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Created October 24, 2015 21:59
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#include <random.h>
#include <object.h>
#include <route.h>
#include <packet.h>
#include <cmu-trace.h>
#include "zrp.h"
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(snprintf)
#define snprintf _snprintf
#endif /* WIN32 && !snprintf */
// Nominal settings for some parameters:
//- beacon frequency: 5 seconds
//- ack timeout: 2 seconds
//- neighbor timeout: 15 seconds
//- jitter (and where should I apply it): uniformly distributed 0-2 sec;
// should be applied to the beacon transmission
// main defaults
#define TIME_FACTOR 1
#define DEFAULT_BEACON_PERIOD 5*TIME_FACTOR // period of beacon transmission in sec
#define DEFAULT_NEIGHBOR_TIMEOUT 15 //seconds
#define DEFAULT_NEIGHBORTABLE_SCAN_PERIOD 11*TIME_FACTOR // scan table every n sec
#define DEFAULT_IARP_UPDATE_PERIOD 22*TIME_FACTOR // time between periodic update in sec
#define SUSPEND_FLAG FALSE // all in/outgoing packets are dropped if TRUE
#define MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH 1000
#define IERP_TTL 40
#define MAX_LINKIE 10
#define MAX_OUTBOUND_PENDING 20 // max queue for pkts waiting for ierp requests
#define MAX_DETECTED_QUERIES 20 // max queries that can be detected
#define IERP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 5 // secs before timeout on an ierp request
#define OUTER_ROUTE_EXPIRATION 20 // secs that a cached route will last
#define HDR_BEACON_LEN 20 // bytes
// zone radius related defines in rtable.h
// scan ierp cache every n number of beacon timeout cycles
#define ROUTER_PORT 0xff
#define FOUND 1
#define LOST 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
// ZRP:
// Returns a random number between 0 and max, used for jitter
static inline double
jitter (double max, int be_random_) {
return (be_random_ ? Random::uniform(max) : 0);
// ZRP:
// prints to STDOUT Route table and Peripheral list
void ZRPAgent::print_routes()
rtable_node *j;
int i;
printf("Routes ");
for (i=1; rtable.route[i] != NULL ; i++) {
for (j=rtable.route[i]; j!=NULL; j=j->next_ ) {
printf("%d ",(int)j->id_,j->numhops_);
printf("] ");
if (rtable.route[1] == NULL) {
printf("empty ");
for (j=rtable.periphnodes_; j!=NULL; j=j->next_) {
printf("%d ",(int)j->id_);
// Prints list of neighbors, list of link states, route and peripheral tables
void ZRPAgent::print_tables()
int flag = TRUE;
printf("! Neighbor Table: ");
for (neighbor_struct* np=neighbors_;
np != NULL; np=np->next_ ){
printf("%d ",np->addr_);
flag = FALSE;
if (flag) {
printf("empty ");
printf("! ");
printf("! ");
// ZRP:
// A supporting function used in finding the ZRP header in a packet
// You will most likely not use this directly, used by TCL
int hdr_zrp::offset_;
static class ZRPHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
ZRPHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/ZRP",
sizeof(hdr_zrp)) {
} class_zrp_hdr;
// ZRP:
// A binding between ZRP and TCL, you will most likely not change this
static class ZRPClass : public TclClass {
ZRPClass() : TclClass("Agent/ZRP") {}
TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
return(new ZRPAgent((nsaddr_t) atoi(argv[4])));
// Tcl code will attach me and then pass in addr to me
// see tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl, under create-zrp-agent,
// is done by "set ragent [new Agent/ZRP [$node id]]"
} class_zrp;
// ZRP:
// Default Constructor, not really used
// The Tcl script should call the other Main constructor
ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent() : Agent(PT_TCP), NeighborScanTimer_(this),
BeaconTransmitTimer_(this),suspend_flag_(0) ,
PeriodicUpdateTimer_(this), AckTimer_(this),
myaddr_(0), myid_('\0'), seq_(1), qid_(1),
// Prashant's Theory on how this works (could be wrong):
// initialize my address, both int and string forms.
// this constructor normally isn't called
// if you decide to use it, my address has to be obtained from
// some parent Tcl script, ie in my case
// command("addr id")
// normally, the other constructor is usually what is called
myaddr_= this->addr(); // This might not give anything useful back,
// I do not know my own address, my node does, have to wait for Tcl
// to connect us and give my my id
myid_ = Address::instance().print_nodeaddr(myaddr_);
bind("radius_", (int*)&radius_);
// ZRP:
// Main Constructor for ZRP Agent
ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent(nsaddr_t id):Agent(PT_TCP), NeighborScanTimer_(this),
BeaconTransmitTimer_(this), AckTimer_(this),
num_neighbors_(0), suspend_flag_(0) ,
PeriodicUpdateTimer_(this), rtable(this),
myaddr_(id), myid_('\0'), seq_(1),qid_(1),
// initialize my address, both int and string forms
// my node knows its id, but I (ragent) didn't until now (I think?)
myid_ = Address::instance().print_nodeaddr(myaddr_);
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
tx_=0; // initialize counter for transmitted packets
rx_=0; // initialize counter for received packets
// inits for tables
// These are so the table classes know each other and their own IP address
rtable.my_address_ = id;
lstable.my_address_ = id;
rtable.linkstatetable = &lstable;
// Sequence counter starts at one
seq_ = 1;
// This ZRPAgent was just created.
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d was created. ", myaddr_, (float)now,
// ZRP:
// Here are bindings for parameters you can tweak from TCL.
// The first set take no arguments.
// The second set take one argument.
ZRPAgent::command (int argc, const char *const *argv) {
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
// First set
if (argc == 2) { // No argument from TCL
if (strcmp (argv[1], "start") == 0) { // Init ZRP Agent
return (TCL_OK);
else if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "ll-queue") == 0) { // who is my ll
if (!(ll_queue = (PriQueue *) TclObject::lookup (argv[2]))) {
fprintf (stderr, "ZRP_Agent: ll-queue lookup "
"of %s failed\n", argv[2]);
return TCL_ERROR;
return TCL_OK;
} else if (strcmp (argv[1], "suspend") == 0) { // turns off receipt of pkts
suspend_flag_ = TRUE;
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d suspended. ",
myaddr_,now, myaddr_);
return (TCL_OK);
} else if (strcmp (argv[1], "unsuspend") == 0) { // turns it back on
suspend_flag_ = FALSE;
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d un-suspended. ",
myaddr_,now, myaddr_);
return (TCL_OK);
// Second set
} // if argc == 2
else if (argc == 3) { // One argument from TCL
if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "radius") == 0) {
// change the radius, takes (int) num hops
int temp;
temp = atoi(argv[2]);
if (temp > 0) { // don't change radius unless input is valid value
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Radius change from %d to %d ",myaddr_,now,
radius_, temp);
radius_ = temp;
return TCL_OK;
// change beacon period, takes (int) number of secs
if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "beacon_period") == 0) {
int temp;
temp = atoi(argv[2]);
if (temp > 0) { // don't change unless input is valid value
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Beacon period change from %d to %d ",
myaddr_,now, beacon_period_, temp);
beacon_period_ = temp;
return TCL_OK;
// change beacon period jitter, takes (int) number of secs
if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "beacon_period_jitter") == 0) {
int temp;
temp = atoi(argv[2]);
if (temp > 0) { // don't change unless input is valid value
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Beacon period jitter change from %d to %d ",
myaddr_,now, beacon_period_jitter_, temp);
beacon_period_jitter_ = temp;
return TCL_OK;
// change neighbor timeout, takes (int) number of secs
if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "neighbor_timeout") == 0) {
int temp;
temp = atoi(argv[2]);
if (temp > 0) { // don't change unless input is valid value
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Neighbor timeout change from %d to %d ",
myaddr_,now, neighbor_timeout_, temp);
neighbor_timeout_ = temp;
return TCL_OK;
// change neighbor ack timeout, takes (int) number of secs
if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "neighbor_ack_timeout") == 0) {
int temp;
temp = atoi(argv[2]);
if (temp > 0) { // don't change unless input is valid value
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Neighbor timeout change from %d to %d ",
myaddr_,now, neighbor_ack_timeout_, temp);
neighbor_ack_timeout_ = temp;
return TCL_OK;
// resets myid_ to correct address
if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "addr") == 0) {
char str;
myaddr_ = Address::instance().str2addr(argv[2]);
delete myid_; // remove old string @ myid_, avoid memory leak
myid_ = Address::instance().print_nodeaddr(myaddr_);
return TCL_OK;
// Error if we cannot find TclObject
TclObject *obj;
if ((obj = TclObject::lookup (argv[2])) == 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s lookup of %s failed\n", __FILE__, argv[1],
return TCL_ERROR;
// Returns pointer to a trace target
if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "tracetarget") == 0) {
tracetarget = (Trace *) obj;
return TCL_OK;
// Returns pointer to our node
else if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "node") == 0) {
node_ = (MobileNode*) obj;
return TCL_OK;
// Returns pointer to port-demux
else if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "port-dmux") == 0) {
port_dmux_ = (NsObject *) obj;
return TCL_OK;
} // if argc == 3
return (Agent::command (argc, argv));
// ZRP:
// This is run only when ns-lib.tcl does a "start", see first if-statement
// under command() which calls this
ZRPAgent::startup() {
// give to rtable the pointer to lstable, a form of call-back
rtable.linkstatetable = &lstable;
// pgi - blank all tables
for (int i=0; (i< MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE); i++)
rtable.route[i] = NULL;
rtable.agent_ = this;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_QUERY_DETECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
queries_[i] = NULL;
// Start timers
// The timers start at slightly different times. You can also just remove
// the "start ragent" under create-zrp-agent in ns-lib.tcl
// and start agents manually in your simulation Tcl script
// don't forget do a make depend for any changes to tcl/lib/*
double ttt;
ttt = Random::uniform(startup_jitter_);
ttt = Random::uniform(startup_jitter_);
ttt = Random::uniform(startup_jitter_);
// erase ierp route cache
for (int i=0; i<MAX_IERP_CACHE; i++) {
ierpcache[i] = NULL;
// Erase Outer route list
for (int i=0; i<MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1; i++)
rtable.route[i] = NULL;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1; i++)
rtable.outer_route[i] = NULL;
// init route table to know its own address
// P a c k e t Ro u t i n e s
// Packet routines:
// Creates a fresh new packet and initializes as much as it knows how.
Packet* ZRPAgent::pkt_create(ZRPTYPE zrp_type, nsaddr_t addressee, int ttl)
Scheduler & s = Scheduler::instance(); // Useful to send (Schedule) packets
Packet *p = allocpkt(); // fresh new packet
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
hdrc->ptype() = PT_ZRP; // ZRP pkt type
hdrc->next_hop() = addressee;
hdrc->addr_type_ = NS_AF_NONE;
hdrc->size() = IP_HDR_LEN ; // set default packet size
hdrip->ttl() = ttl;
hdrip->saddr() = myaddr_; // source address
hdrip->sport() = ROUTER_PORT; // source port
hdrip->daddr() = addressee; // dest address
hdrip->dport() = ROUTER_PORT; // dest port
hdrz->zrptype_ = zrp_type; // which zrp pkt am I?
hdrz->numentries_ = 0; // no entries in data space
hdrz->seq_ = seq_; // copy from gobal sequence counter
hdrz->forwarded_ = 0; // have not been forwarded before
hdrz->originator_ = myaddr_; // I am originator, this is used by NDP/IARP
hdrz->routeindex_=0; // where in the route list am I sending ?
