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Last active May 31, 2018 11:21
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CosmosDB Aggreates Pipeline Abilities
# query sammple on aggregation
require 'mongo'
client ='mongodb://')
collection = client[:Hazard]
# Yields a BSON::Document.
def output(data)
puts 'Found ' + data.count.to_s + ' documents'
data.to_a[0..3].each do |doc|
puts doc
puts ''
puts '>>>'
puts ''
# case 1
# solution: _id is not a string but an int
aggregation_1 = collection.aggregate([
{ '$match' => { '_id' => { '$in' => [434, 445] } } }
output aggregation_1
# works also with strings
aggregation_1a = collection.aggregate([
{ '$match' => { 'tname' => { '$in' => %w[iter434 iter445] } } }
output aggregation_1a
# case 2
# nested pipeline operator are not possible right now. Migitate $in, $regex with $or
aggregation_2 = collection.aggregate([
{ '$match' => { '$or' => [{ 'groups._id' => 123 }, { 'groups._id' => 789 }] } }
output aggregation_2
# case 3
# see case 2
aggregation_3 = collection.aggregate([
{ '$match' => { 'tname' => { '$regex' => '^iter1' } } }
output aggregation_3
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# database filler helper
# just gem install mongo
require 'mongo'
# setup database client
client ='mongodb://')
db = client.database
collection = client[:Hazard]
# data sample structure
# {
# "_id": "123",
# "groups": [{
# "_id": "456",
# "name": "Group 2"
# }, {
# "_id": "789",
# "name": "Group 2"
# }]
# }
# add same sample subgroups
$groups = [{"_id" => 123, "name" => "Group 1"},
{"_id" => 456, "name" => "Group 2"},
{"_id" => 789, "name" => "Group 3"}]
$docs = []
# generate 10.000 documents with random groups from above
10000.times do |iter|
$docs << {"_id" => iter, "tname" => "iter"+iter.to_s, "groups" => $groups.sample(2) }
# add docs in batch fashion to cosmosDB
result = collection.insert_many($docs)
puts result.inserted_count # returns "10.000 "
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