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Last active January 7, 2020 13:20
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  • Save aharonha/d7204eb51e8cfe9368e658ac7d04a3fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aharonha/d7204eb51e8cfe9368e658ac7d04a3fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatic fetch all git repositories. A thing that you might want to add to your cron. Also some nice bash aliases for dockers.
function aprint() { awk "{print \$${1:-1}}"; }
alias dockerstart='docker ps -a --format="{{.ID}}" |xargs -ir docker start {}'
alias dockerrmi="docker images | grep none | aprint 3 | xargs -I[] -r docker rmi []"
alias dockerrm="docker ps | grep Exited | aprint 1 | xargs -I[] -r docker rm []"
alias dockerrmall="docker ps -a | tail -n -1 | grep -v Up | aprint 1 | xargs -I[] -r docker rm []"
function ___date() { echo -n "[`date --rfc-3339=seconds `] "; }
function dockerkill() { docker ps | grep $1 | aprint 1 | xargs -I[] -r docker stop []; }
function dockerdel() { docker images | grep $1 | aprint 3 | xargs -I[] -r docker rmi []; }
function untilfail() { while $@; do :; done }
function untilsuccess() { while ( ___date && ! $@ ) ; do sleep 1s ; done }
function killtests() { jps | grep --perl-regexp "(RemoteTestRunner|surefire)" | aprint 1 | xargs -I[] -r kill -9 [];}
function buildnow() { git merge develop && mvn validate && mvn clean install -o -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Ddockerfile.skip=true && git push; }
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
source <(kubectl completion bash)
export GIT_PROMPT_THEME=Single_line_Ubuntu
source ~/git/.bash-git-prompt/
default = simple
editor = vim
gpgsign = true
pushd ~/git
. ~/.bash_aliases
function gitprune() {
git remote update --prune
git fetch -p --all
git fetch origin develop:develop
git fetch origin master:master
git branch -vv | grep -v "*" | grep ": gone]" | aprint 1 | xargs -r -i git branch -d {}
merged=$(git branch --merged | grep -v "*" | grep -v "master" )
if [ ! -z "$merged" ]; then
echo "$merged" | tee /tmp/merged-branches_$(basename `pwd`)
git gc --auto
for f in *; do
if [[ -d $f ]]; then
# $f is a directory
pushd $f
gitprune &
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