// init to first hop
// thought I needed this?! but I don't
// Looks like free() does take care of an already freed space ok, but I leave
// this here in case your compiler acts differently
//hdrz->route_ = (nsaddr_t *)malloc(sizeof(nsaddr_t));
//hdrz->links_ = (linkie *)malloc(sizeof(linkie));
inc_seq(); // increments global sequence counter
// Packet Routines:
// Dynamically allocates memory for route data in a packet
// given size is number of nodes in route list
void ZRPAgent::pkt_create_route_data_space(Packet *p, int size) {
// size is in number of nsaddr_t
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
free(hdrz->route_); // clear out if there is data already
hdrz->route_ = (nsaddr_t *)malloc(size*sizeof(nsaddr_t) ) ;
// Packet Routines:
// Frees allocated memory for route data in a packet
void ZRPAgent::pkt_free_route_data_space(Packet *p) {
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// Packet Routines:
// Dynamically allocates memory for link state data
// in a packet, given size is number of links
void ZRPAgent::pkt_create_link_data_space(Packet *p, int size) {
// size is in number of linkie
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
free(hdrz->links_); // clear out if there is data already
hdrz->links_ = (linkie *)malloc(size*sizeof(linkie) ) ;
// Packet Routines:
// Frees allocated memory for link state data in a packet
void ZRPAgent::pkt_free_link_data_space(Packet *p) {
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// Packet Routines:
// Copy an entire packet to another.
void ZRPAgent::pkt_copy(Packet *pfrom, Packet *pto) {
hdr_cmn *hdrcfrom = HDR_CMN(pfrom);
hdr_ip *hdripfrom = HDR_IP(pfrom);
hdr_zrp *hdrzfrom = HDR_ZRP(pfrom);
hdr_cmn *hdrcto = HDR_CMN(pto);
hdr_ip *hdripto = HDR_IP(pto);
hdr_zrp *hdrzto = HDR_ZRP(pto);
int size;
nsaddr_t *ptrto;
nsaddr_t *ptrfrom;
size = hdrzfrom->numentries_; //
hdrcto->direction() = hdrcfrom->direction();
hdrcto->ptype() = hdrcfrom->ptype();
hdrcto->next_hop() = hdrcfrom->next_hop();
hdrcto->addr_type_ = hdrcfrom->addr_type_;
hdrcto->size() = hdrcfrom->size() ;
hdripto->ttl() = hdripfrom->ttl();
hdripto->saddr() = hdripfrom->saddr();
hdripto->sport() = hdripfrom->sport();
hdripto->daddr() = hdripfrom->daddr();
hdripto->dport() = hdripfrom->dport();
hdrzto->zrptype_ = hdrzfrom->zrptype_;
hdrzto->seq_ = hdrzfrom->seq_;
hdrzto->numentries_ = hdrzfrom->numentries_;
hdrzto->originator_ = hdrzfrom->originator_;
hdrzto->ierpsource_ = hdrzfrom->ierpsource_;
hdrzto->ierpdest_ = hdrzfrom->ierpdest_;
hdrzto->iarpsource_ = hdrzfrom->iarpsource_;
hdrzto->iarpdest_ = hdrzfrom->iarpdest_ ;
hdrzto->lastbordercaster_ = hdrzfrom->lastbordercaster_;
hdrzto->pktsent_ = hdrzfrom->pktsent_;
hdrzto->enc_dport_ = hdrzfrom->enc_dport_;
hdrzto->enc_daddr_ = hdrzfrom->enc_daddr_;
hdrzto->enc_ptype_ = hdrzfrom->enc_ptype_;
hdrzto->qid_ = hdrzfrom->qid_;
hdrzto->forwarded_ = hdrzfrom->forwarded_;
hdrzto->routeindex_ = hdrzfrom->routeindex_;
ptrto = hdrzto->route_;
ptrfrom = hdrzfrom->route_;
// copy route entries
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
ptrto[i] = ptrfrom[i];
// we don't need to copy link data, but if you need to,
// place code here
// Packet routines:
// Adds a link state entry to a packet data space
void ZRPAgent::pkt_add_link(Packet* p, nsaddr_t lnksrc, nsaddr_t lnkdest,
int isup) {
linkie* ls;
neighbor_struct* ns;
int numentries;
int* seq_stamp;
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// current number of entries in our data space
numentries = hdrz->numentries_;
// this assumes space has ALREADY been allocated
// pointer to head of link state entries
ls = hdrz->links_;
// add at end of entry list
ls[numentries].src_ = lnksrc;
ls[numentries].dest_ = lnkdest;
ls[numentries].isup_ = isup;
hdrz->numentries_++; // we just added one
// Packet routines:
// Add all neighbors link states to this packet p
void ZRPAgent::pkt_add_all_links(Packet* p) {
int* num_entries;
linkie* ls;
int neighbor_cnt;
int seq_stamp;
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
neighbor_struct* ns;
// ptr to data area of pkt
ls = hdrz->links_;
// place link states consecutively into space
neighbor_cnt = 0;
for (ns=neighbors_; ns != NULL; ns=ns->next_) {
ls[neighbor_cnt].src_ = myaddr_;
ls[neighbor_cnt].dest_ = ns->addr_;
ls[neighbor_cnt].isup_ = TRUE; // all on my neighbors are "up"
hdrz->numentries_ = neighbor_cnt; // will be zero if no neighbors
// Packet routines:
// Send packet, ie schedule it for sometime in future to target_ of ZRP
// which is handled by LL. This is unicast only to "addressee"
void ZRPAgent::pkt_send(Packet* p, nsaddr_t addressee)
Scheduler & s = Scheduler::instance(); // Useful to send (Schedule) packets
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// if this node is suspended, drop the packet
if (suspend_flag_ == TRUE) {
zdrop(p, DROP_RTR_IARP);
// set next hop and dest to addressee
hdrc->next_hop() = addressee;
hdrip->daddr() = addressee;
// transmit, no delay
s.schedule(target_, p, 0);
tx_++; // increment pkt transmitted counter
// Packet routines:
// Loads link update information indexed by "index" from pkt data
// into link struct
void ZRPAgent::pkt_read_update(Packet* p, link_struct *ls, int index ) {
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
linkie* ptr;
link_struct* lnew;
ptr = hdrz->links_; // ptr to data area of pkt
ls->src_ = ptr[index].src_ ;
ls->dest_ = ptr[index].dest_ ;
ls->isup_ = ptr[index].isup_ ;
// Packet routines:
// Broadcast packet to all neighbors
void ZRPAgent::pkt_broadcast(Packet* p) {
Scheduler & s = Scheduler::instance(); // Useful to send (Schedule) packets
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// if this node is suspended, drop the packet
if (suspend_flag_ == TRUE) {
zdrop(p, DROP_RTR_IARP);
hdrc->next_hop() = IP_BROADCAST;
hdrip->daddr() = IP_BROADCAST;
// transmit with jitter
s.schedule(target_, p, Random::uniform(transmit_jitter_) );
// Packet routines:
// Add entry (indexed by "entry") for "node" to route list in packet
// The caller HAS to update hdrz->numentries_ .
void ZRPAgent::pkt_add_node(Packet* p, nsaddr_t node, int entry)
int num_entries;
nsaddr_t *ptr;
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
hdrz->route_[entry] = node;
// Packet routines:
// returns the address of the next hop on the route list of a packet
// If error, returns the first node on list
nsaddr_t ZRPAgent::find_next_hop(Packet* p)
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
nsaddr_t *ptr;
nsaddr_t junk;
int junkie ;
int i;
junkie = hdrz->numentries_;
if (hdrz->numentries_ > 0) {
ptr = hdrz->route_;
for (int i = 0; i<hdrz->numentries_-1; i++) {
if (ptr[i] == myaddr_) {
junk = ptr[i+1];
} else {
// default, just return the node first on list
// ie no next hop
// Packet routines:
// Sends packet to next hop on the route list of a packet
void ZRPAgent::send_next_hop(Packet *p) {
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
int i;
// Packet routines:
// Sends packet to previous hop on the route list of a packet
void ZRPAgent::send_prev_hop(Packet *p) {
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
int i;
// Packet routines:
// Returns the address of the previous hop on the route list of a packet.
// If error, returns the current node's address
nsaddr_t ZRPAgent::find_prev_hop(Packet* p) {
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
nsaddr_t *ptr;
int i;
if (hdrz->numentries_ < 2)
return(myaddr_); // need more than 1 entry
ptr = hdrz->route_;
for (int i = 1; i<hdrz->numentries_; i++) {
if (ptr[i] == myaddr_) {
return(myaddr_); // ie no prev hop
// Packet routines:
// Wrapper for drop().
// Drops packet after properly free dynamic memory allocation.
void ZRPAgent::zdrop(Packet *p, const char *s) {
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
if (hdrz->links_ != NULL)
free((void *)hdrz->links_); // extra: free links_ data
if (hdrz->route_ != NULL)
free((void *)hdrz->route_); // extra: free route_ data
// Packet routines:
// Adds an outer route to destination "daddr" to a route list in a packet
int ZRPAgent::add_outer_route(Packet* p, nsaddr_t daddr) {
nsaddr_t tmp[100];
int flag = FALSE;
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
int cntr = 0;
int gg;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE && !flag ; i++) {
if (rtable.outer_route[i] != NULL && rtable.outer_route[i]->id_ == daddr) {
// found outer route
flag = TRUE;
printf("| Added outer route ");
// by definition: numhops+1 = numentries
gg = rtable.outer_route[i]->numhops_+1 ;
pkt_create_route_data_space(p, gg);
nsaddr_t *zroute = hdrz->route_;
for (rtable_node *ptr=rtable.outer_route[i]->next_; ptr != NULL;
ptr=ptr->next_) {
zroute[cntr] = ptr->id_;
printf("%d[%d] ",cntr,zroute[cntr]);
} // end for ptr
hdrz->numentries_ = cntr;
} // end if
} // end for i
// Timers: NeighborScanTimer
// Starts NeighborScanTimer, called by startup(), delayed by thistime
// Protocols: NDP
void ZRPNeighborScanTimer::start(double thistime) {
Scheduler::instance().schedule(this, &intr, thistime );
// Timers: ZRPBeaconTransmitTimer
// Starts BeaconTransmitTimer, called by startup(), delayed by this time
void ZRPBeaconTransmitTimer::start(double thistime) {
Scheduler::instance().schedule(this, &intr, thistime );
// Timers: PeriodicUpdateTimer
// Starts PeriodicUpdateTimer, called by startup(), delayed by thistime
// Protocols: IARP
void ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer::start(double thistime) {
Scheduler::instance().schedule(this, &intr, thistime );
// Timers: BeaconTransmitTimer
// Triggered when it is time to Transmit a Beacon
void ZRPBeaconTransmitTimer::handle(Event* e) {
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
char* address;
Packet* p;
hdr_zrp *hdrz;
// Note: we need to specify agent-> to access ZRPAgent methods
// for all timer classes
// transmit beacon
p = agent->pkt_create(NDP_BEACON, IP_BROADCAST, 1); // last arg is TTL
hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p); // access ZRP part of pkt header
hdrz->originator_ = agent->myaddr_; // I am originator of pkt
agent->pkt_broadcast(p); // broadcast pkt
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d sent a beacon (seq no. %d). "
"| Node %d started an ack-timer to expire at %6.6f sec. ",
agent->myaddr_, now, agent->myaddr_, hdrz->seq_,
agent->myaddr_, (float)now + agent->neighbor_ack_timeout_);
printf("| radius is %d ",agent->radius_);
agent->AckTimer_.start(); // start ack timer for the beacon sent
// check outer route requests for expirations
// check ierp cache for expirations
// check query detect for expirations
// check linkstate expiries, mark for purging later
// schedule next scan in BEACON_PERIOD+jitter() sec
Scheduler::instance().schedule(this, &intr, agent->beacon_period_ +
// Timers: Scanning Query Detect Table
// Scan query detect table, delete expired entries.
