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Created October 9, 2014 11:47
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ActiveDirectory objectGUID decoding
(ns active-directory.guid.util
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[ :as b64]))
(defn decode
"Decodes a Base64 encoded string into a sequence of bytes"
(b64/decode (.getBytes b64s)))
(defn byte->hex
"Convert a byte to a string of its hexadecimal value"
(let [i (.intValue (bit-and b 0xFF))
p (if (< i 0xf) "0" "")
hs (java.lang.Integer/toHexString i)]
(str p hs)))
(defn bytes->hexes
"Convert a sequence of bytes to a sequence of hexadecimal strings"
(map byte->hex ba))
(defn base64string->guidstring
"Converts a Base64 encoded string into a GUID string
(base64string->guidstring \"fTchtIkBQUKLZWVxnq6VVw==\")
;=> \"b421377d-0189-4241-8b65-65719eae9557\""
(let [hs (bytes->hexes (decode b64s))
g1 (->> (take 4 hs) reverse (apply str))
[g2 g3] (->> (drop 4 hs)
(take 4)
(partition 2)
(map #(->> % reverse (apply str))))
[g4 g5] (->> (drop 8 hs) (split-at 2) (map #(apply str %)))
guid [g1 g2 g3 g4 g5]]
(str/join "-" guid)))
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