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Created April 22, 2023 15:18
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#include "cachelab.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "csim.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int tBit = 0, sBit = 0, bBit = 0;
struct params args;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// parse command line options
args = parseOpt(argc, argv);
// init the cache
struct cache cache = initTheCache(args.numOfSetIndexBits, args.numOfLinesPerSet);
// init the bits
initLineBit(args.numOfSetIndexBits, args.numberOfBlockBits);
// parse trace file content
int opSize = 0;
struct operation *operatios = parseTraceFile(args.pathOfTraceFile, &opSize);
int totalHitCount = 0, totalMissCount = 0, totalEvictionCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < opSize; i++)
struct operationStats stats = dealTheOperation(operatios[i], cache);
totalHitCount += stats.hitCount;
totalMissCount += stats.missCount;
totalEvictionCount += stats.evictionCount;
printSummary(totalHitCount, totalMissCount, totalEvictionCount);
// free memory
for (int i = 0; i < cache.numOfSet; i++)
return 0;
// core logic of cache lab
struct operationStats dealTheOperation(struct operation operation, struct cache cache)
struct operationStats stats =
hitCount : 0,
missCount : 0,
evictionCount : 0
LOGF("%c %0x,%d", operation.op, operation.address, operation.blockSize)
if (operation.op == DataLoad)
stats = dealLoadOperations(operation, cache);
else if (operation.op == DataStore)
stats = dealStoreOperations(operation, cache);
else if (operation.op == DataModify)
stats = dealLoadOperations(operation, cache);
struct operationStats stats1 = dealStoreOperations(operation, cache);
stats.hitCount += stats1.hitCount;
stats.missCount += stats1.missCount;
stats.evictionCount += stats1.evictionCount;
return stats;
struct operationStats dealLoadOperations(struct operation operation, struct cache cache)
struct operationStats stats =
hitCount : 0,
missCount : 0,
evictionCount : 0
struct cacheSet cacheSet = cache.sets[(operation.address & sBit) >> args.numberOfBlockBits];
int tagBit = operation.address & tBit;
int hitLineIndex = -1;
int invalidLineIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < cacheSet.numOfLinePerSet; i++)
struct cacheLine line = cacheSet.lines[i];
if (invalidLineIndex == -1 && line.valid == 0)
invalidLineIndex = i;
if (line.valid == 1 && ((line.address & tBit) == tagBit))
hitLineIndex = i;
if (hitLineIndex != -1)
useCacheSetAtLine(&cacheSet, hitLineIndex);
return stats;
if (invalidLineIndex != -1)
cacheSet.lines[invalidLineIndex].valid = 1;
cacheSet.lines[invalidLineIndex].address = operation.address;
useCacheSetAtLine(&cacheSet, invalidLineIndex);
return stats;
int evictionIndex = cacheSet.numOfLinePerSet - 1;
cacheSet.lines[evictionIndex].valid = 1;
cacheSet.lines[evictionIndex].address = operation.address;
useCacheSetAtLine(&cacheSet, evictionIndex);
return stats;
// very simple lru
void useCacheSetAtLine(struct cacheSet *cacheSet, int index)
struct cacheLine tmp = cacheSet->lines[index];
for (int i = index; i > 0; i--)
cacheSet->lines[i] = cacheSet->lines[i - 1];
cacheSet->lines[0] = tmp;
void statEviction(struct operationStats *stat)
LOG(" eviction")
void statMiss(struct operationStats *stat)
LOG(" miss")
void statHit(struct operationStats *stat)
LOG(" hit")
struct operationStats dealStoreOperations(struct operation operation, struct cache cache)
struct operationStats stats =
hitCount : 0,
missCount : 0,
evictionCount : 0
stats = dealLoadOperations(operation,cache);
return stats;
void initLineBit(int s, int b)
bBit = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < b; i++)
bBit = (bBit << 1) | bBit;
sBit = bBit;
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
sBit = (sBit << 1) | sBit;
sBit = (~bBit) & sBit;
tBit = ~(sBit | bBit);
// printf("tBit: ");
// printBits(sizeof(tBit), &tBit);