void ZRPAgent::scan_linkstate_table() {
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
link_struct *ls;
// loop through whole link state table
for (ls=lstable.lshead_ ; ls != NULL; ls=ls->next_) {
if (ls->expiry_ < now) // if past expiration stamp
ls->isup_ = FALSE; // mark for purging later
// Timers: Scanning Query Detect Table
// Scan query detect table, delete expired entries.
void ZRPAgent::scan_query_detections() {
QueryDetectEntry *entr;
int i;
rtable_node *tmp;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
for (i=0; i<MAX_QUERY_DETECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
// if entry is not NULL and has expired, delete
if ( (queries_[i] != NULL) && (queries_[i]->expiry_ < now) ) {
// delete entire list of covered nodes
for (rtable_node *p=queries_[i]->next_; p!=NULL; ) {
tmp = p;
delete tmp;
// delete entry
delete queries_[i];
queries_[i] = NULL;
} // endif
// IERP:
// Checks all outer routes to see if they have expired, deletes those
// that have. Triggered by timer.
void ZRPAgent::outer_route_expiration() {
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
rtable_node *tmp;
int i;
int flag;
flag = FALSE;
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Checking outer route expirations. ",myaddr_,now);
// Check table
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_OUTER_ROUTES ; i++) {
if (rtable.outer_route[i] != NULL && rtable.outer_route[i]->id_ != -99 &&
rtable.outer_route[i]->expiry_ < now) { // if expired
printf("| Outer route for node %d expired at %6.3f. "
"It has been DELETED . Route = ",
rtable.outer_route[i]->id_, rtable.outer_route[i]->expiry_);
// delete the outer route entry - it is a linked list
for (rtable_node *ptr=rtable.outer_route[i]->next_; ptr!=NULL; ) {
tmp = ptr;
printf("%d ",tmp->id_);
// mark deleted
rtable.outer_route[i]->id_ = -99;
if (!flag)
printf("| None expired.");
// Timers: NeighborScanTimer
// Triggered by alarm for scanning NDP table. If there is a new
// neighbor, update IARP and re-compute route table.
// Protocols: NDP, NDP notifies IARP
void ZRPNeighborScanTimer::handle(Event* e) {
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
neighbor_struct* ns,nstemp;
neighbor_struct* tmp;
Packet* p;
nsaddr_t na;
Time tout;
int flag = FALSE; // have we deleted a neighbor ?
int ls;
int seq_match;
int* seq_stamp, num_entries;
hdr_zrp *hdrz;
// no neighbors yet, nothing to tell IARP
if (agent->neighbors_ == NULL) {
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d neighborscan-timer timed out, "
"but neighbor table is empty. Next scan at %6.6f sec.",
agent->myaddr_, now, agent->myaddr_,
now + agent->neighbortable_scan_period_);
goto EOFF;
// insert a dummy struct at head to make it work
neighbor_struct dummy;
dummy.next_ = agent->neighbors_;
agent->neighbors_ = &dummy;
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d neighborscan-timer timed out. "
"Next scan at %6.6f sec. ",
agent->myaddr_, now, agent->myaddr_,
now + agent->neighbortable_scan_period_);
// drop timed-out neighbors who didn't ack
for (ns=agent->neighbors_; ns->next_ != NULL; ) {
if (ns->next_->expiry_ < now) { // timed out
na = ns->next_->addr_;
tout = ns->next_->expiry_;
printf("| Node %d detected that the entry for Node %d has expired. "
"Expiry was at %6.6f sec. ",
agent->myaddr_, na, tout);
// delete node
neighbor_struct *temp = ns->next_;
ns->next_ = ns->next_->next_;
delete temp;
if (flag == FALSE) { // if first time we detect a timeout in this for-loop
p = agent->pkt_create(IARP_UPDATE, IP_BROADCAST, agent->radius_*2-1);
// allocate area for our update data in packet, we set it to max
// current number of neighbors, but we only will use number of
// neighbors that timed out
hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// NDP TO IARP: update lstable
ls = agent->lstable.update(na,agent->myaddr_,FALSE,0,&seq_match) ;
// Don't care if my table was updated or not, let's
// tell all other nodes regardless
agent->pkt_add_link(p,agent->myaddr_, na, FALSE);
flag=TRUE; //indicates we have at least one drop and subsequent update
} else {
printf("| Node %d detected that the entry for Node %d has not expired. "
"Expiry will be at %6.6f sec.", agent->myaddr_, ns->next_->addr_,
// reset neighbors_ to head of list
agent->neighbors_ = dummy.next_;
if (flag) { // we had at least one update, increment sequence
printf("| Node %d sent update (seq no. %d) about neighbors "
"dropped ( ", agent->myaddr_, hdrz->seq_);
for (int i=0; i<hdrz->numentries_; i++) {
link_struct curr;
agent->pkt_read_update(p, &curr, i);
printf("%d ",curr.dest_);
printf(") due to expiry timeout. ");
// re-schedule timer
Scheduler::instance().schedule(this, &intr, agent->neighbortable_scan_period_);
// Timers: PeriodicUpdateTimer
// Triggered when it is time to do a link update
// Protocols: IARP
void ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer::handle(Event* e) {
Scheduler & s = Scheduler::instance(); // Useful to send (Schedule) packets
Scheduler::instance().schedule(this, &intr, agent->iarp_update_period_ );
// IARP:
// This actually does the work for doing link update,
// re-computes route table. Called by ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer::handle().
void ZRPAgent::do_update() {
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
Packet* p;
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
link_struct templink;
// clean_link_table_of_down_and_expired_links
// re-compute route table
rtable.compute_routes(myaddr_, radius_);
// only send an update if we have neighbors
if (neighbors_ != NULL) {
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d sent periodic update (seq no. %d) "
"containing ( ", myaddr_, (float)now , myaddr_, seq_);
p = pkt_create(IARP_UPDATE, IP_BROADCAST, radius_*2-1);
pkt_create_link_data_space(p,MAX_LINKIE); // make space in packet
pkt_add_all_links(p); // add entire link state table to packet data space
// Print link states in pkt data, redundant but for debug purposes
for (int i=0; i<num_neighbors_; i++) {
pkt_read_update(p, &templink, i);
if (templink.isup_ == TRUE)
printf("%d=%d ",templink.src_,templink.dest_ );
printf("%d#%d ",templink.src_,templink.dest_ );
printf("). ");
pkt_broadcast(p); // broadcast packet
} else {
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d has no neighbors to put in this"
"periodic update.", myaddr_, now, myaddr_);
// Timers: AckTimer
// Schedule timeout at neighbor_ack_timeout_, just sent a Beacon.
// Protocol: NDP
void ZRPAckTimer::start() {
Scheduler::instance().schedule(this, &intr, agent->neighbor_ack_timeout_);
// Timers: AckTimer
// Handle a scheduled timeout neighbor_ack_timeout_ secs since we sent
// original Beacon.
// Remove neighbor if it is in our list. If any were removed, update IARP &
// send an immediate update ("triggered update").
// Protocols: NDP, a call to IARP
void ZRPAckTimer::handle(Event* e) {
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
neighbor_struct* ns,nstemp;
neighbor_struct* tmp;
Packet* p;
nsaddr_t na;
Time tout;
Time lastack;
int flag = FALSE; // have we deleted a neighbor ?
int ls;
int seq_match;
int* seq_stamp, num_entries;
hdr_zrp *hdrz;
// no neighbors yet, nothing to tell IARP
if (agent->neighbors_ == NULL) {
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d ack-timer timed out, but neighbor"
"table is empty. ", agent->myaddr_, now, agent->myaddr_);
// insert a dummy struct at head
neighbor_struct dummy;
dummy.next_ = agent->neighbors_;
agent->neighbors_ = &dummy;
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d ack-timer timed out. ",
agent->myaddr_, now, agent->myaddr_);
// drop timed-out neighbors who didn't ack
for (ns=agent->neighbors_; ns->next_ != NULL; ) {
if ( (now - ns->next_->lastack_) > agent->neighbor_ack_timeout_ ) {
printf("| Node %d did not receive ack from Node %d before timeout. "
"Lastack expiry was at %6.6f sec. ",
agent->myaddr_, ns->next_->addr_,
ns->next_->lastack_+ agent->neighbor_ack_timeout_);
na = ns->next_->addr_;
tout = ns->next_->expiry_;
lastack = ns->next_->lastack_;
// delete node
neighbor_struct *temp = ns->next_;
ns->next_ = ns->next_->next_;
delete temp;
// total number of neighbors
agent->num_neighbors_ --;
if (flag == FALSE) { // if occurring for first time
p = agent->pkt_create(IARP_UPDATE, IP_BROADCAST, agent->radius_*2-1);
// allocate area for our update data in packet, we set it to max
// current number of neighbors, but we only will use number of
// neighbors that timed out
hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// NDP TO IARP: update lstable
ls = agent->lstable.update(na,agent->myaddr_,FALSE,0,&seq_match) ;
// if (ls) { Don't care if my table was updated or not, let's
// tell all other nodes regardless
agent->pkt_add_link(p,agent->myaddr_, na, FALSE);
flag=TRUE; //indicates we have at least one drop and subsequent update
// }
} else {
printf("| Node %d received ack from Node %d before time-out. "
"Lastack expiry was at %6.6f sec.", agent->myaddr_, ns->next_->addr_,
ns->next_->lastack_ + agent->neighbor_ack_timeout_);
/// ns->next_->lastack_ = now; // update neighbor lastack WRONG
// the acktimer and the neighborscantimer routines DO NOT
// alter the last/expiry field of the neighbor
// they only read it, and decide to delete the neighbor from the
// table or not
// reset neighbors_ to head of list, see hack above
// FUTURE can do this a different way without changing neighbors_
// in for loop, say ns=&dummy ?
agent->neighbors_ = dummy.next_;
// delete dptr doesn't work!
if (flag) { // we had at least one update, send
printf("| Node %d sent update (seq no. %d) about neighbors "
"dropped ( ", agent->myaddr_, hdrz->seq_);
for (int i=0; i<hdrz->numentries_; i++) {
link_struct curr;
agent->pkt_read_update(p, &curr, i);
printf("%d ",curr.dest_);
printf(") due to ack timeout. ");
// Timers: Scanning IERP Cache
// If any IERP requests time out, delete them.
