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Created March 25, 2010 19:05
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package testsupport
import flexunit.framework.Assert;
/** Helper class for asserting that certain events occur and others don't */
public class EventChecker {
private var _source:IEventDispatcher;
private var _expected:Array;
private var _failEvents:Array;
private var _received:Object;
private var _errors:Array;
* Array containing any errors thrown by the event handlers that were called
* for expected events.
public function get errors():Array { return _errors.slice(); }
/** True if any handlers for expected events threw an error. */
public function get errorsOccurred():Boolean { return _errors.length > 0; }
* Constructs the EventChecker
* @param source The dispatcher that is the source of the events.
public function EventChecker(source:IEventDispatcher) {
_source = source;
_expected = [];
_failEvents = [];
_received = {};
_errors = [];
* Tells the checker that a particular event is expected.
* Any errors thrown by the handler (including assertion failures) will
* be captures and delayed until the EventChecker's assert() method is
* called. This is due to the fact that FlexUnit doesn't seem to handle
* assertions made in event handlers (the built-in event handling
* mechanism sees the exception and treats it as unhandled).
* @param eventName The name of the event to expect
* @param handler An event hanlder to call when the event occurrs, or null
* if none is needed.
* @param handlerScope The object to act as the handler's scope (if needed).
public function expect(eventName:String, handler:Function=null,
_received[eventName] = false;
_source.addEventListener(eventName, function(e:Event):void {
_received[eventName] = true;
if(handler != null) {
handlerWrapper(handler, e, handlerScope);
* Tells the checker that a particular event is not expected and should
* cause the test to fail.
* @param eventName The name of the event to fail on
public function fail(eventName:String):void {
_received[eventName] = false;
_source.addEventListener(eventName, function(e:Event):void {
_received[eventName] = true;
* Asserts that all expected events occurred and that none of the fail on
* events occurred.
public function assert():void {
var eventName:String;
for each(eventName in _expected) {
if(!_received[eventName]) {"Expected event was not received: " + eventName);
for each(eventName in _failEvents) {
if(_received[eventName]) {"Unexpected event was received: " + eventName);
if(_errors.length > 0) {
throw _errors[0];
private function handlerWrapper(handler:Function, e:Event, scope:Object):void {
try {, e);
} catch(e:Error) {
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