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* Loads the data for a URL request and executes a handler block when the request completes
* or fails.
* @param aRequest A CPURLRequest object
* @param aQueue A CPOperationQueue object (currently not implemented)
* @param completionHandler A function passed in that will receive the request once it has returned.
* The completion handler will receive three arguments:
* (CPURLResponse) aResponse
* (CPData) data
* (CPError) connectionError
* In Cocoa, any error will cause aResponse to be nil; however, in Cappuccino we will always return
* the response from the server (except the case where no response was received from the server).
* Error codes for the response can be found in the CPURLError.j file, and also in the CFNetworkErrors.j
* file.
+ (void)sendAsynchronousRequest:(CPURLRequest)aRequest
completionHandler:(Function /*CPURLResponse response, CPData data, CPError connectionError*/)aBlock
var req = new CFHTTPRequest();[aRequest HTTPMethod], [[aRequest URL] absoluteString], YES);
req.setWithCredentials([aRequest withCredentials]);
req.onreadystatechange = function (event)
if (req.readyState() !== CFHTTPRequest.CompleteState)
var statusCode = req.status();
// a status code of 0 usually means the server could not be found.
if (statusCode === 0)
var response = nil,
data = nil,
userInfo = @{
CPUnderlyingErrorKey: @"",
CPURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey: [[aRequest URL] absoluteString],
CPURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey: [[aRequest URL] absoluteString],
CPLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"A server with the specified hostname could not be found"
var connectionError = [CPError errorWithDomain:CPURLErrorDomain
// return the response with nil, but with a nice error object.
aBlock(response, data, connectionError);
CPLog.debug(@"sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler is returning with an error");
// there is nothing more we can do here, so bail.
return nil;
if (req.readyState() === CFHTTPRequest.CompleteState)
var statusCode = req.status(),
response = [[CPHTTPURLResponse alloc] initWithURL:[aRequest URL]],
userInfo = nil,
code = nil,
domain = nil;
if (statusCode === 401)
domain = CPURLErrorDomain;
// Cocoa returns CPURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication, but this error code
// seems more appropriate.
code = CPURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired;
userInfo = @{
CPURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey: [[aRequest URL] absoluteString],
CPUnderlyingErrorKey: @"",
CPURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey: [[aRequest URL] absoluteString]
[response _setStatusCode:statusCode];
[response _setAllResponseHeaders:req.getAllResponseHeaders()];
var data = req.responseText(),
connectionError = [CPError errorWithDomain:domain
CPLog.debug("Returning " + statusCode);
aBlock(response, data, connectionError);
var fields = [aRequest allHTTPHeaderFields],
key = nil,
keys = [fields keyEnumerator];
while ((key = [keys nextObject]) !== nil)
req.setRequestHeader(key, [fields objectForKey:key]);
req.send([aRequest HTTPBody]);
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