// Protocol: IERP
void ZRPAgent::scan_ierp_cache() {
IERPCacheEntry *entr;
int i;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
for (i=0; i<MAX_IERP_CACHE; i++) {
if ( (ierpcache[i] != NULL) && (ierpcache[i]->expiry_ < now) ) {
zdrop(ierpcache[i]->pkt_ ,DROP_RTR_NO_ROUTE);
delete ierpcache[i]; // the request is dead
ierpcache[i] = NULL;
// IERP:
// Pass route in proute to iarp to add to cached packet and send,
// and also save route in outer_route table
// Protocol: IERP, notifies IARP
void ZRPAgent::ierp_notify_iarp(Packet *proute) {
hdr_zrp *hdrzroute = HDR_ZRP(proute);
nsaddr_t junk,daddr;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
int dst, st,cntr;
int found,flag;
rtable_node *ptr;
nsaddr_t *zroute;
int numentries,qid;
zroute = hdrzroute->route_;
numentries = hdrzroute->numentries_;
qid = hdrzroute->qid_;
// 1. copy new route to outer_route table
// 2. find cached packet
// 3. if not found, return "drop cached packet, delete cache entry" is WRONG
// 4. if found, add_outer_route to it and send it
// 1. copy new outer_route to outer_route table
// flag indicates true if we find a free spot
flag = FALSE;
// find a free spot in outer_route table
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_OUTER_ROUTES && !flag ; i++) {
if (rtable.outer_route[i] == NULL) {
flag = TRUE;
dst = i;
// If we happen to find the route in table, keep the shorter route
} else if (rtable.outer_route[i]->id_ == hdrzroute->ierpdest_) {
printf("| Outer route already in ierp cache, ");
// keep the shorter route
// by definition: numhops+1 = numentries
// if length of store route < length of newly received accum route
if (rtable.outer_route[dst]->numhops_+1 <= numentries) {
printf("newly received route is longer or the same, keeping "
"stored route. ");
// the printf explains the next section
printf("new route is shorter, replacing stored with new route [");
// delete old route
rtable_node *tmp;
for (ptr=rtable.outer_route[dst]->next_; ptr!=NULL; ){
tmp = ptr;
delete tmp;
rtable_node * nptr = NULL;
// create list backward
for (int i=numentries-1; i >=0; i--) {
//printf("%d ",zroute[i]);
tmp = new rtable_node;
tmp->id_ = zroute[i];
tmp->next_ = nptr;
// put new route list into route entry
rtable.outer_route[dst]->next_ = nptr;
for (rtable_node *ptr=rtable.outer_route[dst]->next_; ptr!=NULL;
printf("%d ",ptr->id_);
return; // pkt deleted upon return
// Our outer route table is full
if (!flag) {
printf("No more room in outer_route table for new routes!\n");
zdrop(proute,DROP_RTR_IARP); // drop route reply
assert(flag); // if no more room in outer_route table, need to increase
// create new head for entry
rtable.outer_route[dst] = new rtable_entry;
// copy the dest id to the header node, stamp with expiry, add numhops
rtable.outer_route[dst]->id_ = zroute[numentries - 1];
rtable.outer_route[dst]->expiry_ = now + OUTER_ROUTE_EXPIRATION;
rtable.outer_route[dst]->numhops_ = numentries - 1;
// copy first node address of route list
ptr = new rtable_node;
rtable.outer_route[dst]->next_ = ptr;
// copy rest of route to the linked list in outer_route entry
for (int j=0; j <= rtable.outer_route[dst]->numhops_ ; j++) {
ptr->next_ = new rtable_node;
ptr = ptr->next_;
ptr->id_ = zroute[j];
ptr->numhops_ = j;
ptr = rtable.outer_route[dst]->next_;
rtable.outer_route[dst]->next_ = ptr->next_;
printf("copied route ");
for (ptr=rtable.outer_route[dst]->next_; ptr !=NULL; ptr=ptr->next_) {
printf("%d(%d) ",cntr++,ptr->id_);
} printf("\n");
// 2. find cached packet
assert(numentries > 3); // the route list must at minimum
// include myself + 1 more + 1 more for outer routes at radius=1
// finding cached request, flag = TRUE if found, $found = index
flag = FALSE;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_IERP_CACHE && !flag; i++) {
if (ierpcache[i] != NULL && qid == ierpcache[i]->qid_) {
flag = TRUE;
found = i;
if (!flag) {
// 3. if not found, return
// no cached route, must have expired
// should we try again, another request?
printf("cached ierp request not found, must have expired."
"Dropping ierp reply.\n");
} else {
// 4. if found, add_outer_route to it and send it
Packet *p = ierpcache[found]->pkt_;
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
// add new outer route entry to packet
st = add_outer_route(p, zroute[numentries - 1] );
//encapsulate upper layer info
hdrz->enc_daddr_ = hdrip->daddr() ;
hdrz->enc_dport_ = hdrip->dport() ;
hdrz->enc_ptype_ = hdrc->ptype();
// send to next hop
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN; // this is default, but just in case
hdrc->ptype() = PT_ZRP;
//hdrc->next_hop() = nto[0];
hdrc->addr_type_ = NS_AF_NONE;
hdrc->size() = IP_HDR_LEN ; // set default packet size
hdrip->ttl() = 100;
// hdrip->daddr() = find_next_hop ;
hdrip->dport() = ROUTER_PORT;
hdrz->zrptype_ = IARP_DATA;
hdrz->numentries_ = numentries ;
hdrz->forwarded_ = 0;
hdrz->originator_ = myaddr_;
hdrz->pktsent_ = now;
hdrz->zrptype_ = IARP_DATA;
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
junk = find_next_hop(p);
printf("| Sending data packet to next hop %d )\n",junk);
// ZRP:
// Receives incoming packet, determines if it is a ZRP packet or not
// If it is, it is processed by ZRP (IERP) at recvZRP.
// If not, that means the packet is coming from the upper layer, and the
// packet needs to be routed using route_pkt.
// Protocols: IERP and IARP
ZRPAgent::recv(Packet * p, Handler *) {
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
int src = Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(hdrip->saddr());
int dst = hdrc->next_hop();
int jem;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
rx_++; // just received a new packet
// check if we are in suspend mode
if (suspend_flag_ == TRUE) {
zdrop(p, DROP_RTR_IARP);
if (hdrc->ptype() == PT_ZRP) {
jem = hdrip->ttl();
hdrip->ttl() -= 1;
assert(jem == (hdrip->ttl() + 1) );
if (hdrip->ttl() < 0) {
zdrop(p, DROP_RTR_TTL);
// it is a proper ZRP packet, let ZRP process it
// if other type
if(src == myaddr_ && hdrc->num_forwards() == 0) {
// A packet from higher layer
hdrc->size() += IP_HDR_LEN; // Add the IP Header size
// hdrip->ttl_ = IP_DEF_TTL;
hdrip->ttl() = radius_ ;
} else if (src == myaddr_) { // rcving a pkt I sent, prob a routing loop
} else {
// forwarding a non-ZRP packet from another node
// Check the TTL. If it is zero, then discard.
if(--hdrip->ttl() == 0) {
zdrop(p, DROP_RTR_TTL);
// WHAT do I do with non-ZRP packets rcvd from another node?
// just route_pkt it like any other? then this else clause is superfluous
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.3f] | Got non-ZRP packet type %d from upper layer "
"seq no. %d (daddr=%d dport=%d) ",
// "(%2d,PT_ZRP=%2d,PT_TCP=%d) ",
myaddr_, now, hdrip->daddr(),
seq_, hdrip->daddr(), hdrip->dport() );
// This packet is not a ZRP packet, it needs to be routed.
route_pkt(p, hdrip->daddr() );
// IERP:
// Process received ZRP type packet.
// Protocols: IERP, IERP calling IARP, IARP, NDP, NDP notifying IARP
// IARP calling IERP
ZRPAgent::recvZRP(Packet* p)
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
int src = Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(hdrip->saddr());
int dst = hdrc->next_hop();
int st;
int ne,ma;
int aaa,bbb;
int cntr,qqqid;
link_struct templink;
nsaddr_t *nodeptr;
nsaddr_t *nptr;
nsaddr_t *mptr;
nsaddr_t* ptr;
nsaddr_t prev_hop;
nsaddr_t nextbc,isrc;
int flag,ii,found;
int seq_match;
char *walk;
link_struct* joe;
link_struct* currlink;
Packet *pnew;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
Scheduler & s = Scheduler::instance(); // Useful to send (Schedule) packets
// if I get my own transmission (excluding ierp_replies)
if (hdrip->saddr() == myaddr_ && hdrz->ierpsource_ != myaddr_) {
//assert we're talking from network layer(rtagent) to network layer(rtagent)
assert(hdrip->sport() == RT_PORT); assert(hdrip->dport() == RT_PORT);
assert(hdrc->ptype() == PT_ZRP);
switch (hdrz->zrptype_)
case NDP_BEACON: // getting a beacon, send ack
// re-use packet to create beacon ack, no need to drop
hdrz->zrptype_ = NDP_BEACON_ACK;
hdrc->next_hop_ = hdrz->originator_; // send directly to originator
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN; // this is default, but just in case
hdrip->ttl() = 1;
hdrip->saddr() = myaddr_;
pkt_send(p,hdrz->originator_); // send ack
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d received a beacon from Node %d "
"(seq no. %d) | Node %d sent ack to Node %d (seq no. %d). ",
myaddr_, (float)now, myaddr_,hdrz->originator_ , hdrz->seq_ ,
myaddr_, hdrz->originator_, hdrz->seq_);
case NDP_BEACON_ACK: // getting an ack, update neighbor table and
// send update, and update link state table.
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] "
"| Node %d received an ack (seq no. %d) from Node %d. ",
myaddr_, now, myaddr_, hdrz->seq_, hdrip->saddr());
st = FALSE; // assume no change in N table
// check if I am getting an ack for a beacon I sent
if (hdrz->originator_ == myaddr_) {
// add, or update if already in table
st = neighbor_add(hdrip->saddr() );
} else {
printf("| Node %d dropped an ack (seq no. %d) originating from a"
" different Node %d", myaddr_, hdrz->seq_, hdrz->originator_ );
aaa = st;
bbb = hdrip->saddr();
if (st) { // @@if (st) change in NDP table, notify IARP
// seq=0 means update from NDP
st = lstable.update(hdrip->saddr(),myaddr_,TRUE,0,&seq_match);
aaa= st;
if (st) {
// re-compute if there is a change in link state table
// rtable.compute_routes();
// always send update if neighbor has been added
// send out immediate update (event-driven)
pnew = pkt_create(IARP_UPDATE, IP_BROADCAST, radius_*2-1);
hdr_zrp *hdrz_new = HDR_ZRP(pnew);
pkt_add_link(pnew,myaddr_, hdrip->saddr(), TRUE);
printf("| Node %d sent update (seq no. %d) about new "
"neighbor Node %d. ",myaddr_, hdrz_new->seq_,hdrip->saddr());
zdrop(p,DROP_RTR_TTL); // packet expired
case IARP_UPDATE: // received update, forward if appropriate.
char msg[100] ;
if (hdrz->forwarded_ == 1 ) {
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Node %d received %s update (seq no. %d) "
"sent from Node %d originating from Node %d (contains: ",
myaddr_, (float)now, myaddr_, msg, hdrz->seq_, hdrip->saddr(),
for (int i=0; i<hdrz->numentries_; i++) {
pkt_read_update(p, &templink, i);
if (templink.isup_ == TRUE)
printf("%d=%d ",templink.src_,templink.dest_ );
printf("%d#%d ",templink.src_,templink.dest_ );
printf("). ");
flag = FALSE; // assume no updates to our table
// go through list of updates in pkt
for (int i=0; i<hdrz->numentries_; i++) {
// load link[i] from update
pkt_read_update(p, &templink, i);
// update link state table
st = lstable.update(templink.src_,templink.dest_,templink.isup_,
// if change in link state table, recompute routes
if (st) {
flag = TRUE; // link table has been changed
// rtable.compute_routes();
if ( seq_match == TRUE) { // update was received before
printf("| Node %d dropped packet because seq id is same or older as "
"id in table. ", myaddr_);
// return;
goto EOFF;
// check ttl
if ( (hdrip->ttl() < 1) ) { // TTL expired, don't forward
printf("| Node %d dropped packet due to TTL. ",myaddr_);
goto EOFF;
// let's forward by broadcast
// re-use packet, no need to drop
printf("| Node %d forwarded update (seq no. %d) "
"sent from Node %d originating from Node %d (contains: ",
myaddr_, hdrz->seq_, hdrip->saddr(), hdrz->originator_);
for (int i=0; i<hdrz->numentries_; i++) {
pkt_read_update(p, &templink, i);
if (templink.isup_ == TRUE)
printf("%d=%d ",templink.src_,templink.dest_ );
printf("%d#%d ",templink.src_,templink.dest_ );
printf("). ttl=%d",hdrip->ttl());
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
hdrz->forwarded_ = 1;
// pgi - this was changed for the Haas demo in June! Do I need this?
