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Composition Expression Language

Composition Expression Language


Composition Expression Language is case-insensitive.


Only functions/operators not in the Microsoft Learn doc have their full signature mentioned here, others are just listed by their name

This gist documents the primitive types, subchannels, keywords, operators, functions, member functions, and animatable properties of the Composition Expression Language used for Composition Expression Animations since the Microsoft Learn documentation is outdated.

Primitive Types

  • bool (aka Boolean) : TypeID: 0x11
  • float (aka Scalar) : TypeID: 0x12
  • Vector2 : TypeID: 0x23
  • Vector3 : TypeID: 0x34
  • Vector4 : TypeID: 0x45
  • Color : TypeID: 0x46
  • Quaternion : TypeID: 0x47
  • Matrix3x2 : TypeID: 0x68
  • Matrix4x4 : TypeID: 0x109
  • TimeSpan : TypeID: 0x2A
  • Path : TypeID: 0x0B



TypeID can be used to calculate the number of supported subchannels like this numSubchannels = TypeID >> 4, so for example the number of subchannels supported for Matrix4x4 is 0x109 >> 4 which equals 16.

  • Vector2 : X, Y
  • Vector3 : X, Y, Z
  • Vector4 : X, Y, Z, W
  • Matrix3x2 : _11, _12, _21, _22, _31, _32
  • Matrix4x4 : _11, _12, _13, _14, _21, _22, _23, _24, _31, _32, _33, _34, _41, _42, _43, _44


  • This
  • This.StartingValue
  • This.CurrentValue
  • This.FinalValue
  • This.Target
  • True
  • False
  • Pi : Constant: 3.1415927f


  • +
  • -
  • *
  • == : bool(Color,Color), bool(Quaternion,Quaternion), bool(Matrix3x2,Matrix3x2), bool(Matrix4x4,Matrix4x4), bool(Vector4,Vector4), bool(bool,bool), bool(float,float), bool(Vector2,Vector2), bool(Vector3,Vector3)
  • != : bool(Color,Color), bool(Quaternion,Quaternion), bool(Matrix3x2,Matrix3x2), bool(Matrix4x4,Matrix4x4), bool(Vector4,Vector4), bool(bool,bool), bool(float,float), bool(Vector2,Vector2), bool(Vector3,Vector3)
  • > : bool(float,float)
  • >= : bool(float,float)
  • < : bool(float,float)
  • <= : bool(float,float)
  • add
  • subtract
  • divide
  • multiply
  • and : bool(bool,bool)
  • or : bool(bool,bool)
  • not : float(float)
  • ?, :
  • %
  • ||
  • &&


  • Abs
  • Min
  • Max
  • Clamp
  • Scale
  • Transform
  • Inverse
  • Lerp
  • Slerp
  • ColorLerp
  • ColorLerpHSL
  • ColorLerpRGB
  • Length
  • LengthSquared
  • Distance
  • DistanceSquared
  • Mod
  • Normalize
  • Concatenate
  • Sin
  • Asin
  • Cos
  • Acos
  • Tan
  • Atan
  • Ceil
  • Floor
  • Round
  • Sqrt
  • Pow
  • Square
  • Log10
  • Ln
  • ToDegrees
  • ToRadians
  • Vector2
  • Vector3
  • Vector4
  • ColorHSL
  • Quaternion
  • Matrix3x2
  • Matrix4x4

Member Functions

  • Matrix3x2.CreateFromTranslation
  • Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation
  • Matrix4x4.CreateFromTranslation
  • Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation
  • Matrix3x2.CreateFromScale
  • Matrix3x2.CreateScale
  • Matrix4x4.CreateFromScale
  • Matrix4x4.CreateScale
  • Matrix3x2.CreateSkew
  • Matrix3x2.CreateRotation
  • Matrix4x4.CreateFromAxisAngle
  • Matrix4x4.CreateRotationX : Matrix4x4(float), Matrix4x4(float,Vector3)
  • Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY : Matrix4x4(float), Matrix4x4(float,Vector3)
  • Matrix4x4.CreateRotationZ : Matrix4x4(float), Matrix4x4(float,Vector3)
  • Matrix4x4.CreatePerspective : Matrix4x4(float,float,float,float)
  • Matrix4x4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView : Matrix4x4(float,float,float,float)
  • Matrix4x4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter : Matrix4x4(float,float,float,float,float,float)
  • Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion : Matrix4x4(Quaternion)
  • Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll : Matrix4x4(float,float,float)
  • Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle
  • Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix : Quaternion(Matrix4x4)
  • Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll : Quaternion(float,float,float)
  • Quaternion.Lerp : Quaternion(Quaternion,Quaternion,float)
  • TimeSpan.FromMilliSeconds : TimeSpan(float)
  • TimeSpan.FromSeconds : TimeSpan(float)
  • TimeSpan.FromMinutes : TimeSpan(float)
  • Vector2.Dot : float(Vector2,Vector2)
  • Vector2.Transform : Vector2(Vector2,Quaternion), Vector2(Vector2,Matrix3x2), Vector2(Vector2,Matrix4x4)
  • Vector2.TransformNormal : Vector2(Vector2,Matrix3x2), Vector2(Vector2,Matrix4x4)
  • Vector3.Cross : Vector3(Vector3,Vector3)
  • Vector3.Dot : float(Vector3,Vector3)
  • Vector3.Transform : Vector3(Vector3,Quaternion), Vector3(Vector3,Matrix4x4)
  • Vector3.TransformNormal: Vector3(Vector3,Matrix4x4)
  • Vector4.Dot : float(Vector4,Vector4)
  • Vector4.Transform : Vector4(Vector4,Quaternion), Vector4(Vector4,Matrix4x4), Vector4(Vector3,Quaternion), Vector4(Vector3,Matrix4x4), Vector4(Vector2,Quaternion), Vector4(Vector2,Matrix4x4)