// printf("sBit: ");
// printBits(sizeof(sBit), &sBit);
// printf("bBit: ");
// printBits(sizeof(bBit), &bBit);
// Assumes little endian
void printBits(size_t const size, void const *const ptr)
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)ptr;
unsigned char byte;
int i, j;
for (i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
byte = (b[i] >> j) & 1;
printf("%u", byte);
struct cache initTheCache(int numOfSetIndexBits, int numOfLinesPerSet)
int numOfset = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < numOfSetIndexBits; i++)
numOfset = numOfset << 1;
struct cache cache = {
numOfSet : numOfset,
sets : (struct cacheSet *)malloc(sizeof(struct cacheSet) * numOfset)
for (int i = 0; i < numOfset; i++)
struct cacheSet c = {
numOfLinePerSet : numOfLinesPerSet,
lines : (struct cacheLine *)malloc(sizeof(struct cacheLine) * numOfLinesPerSet)
for (int i = 0; i < numOfLinesPerSet; i++)
c.lines[i].valid = 0;
cache.sets[i] = c;
return cache;
struct operation *parseTraceFile(char *filePath, int *opSize)
FILE *fp = fopen(filePath, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
return NULL;
int operationSize = 0;
int maxOperationSize = 100;
struct operation *result = (struct operation *)malloc(maxOperationSize * sizeof(struct operation));
ValgrindOp op;
int addr;
int blockSize;
while (fscanf(fp, " %c %x,%d\n", &op, &addr, &blockSize) != EOF)
// printf("op:%c, address:%x, blockSize:%d, end\n", op, addr, blockSize);
if (op == InstructionLoad)
if (operationSize >= maxOperationSize)
maxOperationSize *= 2;
struct operation *newResult = (struct operation *)malloc(maxOperationSize * sizeof(struct operation));
for (int i = 0; i < operationSize; i++)
newResult[i] = result[i];
result = newResult;
struct operation p = {op : op, address : addr, blockSize : blockSize};
result[operationSize] = p;
*opSize = operationSize;
return result;
struct params parseOpt(int argc, char **argv)
struct params args;
args.isVerbose = 0;
int opt;
while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hvs:E:b:t:")))
switch (opt)
case 's':
args.numOfSetIndexBits = atoi(optarg);
case 'E':
args.numOfLinesPerSet = atoi(optarg);
case 'b':
args.numberOfBlockBits = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
strcpy(args.pathOfTraceFile, optarg);
case 'v':
args.isVerbose = 1;
printf("wrong argument\n");
return args;
#ifndef CSIM_H
#define CSIM_H
#define LOGF(format, ...) \
if (args.isVerbose) \
{ \
printf(format, __VA_ARGS__); \
#define LOG(format) \
if (args.isVerbose) \
{ \
printf(format); \
struct params
int numOfSetIndexBits; // s
int numOfLinesPerSet; // E
int numberOfBlockBits; // b
char pathOfTraceFile[30]; // t
int isVerbose; // v
struct params parseOpt(int argc, char **argv);
typedef char ValgrindOp;
const ValgrindOp DataLoad = 'L';
const ValgrindOp DataStore = 'S';
const ValgrindOp DataModify = 'M';
const ValgrindOp InstructionLoad = 'I'; // ignore this one
struct operation
ValgrindOp op;
int address;
int blockSize;
struct operation *parseTraceFile(char *filePath, int *opSize);
struct cache
int numOfSet;
struct cacheSet *sets;
struct cacheSet
int numOfLinePerSet;
struct cacheLine *lines;
struct cacheLine
int valid;
int address;
struct cache initTheCache(int numOfSetIndexBits, int numOfLinesPerSet);
struct operationStats
int hitCount;
int missCount;
int evictionCount;
struct operationStats dealTheOperation(struct operation operation, struct cache cache);
struct operationStats dealLoadOperations(struct operation operation, struct cache cache);
struct operationStats dealStoreOperations(struct operation operation, struct cache cache);
void initLineBit(int s, int b);
void printBits(size_t const size, void const *const ptr);
void statEviction(struct operationStats *stat);
void statMiss(struct operationStats *stat);
void statHit(struct operationStats *stat);
void useCacheSetAtLine(struct cacheSet *cacheSet, int index);
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