// quenching IARP updates
// check if either lnksrc or lnkdest is me, don't forward, drop
// this is my neighborhood.
// if ((hdrz->lnksrc_ == myaddr_) || (hdrz->lnkdest_ == myaddr_)){
case IARP_DATA: // got a data packet, forward if I am relay,
// or send up if I am destination.
nodeptr = hdrz->route_; // ptr to route list
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Got IARP_Data packet orig=%d dest=%d ",myaddr_,
now, hdrz->originator_,nodeptr[hdrz->numentries_ - 1]);
for (ii=0; ii<MAX_IERP_CACHE ; ii++)
if (ierpcache[ii] != NULL)
printf("%d.%d.%d ",ii,HDR_ZRP(ierpcache[ii]->pkt_)->enc_daddr_,
HDR_ZRP(ierpcache[ii]->pkt_)->enc_daddr_ );
// if pkt has arrived at dest (me)
if (nodeptr[hdrz->numentries_ - 1] == myaddr_) {
printf(" >>> we are at destination "
"(delay=%3.2f ms seq=%d daddr=%d dport=%d ptype=%d) ",
1000* ((float)now - (float)hdrz->pktsent_), hdrz->seq_,
hdrz->enc_daddr_, hdrz->enc_dport_, hdrz->enc_ptype_);
// copy ecnapsulated data back to this packet
hdrip->daddr() = hdrz->enc_daddr_;
hdrip->dport() = hdrz->enc_dport_;
hdrc->ptype() = hdrz->enc_ptype_;
hdrc->next_hop() = myaddr_;
hdrc->addr_type_ = NS_AF_NONE;
hdrc->size() = IP_HDR_LEN ; // set default packet size
hdrip->ttl() = 1;
hdrip->daddr() = myaddr_;
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::UP; // and is sent up
// unicast
} else {
// forward onto next hop on list
int nexthop = find_next_hop(p);
if (nexthop == myaddr_) {
// no next hop error
printf(" >>> forwarding to next hop %d ",nexthop);
hdrc->next_hop() = nexthop;
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
case IERP_REPLY: // got a reply, process as a relay or destination.
ne = hdrz->numentries_;
ma = myaddr_;
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Got an ierp_reply, ",
// if I am source, wake up IARP
if (hdrz->ierpsource_ == ma) {
printf("I am originator. \n");
// wake up IARP, pass packet to it
zdrop(p,DROP_RTR_IERP); // finished with reply packet
} else { // if I am not source
// I am a relay node
printf("forwarding route ");
ptr = hdrz->route_;
printf("[%d ",ptr[0] );
// find prev hop, forward reply to it
for (int i = 1; i<ne; i++) {
printf("%d ",ptr[i] );
if (ptr[i] == ma) {
prev_hop = ptr[i-1]; printf("<");
printf(" to %d. \n",find_prev_hop(p));
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN; // send back down to prev node
hdrip->ttl() = 3;
hdrc->next_hop() = find_prev_hop(p);
case IERP_REQUEST: // outgoing request. QD,ET as a relay or bordercaster.
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Got an ierp_request, ",myaddr_,now);
printf("origin of request is %d, queryid is %d. ",
printf("Last bordercaster was %d. Last hop was %d.",
hdrz->lastbordercaster_,find_prev_hop(p) );
ne = hdrz->numentries_;
nextbc = hdrz->route_[ne-1];
qqqid = hdrz->qid_;
isrc = hdrz->ierpsource_;
ptr = hdrz->route_;
// if dest is in my zone, originate reply and send back route
if (rtable.route_exists(hdrz->ierpdest_)) {
printf("\n\t| ierpdest (%d) is in my zone, sending IERP Reply "
"with accumulated route", hdrz->ierpdest_);
// where am I on route list? store in cntr
for (int i=0; i<hdrz->numentries_; i++) {
if (ptr[i] == myaddr_ ) {
assert(cntr != 999); // I have to be on list!
// clip route after me
//memcp data to tmp
// allocate a possibly smaller space, enough for accum route up to me
pkt_create_route_data_space(p,100); //cntr+1);
//memcp tmp back to data
hdrz->numentries_ = cntr;
//reuse packet, change to ierp reply
hdrz->zrptype_ = IERP_REPLY;
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN; // send back down protocol stack
if (ptr[hdrz->numentries_-1] == myaddr_) { // if last entry is me
// I am a periph node
printf("\n\t| I am a peripheral node. My peripherals are [");
for (rtable_node *mptr = rtable.periphnodes_; mptr != NULL;
mptr=mptr->next_) {
printf("%d ",mptr->id_);
// QD - cover last bordercaster's zone
found = query_detect1(hdrz->qid_, hdrz->ierpsource_,
hdrz->lastbordercaster_, radius_);
// unicast to each peripheral node
for (rtable_node *mptr = rtable.periphnodes_; mptr != NULL;
mptr=mptr->next_) {
// check if node is covered, otherwise bordercast
if (node_is_covered(mptr->id_, hdrz->qid_, hdrz->ierpsource_)) {
// Early Termination
printf("\n\t| ET - Query detected peripheral node %d is in zone"
" of previous bordercaster %d or is just on covered list",
mptr->id_, hdrz->lastbordercaster_);
} else {
Packet *pnext = pkt_create(IERP_REQUEST, IP_BROADCAST, 1);
// parameters don't matter, will be overwritten by pkt_copy
// add myself as first route entry
add_local_route(pnext,mptr->id_); // add rest
hdr_cmn *hdrcnext = HDR_CMN(pnext);
hdr_zrp *hdrznext = HDR_ZRP(pnext);
hdrcnext->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN; // send back down
hdrznext->lastbordercaster_ = myaddr_;
printf("\n\t| Sending ierp request to next bordercaster %d, "
"next hop is %d. ", mptr->id_, find_next_hop(pnext));
printf("Route list [");
for (int i=0; i<hdrznext->numentries_; i++)
printf("%d ",hdrznext->route_[i]);
printf("] ");
} // for mptr
// QD - cover my zone
query_detect1(qqqid,isrc,myaddr_, radius_);
} else { // I am a "relay"
printf("| I am a relay node. ");
printf("Route list [");
for (int i=0; i<ne; i++) printf("%d ",hdrz->route_[i]);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// send if next bordercaster is not covered
if (node_is_covered(nextbc, hdrz->qid_, hdrz->ierpsource_)){
printf("\n\t| ET - Query detected next bordercaster %d is in "
"covered list. ", nextbc);
} else {
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
printf("| Sending to next hop %d, next bordercaster is %d.",
find_next_hop(p), nextbc);
// QD - mark last bordercaster's zone's inner nodes as covered
found = query_detect1(hdrz->qid_, hdrz->ierpsource_,
hdrz->lastbordercaster_, radius_-1);
// add next bordercaster to covered list
// check node against list in query entry
flag = FALSE;
for (rtable_node *ptr=queries_[found]->next_;
ptr!=NULL; ptr=ptr->next_) {
// if node in query entry == next bordercaster
if (ptr->id_ == nextbc) {
flag=TRUE; //=found, don't need to add again
if (!flag) { // if not in list, add at head
rtable_node *tmp;
tmp = new rtable_node;
tmp->id_ = nextbc;
tmp->next_ = queries_[found]->next_;
queries_[found]->next_ = tmp;
printf("\n\t| QD - Next bordercaster [%d] added to covered list.",
(int)tmp->id_ );
} else {
printf("\n\t| QD - Next bordercaster [%d] already added to covered "
"list.", nextbc);
printf("\n\t| Covered list for query=%d origin=%d [",
for (rtable_node *p=queries_[found]->next_; p!=NULL; p=p->next_) {
printf("%d ",p->id_);
// error, unknown zrptype, drop
// debug - printf("Uknown ZRPTYPE !\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid ZRP type (%x)\n", hdrz->zrptype_);
// IARP:
// Called by IARP to update list of outer routes for any changes to
// local routes.
void ZRPAgent::IARP_update_outer_route(int route_index) {
rtable_node *nptr;
rtable_node *mptr;
rtable_node *newnode;
rtable_node *newhead;
rtable_node *deleteme;
int index;
// if entry is empty or route list is empty (latter is unlikely)
if (rtable.outer_route[route_index] == NULL ||
rtable.outer_route[route_index]->next_ == NULL)
// finds all the nodes in outer route that exist in current node's zone
// and returns pointer to the furthest in hops from current node (should be
// a peripheral), and guarantees it is the last inner node before end of outer route list
for ( nptr=rtable.outer_route[route_index]->next_; nptr != NULL;
nptr=nptr->next_) {
index = rtable.node_exists(nptr->id_ );
if (index != -1 ) {
mptr = nptr; // found peripheral
} // end for
if (index == -1)
return; // nothing to do, in future return error so we can delete route
// outer route must contain an inner route as a subset!
// mark where we are going to start deleting on old clipped list
deleteme = rtable.outer_route[route_index]->next_;
// start creating new local route and pre-pending to where mptr left off
// list looks like this:
// rtable.outer_route[route_index]->next_->O -> -> -> mptr-> last
// inner node-> -> -> dest ->NULL
newhead = new rtable_node;
newhead->id_ = rtable.route[index]->id_;
newhead->next_ = mptr->next_;
//for each route entry list node, copy to newnode and insert newnode
// at head of newhead
for (nptr=rtable.route[index]->next_; nptr != NULL; nptr=nptr->next_) {
newnode = new rtable_node;
newnode->id_ = nptr->id_;
newnode->next_ = newhead;
newhead = newnode;
// attach newhead to outer route entry
rtable.outer_route[route_index]->next_ = newhead;
//delete old inner route
// cut at last inner route node
mptr->next_ = NULL;
for (nptr=deleteme; nptr != NULL; ) {
delete deleteme;
deleteme = nptr;
// IERP:
// Call by IERP to start a request from source node.
