),expected,purpose + "\n with a list that has dupes");
// testSimple() -> Void
function testNoDupes(){
var input = [
{ _id: 1, id_str: "123"},
{ _id: 2, id_str: "456"},
{ _id: 3, id_str: "789"}
var expected = {};
test(fn(input),expected,purpose + "\n with a list with no dupes");
// testSimple() -> Void
function testEmpty(){
var input = [], expected = {};
test(fn(input),expected,purpose + "\n with an empty list");
// test(Any,Any,String) -> Void
// prints "PASSING" if actual deepEquals expected
// prints "FAILING" and a var dump if actual doesn't deepEqual expected
function test(actual,expected,purpose){
if (_.isEqual(actual,expected)){ console.log("PASSING: ", purpose); }
else {
console.log("FAILED: ", purpose);
console.log("-- expected: ", expected);
console.log("-- actual: ", actual);
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