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Created January 31, 2016 21:46
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Solver for a Sokoban like game
(ns sokoban.core
(:require [ :refer [priority-map-keyfn-by]]))
(def test-plan "########\n#@ # a#\n# A # #\n# #\n# #\n########")
(def test-tricky "#######\n##bac #\n#@A #\n###BC #\n### #\n#######")
(def targets (set "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
(def player \@)
(def wall \#)
(def space \space)
(def valid-directions #{:up :down :left :right})
(defn valid-position?
(seq pos)
(= 2 (count pos))
(every? #(instance? Number %) pos)))
(defn valid-chart?
(seq chart)
(every? seq chart)))
(defn has-keys? [m keys]
(apply = (map count [keys (select-keys m keys)])))
(defn valid-game?
(has-keys? game [:width :height :player-pos :chart])
(instance? Number (:width game))
(instance? Number (:height game))
(valid-position? (:player-pos game))
(valid-chart? (:chart game))))
(defn contents-order
[{l :element} {r :element}]
(let [ordering {:wall 10
:player 9
:barrel 8
:target 7
:space 0}]
(> (ordering l) (ordering r))))
(defn render-contents
{:pre [(set? contents)]
:post [(instance? Character %)]}
(letfn [(render [{:keys [element value]}] (condp = element
:wall \#
:player \@
:space \space
:barrel (Character/toUpperCase value)
:target value
(render (first (apply sorted-set-by contents-order contents)))))
(defn show-game
{:pre [(valid-game? game)]}
(->> (:chart game)
(map #(map render-contents %))
(map #(apply str %))
(clojure.string/join "\n")))
(defn get-in-cell-by-type
[cell e-type]
{:pre [(set? cell)]
:post [(or (map? %) (nil? %))]}
(first (clojure.set/select #(= (:element %) e-type) cell)))
(defn map-chart
[f chart]
(for [row chart]
(for [element row] (f element))))
(defn map-indexed-chart
[f chart]
(let [col-f (fn [y x e] (f x y e))
row-f (fn [y row] (map-indexed (partial col-f y) row))]
(map-indexed row-f chart)))
(defn update-in-chart
[chart pos f & args]
{:pre [(seq chart)
(valid-position? pos)]
:post [(valid-chart? %)]}
(let [[x y] pos
col-update (fn [index e] (if (= index x) (apply f e args) e))
row-update (fn [index row] (if (= index y) (map-indexed col-update row) row))]
(map-indexed row-update chart)))
(defn find-player-position
{:pre [(seq chart)]
:post [(valid-position? %)]}
(let [positions (map-chart #(get-in-cell-by-type % :player) chart)
not-nil-index #(first (keep-indexed (fn [i v] (if v i)) %))
y-pos (not-nil-index (map #(some (comp not nil?) %) positions))
x-pos (not-nil-index (first (drop y-pos positions)))]
[x-pos y-pos]))
(defn move-position
[position direction]
{:pre [(valid-directions direction)
(valid-position? position)]
:post [(valid-position? %)]}
(let [movement {:up [0 -1]
:down [0 1]
:left [-1 0]
:right [1 0]}]
(map + (movement direction) position)))
(defn get-game-at
[game position]
{:pre [(valid-game? game)
(valid-position? position)]
:post [(set? %)]}
(let [chart (:chart game)
[x y] position]
(first (drop x (first (drop y chart))))))
(defn can-enter?
[game position]
{:pre [(valid-game? game)
(valid-position? position)]
:post [(instance? Boolean %)]}
(let [elements (get-game-at game position)]
(not (or (get-in-cell-by-type elements :wall)
(get-in-cell-by-type elements :barrel)))))
(defn can-move?
[game direction]
{:pre [(valid-directions direction)
(valid-game? game)]
:post [(instance? Boolean %)]}
(let [new-position (move-position (:player-pos game) direction)
element (get-game-at game new-position)]
(or (can-enter? game new-position)
(and (not (nil? (get-in-cell-by-type element :barrel)))
(can-enter? game (move-position new-position direction))))))
(defn move-thing
[game thing pos direction]
{:pre [(valid-game? game)
(valid-directions direction)
(#{:player :barrel} thing)
(valid-position? pos)]
:post [(valid-game? %)]}
(if-let [element (get-in-cell-by-type (get-game-at game pos) thing)]
(let [new-pos (move-position pos direction)]
game :chart
(:chart game)
(update-in-chart pos (fn [e] (set (remove #(= element %) e))))
(update-in-chart new-pos (fn [e] (conj e element))))))
(defn move
[game direction]
{:pre [(valid-game? game)
(valid-directions direction)]
:post [(valid-game? %)]}
(if (can-move? game direction)
(let [new-player-pos (move-position (:player-pos game) direction)]
(-> game
(move-thing :player (:player-pos game) direction)
(move-thing :barrel new-player-pos direction)
(assoc :player-pos new-player-pos)
(assoc :moves (conj (:moves game) direction))))
(defn tokenise
{:pre [(instance? Character c)]}
(condp contains? c
#{wall} #{{:element :wall}}
#{space} #{}
#{player} #{{:element :player}}
barrels #{{:element :barrel :value (Character/toLowerCase c)}}
targets #{{:element :target :value c}}))
(defn parse
(let [lines (clojure.string/split-lines floor-plan-description)
chart (map #(map tokenise %) lines)
width (apply max (map count chart))
height (count chart)
player-position (find-player-position chart)]
{:chart chart
:width width
:height height
:player-pos player-position
:moves ()}))
(defn move-sequence
[game directions]
(if (seq directions)
(recur (move game (first directions)) (rest directions))
(defn get-barrels
(let [barrel-positions (map-indexed-chart
(fn [x y cell] (when-let [barrel (get-in-cell-by-type cell :barrel)] [x y (:value barrel)]))
(:chart game))]
(into {} (map (fn [[x y e]] [e [x y]]) (remove nil? (apply concat barrel-positions))))))
(defn get-targets
(let [barrel-positions (map-indexed-chart
(fn [x y cell] (when-let [barrel (get-in-cell-by-type cell :target)] [x y (:value barrel)]))
(:chart game))]
(into {} (map (fn [[x y e]] [e [x y]]) (remove nil? (apply concat barrel-positions))))))
(defn solved?
(= (get-barrels game) (get-targets game)))
(def print-game (comp println show-game))
(defn abs [n] (if (neg? n) (- n) n))
(defn q
"Calculate estimate for distance from game to terminal condition."
(if (solved? game)
(let [barrels (get-barrels game)
targets (get-targets game)
manhattan (fn [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] (+ (abs (- x1 x2)) (abs (- y1 y2))))]
(fn [v [_ c]] (+ v c))
(merge-with manhattan barrels targets)))))
(def f (comp count :moves))
(defn a*-cost [game] (+ (f game) (q game)))
(defn solve*
[games seen]
(when-let [[game _] (first games)]
(if (solved? game)
(let [valid-moves (filter (partial can-move? game) [:up :down :left :right])
next-states (map #(move game %) valid-moves)
unseen (remove (fn [game] (seen (:chart game))) next-states)]
(pop games)
(map (fn [g] [g g]) unseen))
(into seen (map :chart unseen)))))))
(defn solve
(priority-map-keyfn-by a*-cost < game game)
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