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Created October 21, 2022 08:16
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from fpdf import FPDF
for hero_num in range(len(self.all_interviews_results)):
pdf = FPDF() # Creates a new PDF File for each hero
pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", 16) # sets font for title
pdf.cell(0,0,txt=f"Interview of {list(interviews_details.values())[hero_num]}", ln=1, align="C") # Adds the Title to the PDF, title is the name of the hero.
pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) # Font for other text
for line in range(len(self.all_interviews_results[hero_num]["segments"])):
pdf.cell(200, 10,txt =self.all_interviews_results[hero_num]["segments"][line]["text"], ln=1,) # Adds each seperate line to PDF
pdf.output(f"{list(interviews_details.values())[hero_num]}.pdf") # Store the PDF with the name
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