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Created March 15, 2013 14:51
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Eulerian Video Magnification
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cv
import os
import sys
from skimage import io
from skimage.transform import pyramid_expand
from skimage import img_as_ubyte
import numpy as np
from yiq import yiq2rgb, rgb2yiq
# we need to hack the skimage version of pyramid laplacian to
# * bail out when it can't maintain its upscale factor constantly
# * return Ln = gn
def pyramid_laplacian(image, max_layer=-1, downscale=2, sigma=None, order=1,
mode='reflect', cval=0):
"""Yield images of the laplacian pyramid formed by the input image.
Each layer contains the difference between the downsampled and the
downsampled, smoothed image::
layer = resize(prev_layer) - smooth(resize(prev_layer))
Note that the first image of the pyramid will be the difference between the
original, unscaled image and its smoothed version. The total number of
images is `max_layer + 1`. In case all layers are computed, the last image
is either a one-pixel image or the image where the reduction does not
change its shape.
image : array
Input image.
max_layer : int
Number of layers for the pyramid. 0th layer is the original image.
Default is -1 which builds all possible layers.
downscale : float, optional
Downscale factor.
sigma : float, optional
Sigma for gaussian filter. Default is `2 * downscale / 6.0` which
corresponds to a filter mask twice the size of the scale factor that
covers more than 99% of the gaussian distribution.
order : int, optional
Order of splines used in interpolation of downsampling. See
`scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` for detail.
mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional
The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled, where
cval is the value when mode is equal to 'constant'.
cval : float, optional
Value to fill past edges of input if mode is 'constant'.
pyramid : generator
Generator yielding pyramid layers as float images.
.. [1]
.. [2]
from skimage.transform.pyramids import _smooth,_check_factor, img_as_float, resize
import math
# cast to float for consistent data type in pyramid
image = img_as_float(image)
if sigma is None:
# automatically determine sigma which covers > 99% of distribution
sigma = 2 * downscale / 6.0
layer = 0
rows = image.shape[0]
cols = image.shape[1]
smoothed_image = _smooth(image, sigma, mode, cval)
yield image - smoothed_image
# build downsampled images until max_layer is reached or downscale process
# does not change image size
while layer != max_layer:
layer += 1
out_rows = math.ceil(rows / float(downscale))
out_cols = math.ceil(cols / float(downscale))
if (out_rows/float(rows) != out_cols/float(cols) and
out_rows/float(rows) != 1):
yield smoothed_image
resized_image = resize(smoothed_image, (out_rows, out_cols),
order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval)
smoothed_image = _smooth(resized_image, sigma, mode, cval)
prev_rows = rows
prev_cols = cols
rows = resized_image.shape[0]
cols = resized_image.shape[1]
# no change to previous pyramid layer
if prev_rows == rows and prev_cols == cols:
yield resized_image - smoothed_image
def generatePyramidSet(frameSet, frameCount):
zeroFrame = frameSet[0]
laplacian_gen = pyramid_laplacian(zeroFrame)
pyramidSet = []
levelCount = 0
for l in laplacian_gen:
levelCount = levelCount + 1
pyramidSet.append(np.empty(l.shape + (frameCount,),
print "generating Laplacian pyramids"
for frameNumber in xrange(frameCount):
print frameNumber, '/', frameCount
frame = frameSet[frameNumber]
laplacian_gen = pyramid_laplacian(frame)
level = 0
for l in laplacian_gen:
pyramidSet[level][:,:,:,frameNumber] = l
level = level + 1
return pyramidSet
def filterAndAmplify(frameRate, pyramidSet):
# courtesy
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter
from scipy.signal import freqz
def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=3):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
return b, a
order = 3
fs = frameRate
# consider 30 to 180 bpm
# 0.5 to 3Hz
lowcut = 0.5
highcut = 3
# consider 50 to 60 bpm
# for each level of the pyramid, and for each coordinate, filter the signal
levelCount = len(pyramidSet)
for level in xrange(4,levelCount-1):
pSet = pyramidSet[level]
b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=3)
for x in xrange(pSet.shape[0]):
print level, levelCount, x, pSet.shape[0]
for y in xrange(pSet.shape[1]):
for z in xrange(pSet.shape[2]):
p_filtered = lfilter(b, a, pSet[x,y,z,:])
pSet[x,y,z,:] = pSet[x,y,z,:] + ALPHA*p_filtered
def saveVideo(frameRate, frameCount, frameSet, pyramidSet):
print "reconstructing video"
zeroFrame = frameSet[0]
levelCount = len(pyramidSet)
for frameNumber in xrange(frameCount):
print frameNumber
# g[-2] = g[-2] + g[-1]
pyramidSet[-2][:,:,:,frameNumber] = pyramidSet[-2][:,:,:,frameNumber] + \
for i in xrange(levelCount-3, -1, -1):
upscale = pyramidSet[i].shape[0]/float(pyramidSet[i+1].shape[0])
pyramidSet[i][:,:,:,frameNumber] = pyramidSet[i][:,:,:,frameNumber] + \
pyramid_expand(pyramidSet[i+1][:,:,:,frameNumber], upscale=upscale)
frame = pyramidSet[0][:,:,:,frameNumber]
clippedFrame = frame.clip(0,1)
io.imsave('out_frames/amplify_%4.4d.png' % frameNumber, clippedFrame)
file = 'capture.avi'
v = io.Video(file)
frameSet = v.get_collection()
frameCount = min(len(frameSet), MAX_FRAMES)
videoTimeMS = v.duration()
frameRate = float(len(frameSet))/videoTimeMS*1000
if __name__ == "__main__":
pyramidSet = generatePyramidSet(frameSet, frameCount)
print "applying ideal bandpass filters"
filterAndAmplify(frameRate, pyramidSet)
saveVideo(frameRate, frameCount, frameSet, pyramidSet)
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