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Created June 12, 2012 19:01
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JIRA API quick and dirty calculations
require 'pp'
require 'rubygems'
require 'open-uri'
require "uri"
require "net/http"
require 'openssl'
require 'json'
require 'digest/sha1'
require 'set'
require 'Base64'
@points_by_project =
def pb_project(metric, data)
by_project = {}
data["issues"].group_by{|x| x["fields"]["project"]["key"]}.each{|x, data|
by_project[x] = 0 unless by_project.has_key?(x)
by_project[x] += data.inject(0){|sum, item| sum + item["fields"]["customfield_10003"]}
@points_by_project[metric] = by_project
def getData(api,qs="")
url = "https://#{HOSTNAME}{api}?#{qs}"
#puts url
key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(api + qs)
if File.exists?("metrics/cache-#{key}.json")
res = JSON.parse("metrics/cache-#{key}.json").read)
res = open(url,
"Authorization" => "Basic " + Base64.strict_encode64("#{ARGV[0]}:#{ARGV[1]}")) {|f|
end"metrics/cache-#{key}.json","w") do |f|
return res
sprint_date = Date.parse(ARGV[2]) #'20120521')
if (sprint_date == Date.parse('20120528'))
commit_date = sprint_date + 0
commit_date = sprint_date #+ 1
committed_jql = 'fixversion = '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' and fixversion was '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' ON ' + commit_date.strftime("\"%Y/%m/%d\"") +
' AND "Story Points" is not EMPTY AND status not in (canceled, "on hold")'
completed_jql = 'fixversion = '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' and fixversion was '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' ON ' + commit_date.strftime("\"%Y/%m/%d\"") +
' and "Story Points" is not EMPTY and resolution != Unresolved and status != Canceled'
delivered_jql = 'fixversion = '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") +
' and "Story Points" is not EMPTY and resolution != Unresolved and status != Canceled'
number_of_issues_jql = 'fixversion = '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") +
' and "Story Points" is not EMPTY and resolution != Unresolved and status != Canceled'
delivered_failed_qa_jql = 'fixversion = '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") +
' and status was "Failed QA"' +
' AND "Story Points" is not EMPTY AND resolution != Unresolved and status != Canceled'
total_jql = 'fixversion = '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") +
' and "Story Points" is not EMPTY and status != Canceled'
in_progress_jql = 'fixversion = '+ sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' AND "Story Points" is not EMPTY and status in ("Failed QA", "In Progress", "In Development")'
res = getData("search", "jql=" + URI::encode(committed_jql + '&fields=customfield_10003&fields=project' + '&maxResults=400'))
puts sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + " committed: " + res["issues"].inject(0){|sum, item| sum + item["fields"]["customfield_10003"]}.to_s
committed_by_project = res["issues"].group_by{|x| x["fields"]["project"]["key"]}
puts sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + " count: " + res["issues"].length.to_s
res = getData("search", "jql=" + URI::encode(total_jql + '&maxResults=400'))
puts sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + " final count: " + res["issues"].length.to_s
res = getData("search", "jql=" + URI::encode(completed_jql + '&fields=customfield_10003&fields=project' + '&maxResults=400'))
puts sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + " completed: " + res["issues"].inject(0){|sum, item| sum + item["fields"]["customfield_10003"]}.to_s
res = getData("search", "jql=" + URI::encode(delivered_jql + '&fields=customfield_10003&fields=project' + '&maxResults=400'))
puts sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + " delivered: " + res["issues"].inject(0){|sum, item| sum + item["fields"]["customfield_10003"]}.to_s
#pp @points_by_project
@headers = []
#pp v
@headers = @headers.merge(v.keys)
@headers = @headers.to_a.sort
puts " \t" + @headers.join("\t")
print k + "\t"
print v.has_key?(header) ? v[header] : 0
print "\t"
print "\n"
total_stories = Float(res["issues"].length)
puts "total " + total_stories.to_s
res = getData("search", "jql=" + URI::encode(delivered_failed_qa_jql + '&fields=customfield_10003' + '&maxResults=400'))
total_stories_with_failure = Float(res["issues"].length)
puts "total w/ fail #{total_stories_with_failure.to_s}"
puts "Stories with one QA pass " + ( 100* (total_stories - total_stories_with_failure)/total_stories ).round.to_s + "%"
res = getData("search", "jql=" + URI::encode(in_progress_jql + '&fields=customfield_10003' + '&maxResults=400'))
puts sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + " Stories in Progress: " + res["issues"].length.to_s
all_stories_jql = "fixversion was " + sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' AFTER ' + commit_date.strftime("\"%Y/%m/%d\"") +
' AND fixVersion was not ' + sprint_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ' before ' + (commit_date + 1).strftime("\"%Y/%m/%d\"") +
' AND "Story Points" is not EMPTY AND status != canceled ORDER BY status DESC, project ASC, key DESC'
puts all_stories_jql
res = getData("search", "jql=" + URI::encode(all_stories_jql + '&fields=customfield_10003' + '&maxResults=400'))
puts "Total points added in sprint " + res["issues"].inject(0){|sum, item| sum + item["fields"]["customfield_10003"]}.to_s
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