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Last active April 25, 2023 05:24
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General JS utility functions
// #1 Select first matched element
export function $(selector, elem) {
elem = elem || document;
return elem.querySelector(selector);
// #2 Select all matched elements
export function $$(selector, elem) {
elem = elem || document;
return elem.querySelectorAll(selector);
// #3 Singular to plural
export function plural(word, count){
if(count < 2){
return word;
word = word.toString();
const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y'];
let suffix = 's';
let lastLetter = word.substr(-1, 1);
const isUpperCase = (lastLetter == lastLetter.toUpperCase());
lastLetter = lastLetter.toLowerCase();
if(lastLetter == 'y'){
const beforeY = word.substr(-2, 1);
if(vowels.indexOf(beforeY) > -1){
suffix = 's';
word = word.substr(0, word.length-1);
suffix = 'ies';
}else if(['x', 's'].indexOf(lastLetter) > -1 ){
suffix = 'es';
return word + (isUpperCase?suffix.toUpperCase(): suffix);
// #4 Convert input string with new-line characters to HTML br
export function nl2br(str) {
str = str || '';
return str.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n").replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
// #5 Convert input string with new-line characters to HTML paragaphs
export function nl2p(str) {
str = str || '';
return '<p>' + str.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n").replace(/\n/g, '</p><p>') + '</p>';
// #6 Reseting a form, used mostly for hidden fields as they don't get affected by form.reset() method
export function resetForm(form){
// Normal reset
// Set elements with data-default attribte to the specified value
$$('input[data-default]', form).forEach(elem => {
elem.value = elem.dataset.default;
// #7 Event emitter, used to emit custom events to all subscribed listeners
export class EventEmitter {
listeners = [];
for(let {callback} of this.listeners.filter(l => == eventName)){
return callback(;
listen(name, callback){
this.listeners.push({name, callback});
this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(({name}) => name != eventName);
/* --------- #3 Singular to plural example --------- */
import {plural} from './utils.js';
console.log(1, plural('file', 1))
console.log(2, plural('file', 2))
/* --------- #7 Event Emitter example, Machine engine --------- */
import {EventEmitter} from './utils.js';
class Machine {
event = new EventEmitter();
start(engineName, startAfter = 1){
// Simulate processing
setTimeout(() => this.event.emit('EngineStarted', engineName, new Date()), startAfter)
stop(engineName, stopAfter = 1){
// Simulate processing
setTimeout(() => this.event.emit('EngineStopped', engineName, new Date()), stopAfter)
const machine1 = new Machine();
// Listen for EngineStarted and EngineStopped events on machine1
machine1.event.listen('EngineStarted', (engineName, dt) => {
console.log(`[${engineName}] engine started on ${dt}`)
// Starting the auxiliary engine after 2 seconds of main engine get started
if(engineName == 'main'){
machine1.start('auxiliary', 2000)
machine1.event.listen('EngineStopped', (engineName, dt) => {
console.log(`[${engineName}] engine stopped on ${dt}`)
// Stopping the auxiliary engine after 2 seconds of main engine get stopped
if(engineName == 'main'){
machine1.stop('auxiliary', 2000)
// More events can be added as needed and the emitter will call them all in the same sequence they're added to
// Listen for EngineStarted and EngineStopped events on machine1 (to perform additional steps)
machine1.event.listen('EngineStarted', (engineName, dt) => {
console.log(`Turning on [${engineName}] engine's light bulb`)
machine1.event.listen('EngineStopped', (engineName, dt) => {
console.log(`Turning off [${engineName}] engine's light bulb`)
// Perform some action on machine1 which will emit related events
machine1.start('main', 1000)
machine1.stop('main', 6000)
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