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Last active January 16, 2023 14:11
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Clean up GitHub Actions workflow runs

Cleanup legacy GitHub Actions workflow runs

Python utility to delete GitHub Actions runs for a repository, based on parameters. The GitHub UI currently allows removal of individual workflow runs, but this becomes tedious with a bulk of previous runs. Credit:


  1. Create a Personal access token allowing the workflow scope:

  2. Execute the script against a target GitHub repository (with optional parameters).
    The script will retrieve a list of all workflow runs and delete runs based on the filter parameters. If no filter parameters are provided, the default profile will remove runs older than 90 days and with conclusion 'cancelled', 'skipped', or 'startup_failure'

    python ./ --repository <owner/repo_name>
    usage: [-h] 
    --repository REPOSITORY 
    [--age_days AGE_DAYS] 
    [--run_name RUN_NAME] 
    [--run_file RUN_FILE] 
    [--conclusion CONCLUSION] 


# will list runs that _would_ be deleted using default settings
python ./ --repository <owner/repo_name> --dry_run

# delete runs using default settings
python ./ --repository <owner/repo_name> 

# delete runs older than 120 days
python ./ --repository <owner/repo_name> --age_days 120

# delete runs named 'test run'
python ./ --repository <owner/repo_name> --run_name 'test_run'

# delete runs where conclusion was 'cancelled'
python ./ --repository <owner/repo_name> --conclusion 'cancelled'


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import datetime as dt
import json
import os
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
REQUEST_ACCEPT_VERSION = "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
REQUEST_USER_AGENT = "magnetikonline/remove-workflow-run"
def github_request(
auth_token, path, method=None, parameter_collection=None, parse_response=True
# build base request URL/headers
request_url = f"{API_BASE_URL}/{path}"
header_collection = {
"Authorization": f"token {auth_token}",
if method is None:
# GET method
if parameter_collection is not None:
request_url = (
request = urllib.request.Request(headers=header_collection, url=request_url)
request = urllib.request.Request(
headers=header_collection, method=method, url=request_url
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
response_data = {}
if parse_response:
response_data = json.load(response)
return response_data
def get_workflow_runs(auth_token, owner_repo_name):
"""Get dict of simplified run identifiers and attributes"""
filter_keys = {'id', 'name', 'path', 'head_branch', 'status', 'conclusion', 'created_at'}
request_page = 1
while True:
data = github_request(
parameter_collection={"page": request_page},
run_list = data["workflow_runs"]
if len(run_list) < 1:
# no more items
for run in run_list:
yield {k: v for k,v in run.items() if k in filter_keys}
# move to next page
request_page += 1
def workflow_run_delete(auth_token, owner_repo_name, run_id):
def filter_run_olderthandays(runs, age_days=90):
"""Get run IDs older than 'age_days'"""
now =
for run in runs:
run_time = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(run['created_at'].replace('Z','+00:00'))
if (now - run_time).days > age_days:
yield run['id']
def filter_run_name(runs, workflow_name):
"""Get run IDs if workflow name match"""
for run in runs:
if run['name'] == workflow_name:
yield run['id']
def filter_run_file(runs, workflow_filepath):
"""Get run IDs if filepath matches: './github/workflows/<filename>"""
for run in runs:
if run['path'] == workflow_filepath:
yield run['id']
def filter_run_conclusion(runs, conclusion):
"""Get run IDs if conclusion in {'cancelled', 'failure', 'skipped', 'startup_failure', 'success'}"""
for run in runs:
if run['conclusion'] == conclusion:
yield run['id']
def valid_conclusion(conclusion):
valid_conclusions = {'cancelled', 'failure', 'skipped', 'startup_failure', 'success'}
if conclusion not in valid_conclusions:
raise ValueError(f"ERROR: conclusion must be in {valid_conclusions}. Was: {conclusion}")
return conclusion
def main():
# fetch GitHub access token
auth_token = os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--repository", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--age_days", required=False, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--run_name", required=False, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--run_file", required=False, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--conclusion", required=False, type=valid_conclusion)
parser.add_argument("--dry_run", required=False, action='store_true')
cli_args = parser.parse_args()
if cli_args.dry_run:
print("Dry-run enabled")
# fetch run id list from repository workflow
runs = list(get_workflow_runs(auth_token, cli_args.repository))
ids = set()
if cli_args.age_days is not None:
print(f"Getting runs older than {cli_args.age_days} days")
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_olderthandays(runs, cli_args.age_days)))
if cli_args.run_name is not None:
print(f"Getting runs named {cli_args.run_name}")
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_name(runs, cli_args.run_name)))
if cli_args.run_file is not None:
print(f"Getting runs from file {cli_args.run_file}")
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_file(runs, cli_args.run_file)))
if cli_args.conclusion is not None:
print(f"Getting runs with conclusion {cli_args.conclusion}")
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_conclusion(runs, cli_args.conclusion)))
if (
cli_args.age_days is None
and cli_args.run_name is None
and cli_args.run_file is None
and cli_args.conclusion is None
print(f"Default clean: runs older than 90 days and those 'cancelled', 'skipped', or 'startup_failure'")
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_olderthandays(runs, 90)))
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_conclusion(runs, 'cancelled')))
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_conclusion(runs, 'skipped')))
ids = ids.union(set(filter_run_conclusion(runs, 'startup_failure')))
for run in [r for r in runs if r['id'] in ids]:
if cli_args.dry_run:
print(f"Would delete: {run['name']} ({run['path']}) @ {run['created_at']}")
print(f"Deleting run: {run['name']} ({run['path']}) @ {run['created_at']}")
# workflow_run_delete(auth_token, cli_args.repository, run['id'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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