// Protocols: IERP, get local route from IARP
void ZRPAgent::originate_request(nsaddr_t final, int qid) {
rtable_node* ptr;
nsaddr_t *nptr;
int ind;
Scheduler & s = Scheduler::instance(); // Useful to send (Schedule) packets
Packet* p;
printf("\n_%2d_ | Bordercast to ", myaddr_ );
// unicast to each peripheral node
for (ptr = rtable.periphnodes_; ptr != NULL; ptr=ptr->next_) {
printf("[%d - route ",ptr->id_);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdrz->lastbordercaster_ = myaddr_;
hdrz->ierpsource_ = myaddr_;
hdrz->ierpdest_ = final;
hdrz->qid_ = qid;
// add myself in source route list
pkt_add_node(p, myaddr_, 0);
hdrz->numentries_ = 1;
hdrz->routeindex_ = 0;
// add the rest of the route to the peripheral node
nptr = hdrz->route_;
for (int i=0; i<hdrz->numentries_ ; i++) {
printf("%d ",nptr[i]);
printf("(nexthop=%d) ]",find_next_hop(p) );
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
// since we are in request mode, we move route index forward
// then send it
// pseudo-code:
// for each periph node
// create packet
// add src route to that node, attach to pkt
// saddr() = me
// daddr() = periph node
// nexthop = next on src lst
// send
// IERP:
// Route Packet, first check if there is a local route. If so, add
// route to packet and send.
// Otherwise check if there is an outer route. If so, add and send.
// Otherwise, originat request.
// Protocols: IERP, IERP calls IARP
void ZRPAgent::route_pkt(Packet* p, nsaddr_t daddr) {
hdr_cmn *hdrc = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr_ip *hdrip = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
nsaddr_t *nexthop;
int st;
int ierpd;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
hdrz->numentries_ =0;
st = add_local_route(p,daddr);
if (!st) {
st = add_outer_route(p,daddr); //printf("the route saved is now:");
nsaddr_t *rrr = hdrz->route_;
if (st) { // if a local or outer route exists, it was added, start sending...
//send to first addr on list
//nexthop = (nsaddr_t *)p->accessdata();
nexthop = hdrz->route_;
// this packet will now be encapsulated into an IARP_DATA packet
// save upper layer info in encapsulated area
hdrz->enc_daddr_ = hdrip->daddr() ;
hdrz->enc_dport_ = hdrip->dport() ;
hdrz->enc_ptype_ = hdrc->ptype();
hdrc->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN; // this is default, but just in case
hdrc->ptype() = PT_ZRP;
hdrc->next_hop() = nexthop[0];
hdrc->addr_type_ = NS_AF_NONE;
hdrc->size() = IP_HDR_LEN ; // set default packet size
hdrip->ttl() = IERP_TTL;
hdrip->daddr() = nexthop[0] ;
hdrip->dport() = ROUTER_PORT;
hdrz->zrptype_ = IARP_DATA;
hdrz->originator_ = myaddr_;
hdrz->pktsent_ = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
hdrz->seq_ = seq_ ;
// no local or cached route, call IERP
// push onto ierp request queue
int flag = FALSE;
ierpd = hdrz->ierpdest_;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_IERP_CACHE; i++) {
if (ierpcache[i] == NULL) {
flag = TRUE;
st = i;
} else if (HDR_ZRP(ierpcache[i]->pkt_)->ierpdest_ == ierpd) {
// ierp request pending
// drop packet
printf("\n_%2d_ [%6.6f] | A request for destination already in "
"ierpcache, dropping packet\n",myaddr_,now);
// or add buffer data structure
assert(flag == TRUE); // increase MAX_IERP_CACHE otherwise
if (flag == FALSE) { // don't like assertion? comment out and keep this
// new entry for ierp request cache
ierpcache[st] = new IERPCacheEntry;
ierpcache[st]->qid_ = qid_;
ierpcache[st]->expiry_ = Scheduler::instance().clock() +
ierpcache[st]->pkt_ = p;
originate_request(daddr, qid_ ) ;
printf("\n\t| New ierpcache entry: qid=%d expiry=%3.3f (daddr=%d)\n",
// IARP:
// Add route to packet if local route to daddr exists. Return true if so.
// Otherwise return false.
int ZRPAgent::add_local_route(Packet* p, nsaddr_t daddr) {
rtable_node *nptr;
int totalhops; int cntr;
nsaddr_t *ptr;
hdr_zrp *hdrz = HDR_ZRP(p);
// assuming there could be node entries (hdrz->numentries_)
// already in pkt
// should work even if hdrz->numentries_ = 0
for (int i=0; i< MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE; i++) {
// if not found return FALSE
if (rtable.route[i] == NULL) {
return FALSE; // end of table, not found
} else { // still looking
if (rtable.route[i]->id_ == daddr) { // if found
totalhops = hdrz->numentries_ + rtable.route[i]->numhops_ ;
//memcp data to tmp
// allocate a BIGGER space, enough for prev entries + new entries
//memcp tmp back to data
cntr = totalhops-1;
// copy route list to data portion of packet (reverse order)
for (nptr = rtable.route[i]; nptr->id_ != myaddr_; nptr=nptr->next_) {
pkt_add_node(p, nptr->id_, cntr ) ;
} // end for nptr
hdrz->numentries_ = totalhops;
return TRUE;
} // end if (rtable.route[i]->id_ == daddr)
} //end if (rtable.route[i] == NULL)
// find daddr in lookup
// else
// create data area of size (num hops is stored in table)
// step through table, adding each node to data area
} // end for i
// NDP:
// Add neigbor with address "addr" to NDP table if it is not
// already there. If already there, return false. Otherwise true.
int ZRPAgent::neighbor_add(nsaddr_t neighbor_addr) {
neighbor_struct *ns;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
if (neighbors_ == NULL) {
num_neighbors_ ++;
neighbors_ = new neighbor_struct;
neighbors_->addr_ = neighbor_addr;
neighbors_->expiry_ = now+neighbor_timeout_;
neighbors_->lastack_ = now;
neighbors_->next_ = NULL;
printf("| Node %d added new neighbor Node %d, will expire at %6.6f sec, "
"lastack timer will expire at %6.6f sec.",
myaddr_, neighbor_addr , neighbors_->expiry_,
neighbors_->lastack_ + neighbor_ack_timeout_);
return TRUE;
for (ns=neighbors_; ns != NULL; ns=ns->next_ ){
if (ns->addr_ == neighbor_addr){
// update neighbor timeout
printf("| Node %d updated neighbor table, changed neighbor Node %d "
"expiry from %6.6f to %6.6f sec and lastack timer expiry "
"from %6.6f to %6.6f. ",
myaddr_, neighbor_addr,
(float)neighbors_->expiry_, (float)now + neighbor_timeout_,
ns->lastack_, now + neighbor_ack_timeout_ );
ns->expiry_ = now+neighbor_timeout_;
ns->lastack_ = now;
return FALSE; // no change, we have that node in our table
// if we end up here, we have at least one neighbor on list but no match
// so add our new neighbor to top of list
ns = new neighbor_struct;
ns->addr_ = neighbor_addr;
ns->expiry_ = now+neighbor_timeout_;
ns->lastack_ = now;
ns->next_ = neighbors_;
neighbors_ = ns;
num_neighbors_ ++;
printf("| Node %d added new neighbor Node %d, entry will expire at "
"%6.6f sec, lastack timer will expire at %6.6f sec.",
myaddr_,neighbor_addr, neighbors_->expiry_,
neighbors_->lastack_ + neighbor_ack_timeout_);
return TRUE;
// BRP:
// Mark "node" as covered for given query (qid,origin).
int ZRPAgent::node_is_covered(nsaddr_t node, int queryid, nsaddr_t originid) {
int flag = FALSE;
rtable_node *ptr;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
int found = 999;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_QUERY_DETECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
if (!flag && queries_[i] != NULL && queries_[i]->originid_ == originid &&
queries_[i]->qid_ == queryid) {
// refresh expiry unconditionally
queries_[i]->expiry_ = now + QUERY_TABLE_EXPIRATION;
found = i;
for (rtable_node *ptr=queries_[i]->next_; ptr!=NULL; ptr=ptr->next_) {
if (ptr->id_ == node) {
// return FALSE if we do not find query entry at all
// return TRUE only if we find query entry AND the node is in its list
// all else is FALSE!!
// BRP:
// Query detect given (qid,origin). Will add nodes of covered area (nodes
// that are "radius" hops away from "lastbordercaster") to a cached
// query detect entry. If this query has not been received before, will
// create a new entry and add covered nodes to entry.
// Returns TRUE if query was received before, else FALSE.
