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Created April 14, 2013 09:17
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Randy LeVeque's proposed refactor
! Sample rp2 module for an application where the material parameters
! are piecewise constant, with one set of values for x < xdiscont
! and another set for x > xdiscont.
! Rather than storing values in aux arrays, the rpaux derived type
! could be modified to contain x values a the cell centers.
! rpt2 not yet written and this hasn't been tried, so may be bugs!
module rp2_pwconst_acoustics_module
! Module must contain:
! expected values of meqn and mwaves
! definition of derived type rpaux_type
! subroutines rpn2 and rpt2
! use rpaux_type_default_module ! Could be used for most problems.
! Then would not need to define here.
integer, parameter :: meqn=2, mwaves=2
! Sound speed and impedance of medium: (c1,z1) for x < xdiscont
! and (c2,z2) for x > xdiscont
! These could be set in setprob.f90 via a
! use rp2_pwconst_acoustics_module"
real(kind=8) :: c1,z1,c2,z2,xdiscont
type rpaux_type
! Derived data type for other data to be passed into Riemann solver.
! Default version would have only the fields time and dx_normal:
real(kind=8) :: time, dx_normal
! dx_normal is cell width in direction normal to interfaces
! (i.e. dx_normal=dx if ixy==1 or dx_normal=dy if ixy==2)
! For this example...
! Extended for a problem where x and/or y needed in each cell:
real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xnormal_l, xnormal_r, &
xtransverse_l, xtransverse_r
! (xnormal,xtransverse) = (x,y) if ixy==1 or (y,x) if ixy==2.
! At cell centers of cells where ql and qr are defined.
! Note: the routines step2.f and qad.f would have to be modified
! to set these arrays appropriately before each call to rpn2, rpt2.
end type
! =====================================================
subroutine rpn2(ixy,mbc,mx,maux,ql,qr, &
! =====================================================
! Riemann solver for the acoustics equations in 2d,
! with piecewise constant coefficients that are computed
! using data in rpaux rather than stored in aux arrays.
! Note that rpaux%time and rpaux%dx_normal are also available.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ixy,mbc,mx,maux
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: ql(meqn, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: qr(meqn, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: auxl(maux, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: auxr(maux, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
type(rpaux_type), target, intent(in) :: rpaux
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: wave(meqn, mwaves, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: s(mwaves, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: apdq(meqn, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: amdq(meqn, 1-mbc:mx+mbc)
! local variables
! ---------------
integer :: mu,mv,i,m
real(kind=8) :: a1,a2,zim,zi,cim,ci,delta(3)
real(kind=8), allocatable :: xl(:),xr(:)
allocate(xl(1-mbc:mx+mbc), xr(1-mbc:mx+mbc))
! or could use pointers rather than local arrays and copying!
! # set mu to point to the component of the system that corresponds
! # to velocity in the direction of this slice, mv to the orthogonal
! # velocity:
if (ixy == 1) then
mu = 2
mv = 3
mu = 3
mv = 2
! Set xl, xr to the x-coordinate of the cells holding ql, qr:
if (ixy==1) then
xl = rpaux%xnormal_l
xr = rpaux%xnormal_r
xl = rpaux%xtransverse_l
xr = rpaux%xtransverse_r
! # split the jump in q at each interface into waves
do i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc
! Set cc and zz based on location in domain:
if (xr(i-1) < xdiscont) then
zim = z1
cim = c1
zim = z2
cim = c2
if (xl(i) < xdiscont) then
zi = z1
ci = c1
zi = z2
ci = c2
! # find a1 and a2, the coefficients of the 2 eigenvectors:
delta(1) = ql(1,i) - qr(1,i-1)
delta(2) = ql(mu,i) - qr(mu,i-1)
a1 = (-delta(1) + zi*delta(2)) / (zim + zi)
a2 = (delta(1) + zim*delta(2)) / (zim + zi)
! # Compute the waves:
wave(1,1,i) = -a1*zim
wave(mu,1,i) = a1
wave(mv,1,i) = 0.d0
s(1,i) = -cim
wave(1,2,i) = a2*zi
wave(mu,2,i) = a2
wave(mv,2,i) = 0.d0
s(2,i) = ci
! # compute the leftgoing and rightgoing flux differences:
! # Note s(i,1) < 0 and s(i,2) > 0.
forall (m=1:meqn, i=2-mbc: mx+mbc)
amdq(m,i) = s(1,i)*wave(m,1,i)
apdq(m,i) = s(2,i)*wave(m,2,i)
end forall
end subroutine rpn2
! =====================================================
subroutine rpt2(ixy,imp,mbc,maux,mx,ql,qr,aux1, &
! =====================================================
! Riemann solver in the transverse direction for the acoustics equations.
! # Need to add!
end subroutine rpt2
end module rp2_pwconst_acoustics_module
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