Animatable Properties


Some animatable properties of some types are different than the projected WinRT properties of said types, see RectangleClip for an example of that.

  • ComponentTransform2D

    • AnchorPoint
    • CenterPoint
    • Offset
    • RotationAngle
    • RotationAngleInDegrees
    • Scale
    • TransformMatrix
  • ComponentTransform3D

    • AnchorPoint
    • CenterPoint
    • Offset
    • Orientation
    • RotationAngle
    • RotationAngleInDegrees
    • RotationAxis
    • Scale
    • TransformMatrix
  • Visual [ ComponentTransform3D ]

    • Size
    • Opacity
    • IsPixelSnappingEnabled
    • IsVisible
    • RelativeOffsetAdjustment
    • RelativeSizeAdjustment
  • CompositionColorBrush

    • Color
  • CompositionGradientBrush [ ComponentTransform2D ]

  • CompositionColorGradientStop

    • Color
    • Offset
  • CompositionLinearGradientBrush [ CompositionGradientBrush ]

    • StartPoint
    • EndPoint
  • CompositionRadialGradientBrush [ CompositionGradientBrush ]

    • EllipseCenter
    • EllipseRadius
    • GradientOriginOffset
  • CompositionNineGridBrush

    • BottomInset
    • BottomInsetScale
    • LeftInset
    • LeftInsetScale
    • RightInset
    • RightInsetScale
    • TopInset
    • TopInsetScale
  • CompositionSurfaceBrush [ ComponentTransform2D ]

    • HorizontalAlignmentRatio
    • VerticalAlignmentRatio
    • SnapToPixels
    • SuperDownSample
  • CompositionVisualSurface

    • SourceOffset
    • SourceSize
  • CompositionClip [ ComponentTransform2D ]

  • InsetClip [ CompositionClip ]

    • LeftInset
    • TopInset
    • RightInset
    • BottomInset
  • RectangleClip [ CompositionClip ]

    • Left
    • Top
    • Right
    • Bottom
    • TopLeftRadiusX
    • TopLeftRadiusY
    • TopRightRadiusX
    • TopRightRadiusY
    • BottomLeftRadiusX
    • BottomLeftRadiusY
    • BottomRightRadiusX
    • BottomRightRadiusY
  • CompositionShape [ ComponentTransform2D ]

  • CompositionSpriteShape [ CompositionShape ]

    • StrokeDashOffset
    • StrokeMiterLimit
    • StrokeThickness
  • CompositionGeometry

    • TrimStart
    • TrimEnd
    • TrimOffset
  • CompositionEllipseGeometry [ CompositionGeometry ]

    • Center
    • Radius
  • CompositionLineGeometry [ CompositionGeometry ]

    • Start
    • End
  • CompositionPathGeometry [ CompositionGeometry ]

    • Path
  • CompositionRectangleGeometry [ CompositionGeometry ]

    • Offset
    • Size
  • CompositionRoundedRectangleGeometry [ CompositionGeometry ]

    • CornerRadius
    • Offset
    • Size
  • KeyFrameAnimator

    • DelayTime
    • Duration
    • PlaybackRate
    • Progress
  • KeyFrameAnimation [ KeyFrameAnimator ]

    • StartingValue
    • CurrentValue
  • BounceScalarNaturalMotionAnimation

    • DelayTime
    • InitialValue
    • FinalValue
    • InitialVelocity
    • Acceleration
    • Restitution
  • BounceVector2NaturalMotionAnimation [ BounceScalarNaturalMotionAnimation ]

