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Last active December 17, 2020 19:07
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The statistical program which recognize smoker or nonsmoker of the person with percentage
#Project Name : Smokermeter Program#
#The Goal of the Project : This Programme predicts how many percent the person
#is tending to become a smoker or how many percent is smoker in life duration and she/he is smoker or not?!
#Start :
#Input, name,make a feature_list:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Hi Welcome to the Smokermeter Programme this programme will predict that the person how many percent is tending to became a Smoker in life duration and is smoker on not!?.your should read the questions and answer')
name = str(input(' Please write your name : ' ))
print('Dear',name,'please read the questions and answer patiently')
#Inputs, qustions:
sex = str(input(' please write the gender of the person. for female sex type f and for male sex type m : '))
age = eval(input('Please enter age : '))
#Married,Single,Divorce,Father or mather being
marital_status = str(input('If the person is single please write s an if is married wirte m : '))
if marital_status=='s':
divorce = str(input('If the person is divorced please write yes, else write no : '))
if marital_status=='m':
have_baby = str(input('If the person has a baby or babies please write yes else write no : '))
divorce_baby = int(input('if the person was achilid of divorce enter 1 else enter 0 if you do not know this answer enter 0 :'))
if divorce_baby==1:
#Smoker family and smokerfriends
Smoker_family = int(input('If in family there is a smoker person write 1 else write 0 : '))
intimate_friends = int(input('Please write approximatly How many intimate friends does the person have : '))
smoker_friends = eval(input('please between these friends how many of them use cigaret? '))
smoker_freinds_percent = smoker_friends/intimate_friends
sociable = int(input('between 1 to 10 which number you get to the person how many he or she is Sociable and how many contacts with other people: '))
if sociable>=7:
sportive = int(input('between 0 to 10 which number you get to the person how many he or she is Sportive : '))
Drogs = int(input('If the person has Drug addiction enter number 3 if just somteimes use it enter number 2 and if test that that enter 1 if do not use it enter 0 if you do not know this answer enter 0 : '))
Alcohol = int(input('If the person has Alcohol addiction enter number 2 if just sometimes use it enter number 1 if do not use it enter 0 if you do not know this answer also enter 1: '))
mental_health = int(input('Between 1 to 10 how many do you score on mental health of the person normal is between 6 to 8 deprecion is between 0 to 5 : '))
if mental_health <6:
fatty_liver = int(input('if the person has a Fatty Liver enter number one else enter number 0 : '))
tooth = int(input('if the person has lot of decayed teeths and dental plaque enter number 2 and if has a lot of dental plaque enter 1 else number 0 : '))
stomach = float(input('if the person has a lot of stomachache enter 1.5 if somtimes has a stomach enter 1 else enter 0 : ' ))
cough = int(input('if the person has a Continuous cough enter nomber 1 else 0: '))
pulmonary_discomfort = int(input('if the person has a lot of Pulmonary discomfort enter number 2 if you dont know that enter 1 else 0: '))
if pulmonary_discomfort !=0:
if sex =='m':
mustache = int(input('if his mustache has a change colore enter number 1 if you dont know that plese enter 0 : '))
if mustache == 1:
bruise_lip = int(input('if the person has a Bruise lip enter 1 else 0: '))
if sex=='m':
libido = int(input('if you know the person has low Libido enter number 1 else 0: '))
# This is a sagittal plot formula (y=ax^2) for age and gender with smoker percent(y):
# y=a(age-median of age)^2 + hight percent
#Conditions of the ages:
#This conditions are for female gender :
#For EX for This condition a=0.0554 and median is 26.5 and high percent is 12%
if age>=18 and age<=35 and sex == 'f' and marital_status == 's':
elif age>15 and age<=35 and sex == 'f' and marital_status=='m' and have_baby == 'no':
elif age>=45 and sex == 'f' and marital_status == 'm' and have_baby == 'no':
#For get percent with this conditions it used linear plot formula (y=ax+b)
if age>15 and sex == 'f' and marital_status == 'm' and have_baby == 'yes':
elif sex == 'f' and divorce == 'yes' and have_baby == 'yes':
elif sex == 'f' and divorce == 'yes' and have_baby == 'no':
elif age<18 and age>5 and sex == 'f' and marital_status == 's' :
#This conditions are for male gender for this gender it used y=ax+b for get a percent :
if age>=17 and sex == 'm' and marital_status == 's':
elif age>15 and age<=35 and sex == 'm' and marital_status =='m' and have_baby == 'no':
elif age>=45 and sex == 'm' and marital_status == 'm' and have_baby == 'no':
elif age>15 and sex == 'm' and marital_status == 'm' and have_baby == 'yes':
elif sex == 'm' and divorce == 'yes' and have_baby == 'yes':
elif sex == 'm' and divorce == 'yes' and have_baby == 'no':
elif age<18 and age>5 and sex == 'f' and marital_status == 's' :
Sum_list = 0
for i in range(len(feature_list)):
Sum_list = feature_list[i]+Sum_list
Avrage = Sum_list/(len(feature_list)*10)
print('The person ',Avrage*100,'% is tending to become smoker.')
if Avrage>=0.6:
print('The person is so smoker .')
fw.write('The person is so smoker \n')
if Avrage>=0.45 and Avrage<0.6:
print('The person smokes usually. ')
fw.write('The person smokes usually \n')
if Avrage>=0.3 and Avrage<0.45:
print('The person uses sigaret somtimes but he is not Smoker . ')
fw.write('The person uses sigaret somtimes but he is not Smoker \n')
if Avrage>=0.25 and Avrage<0.3:
print('The person is not Smoker but probsble has been tested that. ')
fw.write('The person is not Smoker but probsble has been tested that \n')
if Avrage<0.25:
print('the person is not Smoker :')
fw.write('the person is not Smoker :\n')
fw.write('please type your comment here about the test and please send the txt file in this adress to improve the program : \n')
fw.write('programmer Ahmadali.Jamali \n')
print('thanks for your comment and your intresting your result is in your destup and . wish the best.programmer :Ahmadali.jamali \n ')
#End of the Program
#programmer : Ahmadali.Jamali
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