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Some experiments with Conway's game of life on the hexagonal field
(ns hexlife.core
(:use clojure.set))
(defn nbrs [[x y]]
"Расчет координат соседей для данной клетки с координатами [x y]"
(let [++ (fn [x] (+ x 1)) -- (fn [x] (- x 1))]
#{[(-- x) (-- y)] [(-- (-- x)) y] [(-- x) (++ y)]
[(++ x) (-- y)] [(++ (++ x)) y] [(++ x) (++ y)]}))
; (= (nbrs [3 2]) #{[2 1] [4 3] [2 3] [1 2] [4 1] [5 2]})
(defn world
"Ленивое создание полного поля через последовательный расчет соседей нулевой клетки"
([] (world #{[0 0]}))
([x] (let [around (fn [cs] (reduce union (map nbrs cs)))]
(distinct (lazy-cat x (world (around x)))))))
(defn split-map [m nrs]
(let [w (reduce union (map nrs m))]
[(intersection w m) (difference w m)]))
(defn has-alive-nrs [m nrs n]
(fn [c] (= n (count (intersection m (nrs c))))))
(defn nextgen [m]
"Генерация нового поколения клеток на основе данного"
(let [[al de] (split-map m nbrs)
has-2-nrs (has-alive-nrs m nbrs 2)
has-3-nrs (has-alive-nrs m nbrs 3)
survivals-2 (filter has-2-nrs al)
survivals-3 (filter has-3-nrs al)
born (filter has-3-nrs de)]
(set (concat survivals-2 survivals-3 born))))
(defn figure [pattern]
"Создание набора живых клеток на основе линейного шаблона"
(set (map first (filter #(= :a (second %))
(partition 2 (interleave (world #{[0 0]}) pattern))))))
(defn all-figures [n]
"Генерация всех возможных фигур размера n, лежащих вокруг ноля"
(let [app (fn [p s] (map #(conj % s) p))
step (fn [p] (into [] (concat (app p :a) (app p :d))))]
(if (<= n 1)
[[:a] [:d]]
(step (all-figures (- n 1))))))
(def are-there-not-dying-patterns
"Проверка: есть ли начальные конфигурации, которые не умирают со временем?"
(let [size [1 2 3 4 5 6]
patterns (reduce concat (map all-figures size))
game-fields (distinct (filter not-empty (map figure patterns)))
evolve (fn [cs] (-> cs nextgen nextgen nextgen nextgen))]
(filter not-empty (map evolve game-fields))))
(def some-small-patterns-that-do-not-die-fast
"Набор пар [начальная конфигурация, её состояние через несколько шагов]"
(let [size (take 16 (range 1 100))
patterns (reduce concat (map all-figures size))
game-fields (distinct (filter not-empty (map figure patterns)))
dup (fn [x] [x x])
doubled-game-fields (map dup game-fields)
step (fn [[f f]] [f (nextgen f)])
not-dead (fn [[f nf]] (not-empty nf))
evolve (fn [cs] (-> cs step step step step step step step step))]
(filter not-dead (map evolve doubled-game-fields))))
; (count some-small-patterns-that-do-not-die-fast) -> 25906
(def moving-or-blinking-figures
"Ищем движущиеся или мигающие фигуры, которые не переходят сами в себя раз за разом"
(let [p (map second some-small-patterns-that-do-not-die-fast)
sample (first p)
evolve-forever (fn [x] (iterate nextgen (nextgen x)))
cycle-len (fn [sample] (count (take 10 (take-while (partial not= sample) (evolve-forever sample)))))]
(filter #(> (cycle-len %) 0) p)))
; (count moving-or-blinking-figures) -> 1884
; notbad.jpg
(def tri #{[3 2] [2 3] [4 3]})
(split-map tri nbrs)
(split-map #{[3 2]} nbrs)
((has-alive-nrs tri nbrs 2) [3 2])
(= (figure [:a :d :a :a]) #{[1 -1] [0 0] [-1 -1]})
(-> (figure [:a :d :a :a]) nextgen nextgen)
(let [s [1 2 3]] (reduce concat (map all-figures s))))
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ahitrin commented Dec 12, 2013

Тащемта, надо ещё проверить алгоритм на стандартной топологии (квадратики). Там циклы должны находиться.

Единственное, что для этого надо, - изменить ф-ю nbrs

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