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Created October 29, 2011 16:04
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Latin square
(ns latin.core
(:use [clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only [positions]]))
(def sqrt (memoize (fn [x] (Math/sqrt x))))
(def alphabet (memoize (fn [sq] (range 1 (sqrt (inc (count sq)))))))
(defn rows
"A sequence of the rows of the square"
(partition (sqrt (count sq)) sq))
(defn cols
"A sequence of the columns of the square"
(rows (apply interleave (rows sq))))
(defn valid-line [line] (or
(every? #(= :unknown %) line)
(apply distinct? (filter #(not= :unknown %) line))))
(def rules
[#(every? valid-line (rows %))
#(every? valid-line (cols %))])
(defn valid-square? [sq] (every? #(% sq) rules))
(defn finished? [sq] (= 0 (count (filter #(= :unknown %) sq))))
(defn next-sq [sq] (for [x (alphabet sq)] (assoc sq (first (positions #(= :unknown %) sq)) x)))
(defn latin2 [sols sq]
;; (println (str sq " : " sols))
(if (valid-square? sq)
(if (finished? sq)
(cons sq sols)
(reduce latin2 sols (next-sq sq)))
(defn latin [sq] (latin2 () sq))
(def eg [1 2 3 :unknown :unknown :unknown :unknown :unknown :unknown])
(latin eg) ;; ([1 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1] [1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2])
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