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Forked from kerrishotts/PKSOAP.js
Created February 9, 2013 18:08
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/*jshint asi:true, forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:false, bitwise:true, undef:true, curly:true, browser:true, devel:true, smarttabs:true, maxerr:50 */
* Author: Kerri Shotts
* This library includes simple SOAP functions. MIT license.
* Usage is pretty straightforward:
* PKSOAP.performOperation ( { "host":"", "url":"/path/to/your/services",
* "xmlns":"m", xmlnsurl":"http://url/to/your/service/namespaces",
* "operation": "theOperationToPerform",
* "params": [ "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2" ]
* },
* function ( success, data )
* { // success is TRUE if handled successfully. data will be an XML
* // document, ready to be handled using the typical DOM
* //methods, like getElementsByTagName, firstChild, nodeValue, etc.
* } );
* The operation is asynchronous, so don't assume the data is immediately available -- the client
* has to send the XHR, receive the data, parse the data, and then send it on to your callback method.
* Note: No checking is made of the data to ensure that the XML generated is valid. This will be in
* upcoming revisions.
var PKSOAP = PKSOAP || {};
PKSOAP._postSoapEnvelope = function ( theWebServiceHost, theWebServiceURL, theSOAPEnvelope, completion )
var r = new XMLHttpRequest();
r.onreadystatechange = function()
if (r.readyState == 4)// loaded
if (r.status == 200 || r.status == 0)// success
if (completion)
console.log("success posting envelope, length " + r.responseText.length);
completion(true, r.responseText);
} else// failed to load
if (completion)
completion(false, r.status);
}'POST', "" + theWebServiceHost + theWebServiceURL, true);
r.setRequestHeader ("Content-Type","text/xml;charset=UTF-8");
r.setRequestHeader ("SOAPAction", "");
// may need to remove the following for Android 2.x
r.setRequestHeader ("Content-Length", theSOAPEnvelope.length);
r.setRequestHeader ("Host", theWebServiceHost.substr(theWebServiceHost.indexOf("://")+3));
r.setRequestHeader ("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
r.setRequestHeader ("User-Agent", "PKSOAP (iOS/PhoneGap)");
PKSOAP.performOperation = function(theOptions, completion)
var theWebServiceHost = theOptions["host"];
var theWebServiceURL = theOptions["url"];
var theWebServiceXMLNS= theOptions["xmlns"];
var theWebServiceXMLNSURL= theOptions["xmlnsurl"];
var theWebServiceOp = theOptions["operation"];
var theWebServiceParams=theOptions["params"];
// build our soap envelope
var theSOAPEnvelope = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:'+theWebServiceXMLNS+'="' + theWebServiceXMLNSURL + '">';
theSOAPEnvelope += '<soapenv:Header/>';
theSOAPEnvelope += '<soapenv:Body>';
theSOAPEnvelope += '<'+theWebServiceXMLNS+':' + theWebServiceOp + '>';
if (theWebServiceParams)
for (var theParam in theWebServiceParams)
var theParamValue = theWebServiceParams[theParam];
//TODO: need to worry about < and > in here....
theSOAPEnvelope += '<' + theParam + '>' + theParamValue + '</' + theParam + '>';
theSOAPEnvelope += '</'+theWebServiceXMLNS+':' + theWebServiceOp + '>';
theSOAPEnvelope += '</soapenv:Body>';
theSOAPEnvelope += '</soapenv:Envelope>';
PKSOAP._postSoapEnvelope( theWebServiceHost, theWebServiceURL, theSOAPEnvelope, function(success, data)
var theParsedData = {};
if (success)
theParsedData = ( new window.DOMParser() ).parseFromString(data, "text/xml");
} catch (err)
console.log("Failed to parse return XML");
success = false;
// call completion, if available
if (completion)
completion(success, theParsedData);
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