int ZRPAgent::query_detect1(int queryid, nsaddr_t originid,
nsaddr_t lastbordercaster, int radius) {
RoutingTable prevtable(this);
int flag = FALSE;
int found;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
int iii;
// 1. if query exists in our cache, =queries[found]
// 2. if not exist, find an empty slot, queries[found],
// add new entry at queries[found]
// 3. create route table for prev bordercaster
// 4. add nodes in table to queries[found], ie
// for each node in table:
// if node_is_covered is false (node is NOT in queries),
// add to queries[found]
// 5. look for query id in queries_[]
// 1. if exist in queries_[], queries[found] is the one
for (int i=0; i<MAX_QUERY_DETECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
if (!flag && queries_[i] != NULL && queries_[i]->originid_ == originid &&
queries_[i]->qid_ == queryid) {
flag = TRUE;
found = i;
// refresh expiration
if (now > queries_[i]->expiry_) {
queries_[i]->expiry_ = now + QUERY_TABLE_EXPIRATION;
// 2. if not exist, find an empty slot, queries[found],
// add new entry at queries[found]
if (!flag) { // if no entry already, create one
for (int i=0; i<MAX_QUERY_DETECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
if (!flag && queries_[i] == NULL) {
flag = TRUE;
found = i;
queries_[i] = new QueryDetectEntry;
queries_[i]->originid_ = originid;
queries_[i]->qid_ = queryid;
queries_[i]->expiry_ = now +QUERY_TABLE_EXPIRATION;
queries_[i]->next_ = NULL;
// 3. create+compute route table for prev bordercaster
prevtable.my_address_ = lastbordercaster; // get route table for last bc
prevtable.linkstatetable = &lstable;
for (int i=0; (i< MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE); i++) {
prevtable.route[i] = NULL;
prevtable.agent_ = this;
prevtable.compute_routes(lastbordercaster, radius);
// 4. add nodes in table to queries[found], ie
// for each node in table:
// if node_is_covered is false (node is NOT in queries),
// add to queries[found]
printf("\n\t| QD - Calculated Route Table of bordercaster %d: ",
for (int i=1; prevtable.route[i] != NULL ; i++) {
for (rtable_node *j=prevtable.route[i]; j != NULL; j=j->next_ ) {
printf("%d ",j->id_);
printf("] ");
printf("\n\t| QD - added [");
rtable_node *tmp;
for (iii=0; prevtable.route[iii] != NULL &&
prevtable.route[iii]->numhops_<=radius ; iii++) {
flag = FALSE; // =not found
// check node against list in query entry
for (rtable_node *ptr=queries_[found]->next_; (!flag) && (ptr != NULL);
ptr=ptr->next_) {
if (ptr->id_ == prevtable.route[iii]->id_) {
flag=TRUE; //=found
// debug only
if (flag) { // just to illustrate that this flag tells us if
//the query was in our cache or not
} else {
if (!flag) { // if not in list, add at head
// want to add to a separate list, then join afterwards. more efficient
tmp = new rtable_node;
tmp->id_ = prevtable.route[iii]->id_;
tmp->next_ = queries_[found]->next_;
queries_[found]->next_ = tmp;
printf("%d ", queries_[found]->next_->id_ );
printf("] to covered list. ");
return(found) ;
#ifndef _zrp_h_
#define _zrp_h_
#include <config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <agent.h>
#include <packet.h>
#include <ip.h>
#include <delay.h>
#include <scheduler.h>
#include <queue.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <arp.h>
#include <ll.h>
#include <mac.h>
#include <priqueue.h>
#include <delay.h>
#include "zrp_table.h"
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(snprintf)
#define snprintf _snprintf
#endif /* WIN32 && !snprintf */
#define ROUTER_PORT 0xff
#define FOUND 1
#define LOST 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NULL 0
#define MAX_OUTBOUND_PENDING 20 // max queue for pkts waiting for ierp requests
#define MAX_DETECTED_QUERIES 20 // max queries that can be detected
#define IERP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 30 // secs before timeout on an ierp request
#define ZRP_STARTUP_JITTER 2.0 // secs to jitter start of periodic activity
#define MAX_SEQUENCE_ID 1000000000
#define NEIGHBOR_ACK_TIMEOUT 10 // sec
#define TIMER_JITTER 3
#define BEACON_PERIOD 1 // period of beacon transmission in sec
// scan NDP table every number of beacon timeout cycles
#define MAX_NODE_ID_CHAR_SIZE 10 // longest name string for my node address
// (char *)myid_ is string equiv of (int)myaddr_
#define MAX_IERP_CACHE 50 // max ierp requests cache size
#define MAX_QID 50 // max size query detect table
#define FOUND 1
#define LOST 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef double Time;
typedef int32_t Query_ID;
class ZRPAgent;
enum ZRPTYPE // Types of ZRP packets
// link state data used in updates
struct linkie {
int src_; // 32 bits
int dest_; // 32 bits
int isup_;
// ZRP header structure
struct hdr_zrp {
int zrptype_;
// int safe_;
int routeindex_;
// IARP hdr
int seq_;
int numentries_; // number of link entries in this update
// or length of direct routing list
// info is in data portion of packet, use accessdata()
nsaddr_t originator_; // for ndp, iarp or ierp
nsaddr_t ierpsource_;
nsaddr_t ierpdest_;
nsaddr_t iarpsource_;
nsaddr_t iarpdest_;
nsaddr_t lastbordercaster_;
Time pktsent_;
// this is where the original data for upper layer pkts
// is saved while ZRP routes pkt, at dest this is placed
// back into hdrip->dport(), ie this is part of encapsulated data
int enc_dport_;
int enc_daddr_;
packet_t enc_ptype_;
int qid_; // query id counter
nsaddr_t *route_; // pointer to route list data
linkie *links_; // pointer to link state list
int forwarded_; // TRUE if forwarded before
// Packet header access functions
static int offset_;
inline static int& offset() { return offset_; }
inline static hdr_zrp* access(const Packet* p) {
return (hdr_zrp*) p->access(offset_);
class ZRPBeaconTransmitTimer : public Handler {
ZRPBeaconTransmitTimer(ZRPAgent* a) { agent = a; }
// pgi- set zrp_agent to 'a', ie our ZRP_Agent
void handle(Event*); // function handling the event
void start(double thistime);
// private:
ZRPAgent *agent;
Event intr;
class ZRPNeighborScanTimer : public Handler {
ZRPNeighborScanTimer(ZRPAgent* a) { agent = a; }
// pgi- set zrp_agent to 'a', ie our ZRP_Agent
void handle(Event*); // function handling the event
void start(double thistime);
// private:
ZRPAgent *agent;
Event intr;
class ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer : public Handler {
ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer(ZRPAgent* a) { agent = a; }
// pgi- set zrp_agent to 'a', ie our ZRP_Agent
void handle(Event*); // function handling the event
void start(double thistime);
// private:
ZRPAgent *agent;
Event intr;
class ZRPAckTimer : public Handler {
ZRPAckTimer(ZRPAgent* a) { agent = a; }
// pgi- set zrp_agent to 'a', ie our ZRP_Agent
void handle(Event*); // function handling the event
void start();
// private:
ZRPAgent *agent;
Event intr;
class ZRPAgent : public Agent {
friend class ZRPBeaconTimer;
ZRPAgent(); // not generally used
ZRPAgent(nsaddr_t id);
void recv(Packet * p, Handler *);
int initialized() { return 1 && target_; }
//== Tcl Related ======================================
char* myid_; // (char *)myid_ is string equiv of (int)myaddr_
PriQueue* ll_queue;
Trace* tracetarget;
MobileNode* node_;
NsObject* port_dmux_;
//==Timer Related ==========================================
ZRPNeighborScanTimer NeighborScanTimer_;
ZRPBeaconTransmitTimer BeaconTransmitTimer_;
ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer PeriodicUpdateTimer_;
ZRPAckTimer AckTimer_;
//==Methods ================================================
void startup();
int command (int argc, const char*const* argv);
void scan_ierp_cache();
void ierp_notify_iarp(Packet *p);
void recvZRP(Packet* p);
void forward_update(Packet* p);
void route_pkt(Packet* p, nsaddr_t dest);
void print_tables();
int neighbor_add(nsaddr_t newneighbor);
void send_periodic_update();
void sendp(nsaddr_t ns);
void originate_request(nsaddr_t final, int qid);
void scan_query_detections();
void scan_linkstate_table();
int query_detect1(int qid, nsaddr_t originid, nsaddr_t lastbordercaster,
int radius);
int node_is_covered(int queryid, nsaddr_t node);
void inc_seq() { seq_++; if (seq_ > MAX_SEQUENCE_ID) seq_ = 1;}
void dec_seq() { seq_--; if (seq_ < 1) seq_ = MAX_SEQUENCE_ID;}
void pkt_add_all_links(Packet *p);
void pkt_send(Packet *p, nsaddr_t addressee);
void send_next_hop(Packet *p);
void send_prev_hop(Packet *p);
void pkt_broadcast(Packet *p);
Packet* pkt_create(ZRPTYPE zrp_type, nsaddr_t addressee, int ttl);
void pkt_add_node(Packet* p, nsaddr_t node, int total);
void pkt_add_link(Packet* p, nsaddr_t lnksrc, nsaddr_t lnkdest, int isup);
void pkt_read_update(Packet* p, link_struct *ls, int index) ;
nsaddr_t find_next_hop(Packet* p);
nsaddr_t find_prev_hop(Packet* p);
int add_local_route(Packet* p, nsaddr_t node);
int add_outer_route(Packet* p, nsaddr_t node);
void do_update();
void print_routes();
void pkt_create_route_data_space(Packet *p, int size);
void pkt_free_route_data_space(Packet *p);
void pkt_create_link_data_space(Packet *p, int size);
void pkt_free_link_data_space(Packet *p);
void pkt_copy(Packet *pfrom, Packet *pto);
void zdrop(Packet *p, const char *s);
int node_is_covered(nsaddr_t node, int queryid, nsaddr_t originid);
void outer_route_expiration();
void IARP_update_outer_route(int index);
//==Data ===================================================
int myaddr_;
int radius_; // Can be set from Tcl script, see ZRPAgent::command
int transmit_jitter_;
int startup_jitter_;
int process_jitter_;
int beacon_period_; // Can be set from Tcl script, see ZRPAgent::command
int beacon_period_jitter_;
int neighbor_timeout_;
int neighbor_ack_timeout_;
int iarp_update_period_;
int neighbortable_scan_period_;
int num_neighbors_;
int tx_; // total pkts transmitted by agent
int rx_; // total pkts received by agent
int seq_; // current sequence id for outgoing IARP updates
int qid_; // global query id counter, updated for every query sent by node
int suspend_flag_; // Can be set from Tcl script, see ZRPAgent::command
// "suspends" node, there are Tcl commands that work better "start","stop"
//==Tables ===================================================
neighbor_struct *neighbors_; // linked list of my neighbors
LinkStateTable lstable; // class, linked list
RoutingTable rtable; // class, array of pointers
IERPCacheEntry *ierpcache[MAX_IERP_CACHE]; // array of pointers
QueryDetectEntry *queries_[MAX_QUERY_DETECT_TABLE_SIZE];
#include <config.h>
#include <agent.h>
#include <packet.h>
#include <ip.h>
#include <delay.h>
#include <scheduler.h>
#include <queue.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <arp.h>
#include <ll.h>
#include <mac.h>
#include <priqueue.h>
#include <delay.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <object.h>
#include <route.h>
#include "zrp.h"
#include "zrp_table.h"
#define UP 1
#define DOWN 0
// Linkstate Table:
// Perform an update to table given a link state, Return seq_match=TRUE
// if there was a match. Return update=TRUE if any change in table.
LinkStateTable::update(int src, int dest, int lstate, int seq, int *seq_match)
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
int flag; // TRUE indicates there has been a change in table
link_struct* i;
int found;
*seq_match = FALSE;
found = FALSE;
flag = FALSE;
if (lshead_ == NULL) { // check if empty
if (lstate == UP) { // add only if up
// add to table,
lshead_ = new link_struct;
lshead_->src_ = src;
lshead_->dest_ = dest;
lshead_->isup_ = lstate;
lshead_->seq_ = seq;
lshead_->expiry_ = now + LINKSTATE_EXPIRATION;
lshead_->next_ = NULL;
return TRUE; // change in table
return FALSE;
for (i=lshead_; i != NULL; i=i->next_) {
if ( ( (i->src_ == src) && (i->dest_ == dest) ) || ( (i->src_ == dest) && (i->dest_ == src) ) ) { // src/dest match with update
if ( (seq != 0) && (i->seq_ >= seq) ) { // got this update before
*seq_match = TRUE;
return FALSE;
found = TRUE; // found a match (a,b) or (b,a)
i->expiry_ = now + LINKSTATE_EXPIRATION; // update expiry
if (seq != 0 ) // only update if new seq is non-zero (
i->seq_ = seq; // update to new seq no.
if ( i->isup_ != lstate) { //inequality=we need to change state to latest
i->isup_ = lstate;
flag = TRUE;
if (found) // return flag if there was change
return flag;
// we have found nothing up until this point, so add link
if (lstate == UP) { // don't want to add a downed link
// add to table,
i = new link_struct;
i->src_ = src;
i->dest_ = dest;
i->isup_ = lstate;
i->seq_ = seq;
i->next_ = lshead_;
i->expiry_ = now + LINKSTATE_EXPIRATION;
lshead_ = i;
return TRUE; // change in table
return FALSE;
// Linkstate Table:
// Insert Link state entry into Link state table
LinkStateTable::add(link_struct* link)
// insert link at head
if (lshead_ != NULL) { // if there is at least one link in list
link->next_ = lshead_; ;
lshead_ = link;
} else { // if empty
lshead_ = link;
lshead_->next_ = NULL;
// Route Table:
// Erases route and peripheral tables.
void RoutingTable::erase() {
// would be better if we saved fallow data structures
// on a free list - for version 2.0 ;)
int i;
rtable_node *tmp;
//erase route table
for (i=0; (i< MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE) && (route[i] != NULL) ; i++) {
route[i] = NULL;
} //end for
// erase periph node list
while (periphnodes_ != NULL ) {
tmp = periphnodes_;
periphnodes_ = periphnodes_->next_;
periphnodes_ = NULL;
// Linkstate Table:
// Clean table of expired links.