  • BounceVector3NaturalMotionAnimation [ BounceScalarNaturalMotionAnimation ]

  • SpringScalarNaturalMotionAnimation

    • DelayTime
    • InitialValue
    • FinalValue
    • InitialVelocity
    • DampingRatio
    • Period
  • SpringVector2NaturalMotionAnimation [ SpringScalarNaturalMotionAnimation ]

  • SpringVector3NaturalMotionAnimation [ SpringScalarNaturalMotionAnimation ]

  • AnimationController

    • Progress
    • PlaybackRate
  • CompositionAnimationTriggerPartner

    • Triggered
  • CompositionViewBox

    • Offset
    • Size
    • HorizontalAlignmentRatio
    • VerticalAlignmentRatio
  • DropShadow

    • BlurRadius
    • Color
    • Offset
    • Opacity
  • CompositionProjectedShadow

    • BlurRadiusMultiplier
    • MaxBlurRadius
    • MinBlurRadius
    • OpacityFalloff
    • MaxOpacity
    • MinOpacity
  • ScenePbrMaterial

    • AlphaCutoff
    • EmissiveFactor
    • NormalScale
    • OcclusionStrength
  • SceneModelTransform [ ComponentTransform3D ]

    • Translation
    • Offset
  • SceneMetallicRoughnessMaterial [ ScenePbrMaterial ]

    • BaseColorFactor
    • MetallicFactor
    • RoughnessFactor
  • CompositionManipulation (Read-only1)

    • Injections
    • Scale
    • DeltaScale
    • CenterPoint
    • Position
    • DeltaPosition
    • Matrix
    • PositionVelocity
    • ScaleVelocity
  • CompositionPointerEventRouter (Read-only1)

    • IsPositionXRailsEnabled
    • IsPositionYRailsEnabled
  • VisualInteractionSource [ CompositionManipulation, CompositionPointerEventRouter ]

  • InteractionTracker (Read-only1)

    • Position
    • PositionVelocityInPixelsPerSecond
    • Scale
    • ScaleVelocityInPercentPerSecond
    • MinPosition
    • MaxPosition
    • MinScale
    • MaxScale
    • PositionInertiaDecayRate
    • ScaleInertiaDecayRate
    • InertiaCenterpointX
    • InertiaCenterpointY
    • InertiaModifier_SetX
    • InertiaModifier_SetY
    • InertiaModifier_SetScale
    • InertiaModifier_SetXY
    • NaturalRestingPosition
    • NaturalRestingScale
    • IsPositionRoundingSuggested
    • IsInertiaFromImpulse
  • CompositionHoverPointerSource

    • Point
  • ManipulationTransform

    • Translation
    • Scale
    • CenterPoint
    • Pan
    • Matrix
  • AmbientLight

    • Color
    • Intensity
  • DistantLight

    • Color
    • Direction
    • Intensity
  • PointLight

    • Offset
    • Color
    • ConstantAttenuation
    • LinearAttenuation
    • QuadraticAttenuation
    • Intensity
    • MinAttenuationCutoff
    • MaxAttenuationCutoff
  • SpotLight

    • Direction
    • InnerConeAngle
    • InnerConeAngleInDegrees
    • InnerConeColor
    • InnerConeIntensity
    • Offset
    • OuterConeAngle
    • OuterConeAngleInDegrees
    • OuterConeColor
    • OuterConeIntensity
    • ConstantAttenuation
    • LinearAttenuation
    • QuadraticAttenuation
    • MinAttenuationCutoff
    • MaxAttenuationCutoff
  • CompositionEffectBrush.Properties

    • D2D1 Effects : [EffectName].[PropertyName]2
    • SceneLightingEffect
      • [Name].AmbientAmount
      • [Name].DiffuseAmount
      • [Name].SpecularAmount
      • [Name].SpecularShine
    • WhiteNoiseEffect
      • [Name].Frequency
      • [Name].Offset

Xaml-Specific Animatable Properties

  • ScrollViewerManipulationPropertySet [ ManipulationTransform ]

  • PointerPositionPropertySet

    • Position3
  • UIElement's HandOff Visual [ Visual ]

    • Translation4


  1. Needs confirmation. 2 3

  2. EffectName corresponds to the value of IGraphicsEffect.Name, PropertyName is queried through IGraphicsEffectD2D1Interop::GetNamedPropertyMapping.

  3. This is hooked to CompositionHoverPointerSource.Point through an Expression Animation.

  4. Only if ElementCompositionPreview.SetIsTranslationEnabled is set to true.

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