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Created December 30, 2023 16:50
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Editing Customize TimeMachine Exclusions

Customize TimeMachine Exclusions

Add exclusions by dirname

find $(pwd) -type d -name <NAME> -maxdepth 3 -exec tmutil addexclusion {} \;

Automate exclusions

We can automate finding and adding exclusions by running script as a cronjob:

  1. Save as executable

    nano ~/
    # paste file contents below, save, and exit
    chmod +x ~/
  2. Open crontab: crontab -e

  3. Schedule

    # crawl files to add time machine exclusions @1am
    0 1 * * * /bin/bash ~/
  4. Save and exit crontab (:wq if vi; ctrl-o ctrl-x if nano)

See what is currently excluded with

sudo mdfind "com_apple_backup_excludeItem = ''"

Undo exclusions

tmutil removeexclusion /path/to/directory


asimov stackexchange peterdemartini/

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Credit: modified from asimov/asimov
set -Eeu -o pipefail
# use 'fd' instead of 'find'
if [[ -z "$(command -v fd)" ]]; then
echo "Error: Cannot find 'fd'"
exit 1
# Exclude the given paths from Time Machine backups.
# Reads the newline-separated list of paths from stdin.
exclude_path() {
local path
while IFS=$'\n' read -r path; do
if tmutil isexcluded "${path}" | grep -Fq '[Excluded]'; then
echo "- ${path} is already excluded, skipping."
tmutil addexclusion "${path}"
sizeondisk=$(du -hs "${path}" | cut -f1)
echo "- ${path} has been excluded from Time Machine backups (${sizeondisk})."
exclusions=(".git" ".venv" "site_packages" "node_modules")
for xln in "${exclusions[@]}"; do
fd \
--hidden \
--no-ignore \
--type directory \
--maxdepth 8 \
--exclude '*/.*' \
--exclude '*/Library' \
--full-path \
--glob "**/${xln}" \
/Users \
| exclude_path;
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