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
link_struct *ls;
// deletes down or expired links
if (lshead_ == NULL)
// hack, insert a dummy node at head
link_struct dummy;
dummy.next_ = lshead_;
lshead_ = &dummy;
for (ls=lshead_ ; ls->next_ != NULL; ) {
if ( (ls->next_->expiry_ < now) || (ls->next_->isup_ == FALSE ) ) {
link_struct *temp = ls->next_;
ls->next_ = ls->next_->next_;
delete temp;
// other actions to take when you delete a node here
} else {
ls=ls->next_ ;
lshead_ = dummy.next_;
// Linkstate Table:
// Print table to STDOUT.
link_struct *ls;
if (lshead_ == NULL) {
printf("LinkTable: empty ");
} else {
printf("LinkTable: ");
for (ls = lshead_;
(ls != NULL);
ls=ls->next_) { // If link list has one or more link
if (ls->isup_) {
printf("%d=%d ",ls->src_,ls->dest_);
} else {
printf("%d#%d ",ls->src_,ls->dest_);
} // for link_stuct
// Route Table:
// Print entries.
RoutingTable::print() {
rtable_node *j;
int i;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
printf("_%2d_ [%6.6f] | Route Table ",my_address_,now);
for (i=0; route[i] != NULL && i< MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE ; i++) {
printf("| Entry %d : ",i);
if (route[i]==NULL) {
for (j=route[i]; j!=NULL; j=j->next_ ) {
if (i==0) {
printf("empty ");
// Route Table:
// Compute minimum hop routes to all nodes that are "radius" hops or less
// with respect to node myadd, given link state table.
RoutingTable::compute_routes(nsaddr_t myadd, int radius) {
link_struct *lptr; // a temp ptr for iterative loops
link_struct *lst; // a copy of link table
link_struct* lnk; // a ptr to newly created links
link_struct* ls; // a temp ptr for iterative loops
int i; // counter for iterative loop over route table
int flag;
Time now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); // get the time
rtable_node *tmp;
flag = 0;
lst = NULL;
erase(); // route table
if (linkstatetable->lshead_ == NULL) { // If link list is empty
return; // nothing broken, just ran out of link states
// copy valid links in linkstatetable list to lst
for (lptr=linkstatetable->lshead_; lptr!=NULL; lptr=lptr->next_) {
flag = 1;
if (lptr->isup_) { // if link is valid, add to lst
lnk = new link_struct(lptr->src_,lptr->dest_,TRUE,lst);
lnk->src_ = lptr->src_;
lnk->dest_ = lptr->dest_;
lnk->isup_ = TRUE;
// insert link at head of lst
if (lst != NULL) {
lnk->next_ = lst;
lst = lnk;
} else { // else if lst is empty
lst = lnk;
lst->next_ = NULL;
} // end else
} // end if
} // end while
if (!flag) { }
route[0] = new rtable_node();
route[0]->id_= myadd;
route[0]->next_ = NULL;
route[0]->numhops_ = 0;
route[1] = NULL;
// rtable[i] is "current" src we are looking at
// search for all its neighbors dest(i), which gives us
// a number of (current src,dest(i) pairs
// for each pair found, check if dest is in route table
// if not, add to route table. delete link from lst (set isup_=FALSE)
// after you check the dest.
// add-drop will add/drop entries in route table
for ( i=0; (i < MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE) && (route[i] != NULL); i++) {
for (ls=lst; // lst is a copy of linkstatetable, from above
(ls != NULL);
if (ls->isup_ == TRUE) { // make sure it hasn't been "dropped"
} // end for ls
} // end for i
// calculate peripheral nodes
for (i=0; (i < MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE) && (route[i] != NULL); i++) {
if (route[i]->numhops_ == radius ){
rtable_node *temp = new rtable_node;
temp->id_ = route[i]->id_;
temp->next_ = periphnodes_;
periphnodes_ = temp;
// Route Table:
// Looks up node with address "id" in route table, returns index into table
// if it exists, otherwise sets to NotInTable.
RoutingTable::get_entry(nsaddr_t id)
int i;
for (i=0;((route[i] != NULL) && (i<MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1)); i++)
if (route[i]->id_ == id)
return i;
return (MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1);
// Route Table:
// Looks up node with address "id" in route table, returns TRUE if in table,
// otherwise false.
RoutingTable::route_exists(nsaddr_t id)
int i;
for (i=0;((route[i] != NULL) && (i<MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1)); i++)
if (route[i]->id_ == id)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Linkstate Table:
// Delete out lstates in link state table.
RoutingTable::empty_links(link_struct *lst)
link_struct *lnk;
while (lst != NULL) {
lnk = lst;
lst = lst->next_;
delete lnk;
// Route Table:
// Looks up node with address "nodeid" in route table,
// returns index if in table, otherwise -1.
RoutingTable::node_exists(nsaddr_t nodeid)
int i;
for (i=0;((route[i] != NULL) && (i<MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1)); i++)
if (route[i]->id_ == nodeid)
return i; // found
return (-1); // not found
// Route Table:
// Used by compute_routes() to calculate minimum hop tree.
// Add one more entry to route tree if this node "entree" is found to be
// one hop from an entry already in route tree, ie if node is equal to
// src or dest of this link, "lnk". If a match, this link is marked
// as covered for next pass. If no match, return, caller will continue
// iterating through link state table.
RoutingTable::add_drop(link_struct *lnk, int entree)
// if link is not up, nothing left to do
if (lnk->isup_ == FALSE) {
// if src is in route table
if ( lnk->src_ == route[entree]->id_ ) {
// found a link with same src
// see if dest exists in route table
if (get_entry(lnk->dest_) != (MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1)) {
// yes route already exists, don't add
lnk->isup_ = FALSE; // in effect dropping link
//return TRUE; // but do delete current link_struct
} else if ( route[ get_entry(lnk->src_) ]->numhops_ < agent_->radius_ ) {
// add node to RouteTable if within radius
if (num_entries_ == MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE) {
// error, overflow
printf("Need to increase MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE in zrp.h to greater"
"than %d\n",MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE);
// add a new route to route table, id=dest,
// next is route entry with id=src
route[num_entries_] = new rtable_node;
route[num_entries_]->id_ = lnk->dest_;
route[num_entries_]->next_ = route[ get_entry(lnk->src_) ];
if (route[num_entries_]->next_) {
route[num_entries_]->numhops_ = route[num_entries_]->next_->numhops_+1;
} else {
route[num_entries_]->numhops_ = 0;
lnk->isup_ = FALSE; // in effect dropping link
//return TRUE; // tell the caller to delete the current link_struct
} else if ( lnk->dest_ == route[entree]->id_ ) {
// found a link with same dest
// see if src exists in route table
if (get_entry(lnk->src_) != (MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1)) {
// yes route already exists, don't add
lnk->isup_ = FALSE; // in effect dropping link
//return TRUE; // but do delete current link_struct
// if dest is in route table
} else if ( route[ get_entry(lnk->dest_) ]->numhops_ < agent_->radius_ ) {
if (num_entries_ == MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE) {
// error, overflow
printf("Need to increase MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE in zrp.h to greater"
"than %d\n",MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE);
// add a new route to route table, id=dest,
//next is route entry with id=src
route[num_entries_] = new rtable_node;
route[num_entries_]->id_ = lnk->src_;
route[num_entries_]->next_ = route[ get_entry(lnk->dest_) ];
if (route[num_entries_]->next_) {
route[num_entries_]->numhops_ = route[num_entries_]->next_->numhops_+1;
} else {
route[num_entries_]->numhops_ = 0;
lnk->isup_ = FALSE; // in effect dropping link
#ifndef _zrp_table_h_
#define _zrp_table_h_
#include <config.h>
#include <agent.h>
#include <packet.h>
#include <ip.h>
#include <delay.h>
#include <scheduler.h>
#include <queue.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <arp.h>
#include <ll.h>
#include <mac.h>
#include <priqueue.h>
#include <delay.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <object.h>
#include <route.h>
#include "zrp.h"
//typedef int32_t Query_ID;
typedef int Query_ID;
typedef int BOOLEAN;
typedef double Time;
class ZRPAgent; // pre-declaration
// IERP Cache Table:
// A single entry in the outgoing IERP requests table, has an expiry.
struct IERPCacheEntry {
Query_ID qid_;
Packet *pkt_;
Time expiry_;
struct rtable_node; // pre-declaration needed for next struct
// Query Detect Table:
// A single entry in the QD table, has an expiry.
struct QueryDetectEntry {
nsaddr_t originid_;
Query_ID qid_;
Time expiry_;
rtable_node *next_; // list of covered nodes
// Neighbor Table:
// Neighbor table is a linked list of these.
struct neighbor_struct
nsaddr_t addr_;
neighbor_struct* next_;
Time expiry_;
Time lastack_;
// Linkstate Table:
// Link state atomic data, contains state in isup_ (up or down) ans seq.
class link_struct {
link_struct() : seq_(0), isup_(FALSE) {//, next_(NULL) {
bzero(this, sizeof(link_struct));
link_struct(nsaddr_t srcid, nsaddr_t destid, BOOLEAN valid,link_struct* next)
// next_=(next);
nsaddr_t src_; // 32 bits
nsaddr_t dest_; // 32 bits
int flag_; // flag used for Dijstkra's algorithm
int isup_;
int seq_; // sequence number
Time expiry_;
// Time timestamp;
link_struct* next_;
// Linkstate Table:
// Class for storing Link States in node.
class LinkStateTable {
LinkStateTable() : lshead_(NULL) { }
nsaddr_t my_address_; // debug
link_struct* lshead_;
link_struct* last() ;
void add(link_struct *link); // quietly ignore errors ;)
int remove(link_struct *link);
BOOLEAN update(nsaddr_t src, nsaddr_t dest,
int state, int seq, int *seq_match);
int exist(link_struct *link);
void print_links();
void purge_links();
// Route Table:
// A single data struct naming a node, used for storing node addresses
// in various tables.
struct rtable_node {
nsaddr_t id_;
int numhops_; // number of hops from me
rtable_node* next_;
rtable_node() : id_(0), next_(NULL) { }
rtable_node(nsaddr_t newid) : id_(newid), next_(NULL) { }
// Route Table:
// This struct is a head pointer for a route entry, has expiry timestamp.
// Route is at next_ .
struct rtable_entry {
nsaddr_t id_;
Time expiry_;
int numhops_; // number of hops from me
rtable_node* next_; // route is here
rtable_entry() : id_(0), next_(NULL), expiry_(0), numhops_(0) { }
rtable_entry(nsaddr_t newid) : id_(newid), next_(NULL), expiry_(0),
numhops_(0) { }
// Route Table:
// Class includes a tag (agent_) to agent it resides in to access friendly
// data and methods.
class RoutingTable {
RoutingTable(ZRPAgent* a) { // init
agent_ = a;
ZRPAgent* agent_;
nsaddr_t my_address_;
int num_entries_;
// Tables
rtable_node* route[MAX_NODES_PER_ZONE+1]; // Last ptr is always null
rtable_entry* outer_route[MAX_OUTER_ROUTES]; // Last ptr is always null
rtable_node* periphnodes_;
LinkStateTable *linkstatetable;
// Methods
void RoutingTable::compute_routes(nsaddr_t myadd, int radius);
void erase();
void print();
// returns pointer to entry to node's route
int get_entry(nsaddr_t node_id);
int route_exists(nsaddr_t id);
// drop from link table, add node to RouteTable
void add_drop(link_struct* ls, int i);
// Finds Next Hop On route to given,
//returns FALSE if doesn't exist
int next_hop_to(nsaddr_t node) { }
// returns route entry index for given node
int node_exists(nsaddr_t nodei);
void empty_links(link_struct *lst);
// int rmax; // the number of hops to the farthest node in my LRZ
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