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Last active November 19, 2023 15:55
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Arabic notes for DREAM INTENSIVE program by Nouman Ali Khan
Handouts Practice material: workbook

Kinds of Arabic

  init: {
    'themeVariables': {
        'fontFamily': 'verdana'
    classDef header font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,font-size:1.1em,padding:15px

    state "Arabic" as arabic
    state "<b>Street Arabic</b>" as str: Different dialects in\ndifferent places
    state "<b>Fus-ha (فُصْحى)/\nProper Arabic</b>" as fus: Found in newspapers and\nbooks, subset (small part)\nof an ancient arabic
    state "<b>Ancient/\nClassical Arabic/\nلسان العرب</b>" as cls: Language of The Quran

    arabic:::header --> str
    arabic --> fus
    arabic --> cls

Basic Grammar

  init: {
    'themeVariables': {
        'fontFamily': 'verdana'
    classDef header font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,font-size:1.1em,padding:15px

    state "ARABIC" as arabic
    %%state types <<fork>>
    state "Ism (اسم)" as ism: Person, place, thing,\nidea, adjective, adverb\nand more. It includes\nall nouns, pronouns, etc.
    state "Fi'l (فعل)" as fil: A word that is stuck in\ntime (past, present or\nfuture tense). In english,\nwe call it Verbs but it is\nmore than verbs. 
    state "Harf (حرف)" as harf: A word that makes no\nsense unless another\nword comes after it. In\nenglish, we call it\nprepositions.
    arabic:::header --> ism
    arabic --> fil
    arabic --> harf: 3 types of words

    note right of harf: E.g. - in, at,\nfor, with,\nby, to etc.
    note right of fil: E.g. - learned,\nwrote, helps.
    note left of ism
        <b>PERSON</b>: E.g. - He, she, her, him, they, who, that, Ahmad, grandfather
        <b>PLACE</b>: E.g. - Ice cream shop, ocean, park, campus, Canada, New York.
        <b>THING</b>: E.g. - Pen, book, screen, computer.
        <b>IDEA</b>: Words that we can't touch; not physical in nature; any 'ing' words
            that can be put after the sentence: <i>the act of ___</i>. E.g. - the act of driving. 
            E.g. - Knowledge, coolness, mercy, cooking, submission, teaching, heat.
        <b>ADJECTIVE</b>: Words that is used to describe a person, place, thing or idea.
            E.g. - old, hot, happy, lovely.
        <b>ADVERB</b>: E.g. - Quickly, Happily, patiently, nicely, kindly. (Mostly <a href="#" style="color: currentColor; cursor: text;">ly</a> words) 
    end note

    state ism_props <<fork>>
    ism --> ism_props: Properties
    ism_props --> Status
    ism_props --> Number
    ism_props --> Gender
    ism_props --> Type

    state status_types <<fork>>
    state "Raf'" as Raf: Doer of the <b>Fi'l</b>
    state "Nasb" as Nasb: Details about\nthe <b>Fi'l</b>
    state "Jarr" as Jarr: Whatever word\ncomes after <a href="#" style="color#58; currentColor; cursor#58; text;">of</a>\nin english

    Status --> status_types: 3 states
    status_types --> Raf
    status_types --> Nasb
    status_types --> Jarr

    state "Ending Sounds" as state_identification {
        state "<b>u</b> or <b>un</b>" as raf_sign
        state "<b>a</b> or <b>an</b>" as nasb_sign
        state "<b>i</b> or <b>in</b>" as jarr_sign

    Raf --> raf_sign
    Nasb --> nasb_sign
    Jarr --> jarr_sign

Process of finding Raf', Nasb and Jarr in a sentence

  init: {
    'themeVariables': {
        'fontFamily': 'verdana'
    direction LR

    state "Find what is\nthe <b>Fi'l</b> in\nthe sentence?\n(i.e. the verb)" as find_fil
    state "Find who/what\nis the <b>Ism</b>\nthat did it?\n(i.e. the doer)" as find_ism
    state "What are the\ninvestigation/\ndetail question(s)\nabout the Fi'l\nthat follows?" as find_det

    note right of find_ism: this <b>Ism</b> would\nbe in the state\nof <b>Raf'</b>
    note right of find_det: all these\ndetails would\nbe in the state\nof <b>Nasb</b>

    [*] --> find_fil: <b>Step-1\n\n</b>
    find_fil --> find_ism: <b>Step-2\n\n</b>
    find_ism --> find_det: <b>\nStep3</b>
    find_det --> [*]: <b>Done\n\n</b>

    note_for_jarr: Any word that\ncomes after\n<a href="#" style="color#58; currentColor#59; cursor#58; text#59;">of</a> is in the\nstate of <b>Jarr</b>\nE.g. - Car of\n<u>mine</u>, <u>His</u> book,\n<u>Girl's</u> diary

Ism, Fi'l and Harf can also be identified by the Process of Elimination since arabic sentences can only be composed of any one of the three.

Status Chart

Masculine Chart

Jarr (جَرّ) Nasb (نَصْب) Raf' (رَفْع)
مُسْلِمٍ مُسْلِمًا 1 مُسْلِمٌ Singular (مُفْرَد)
مُسْلِمَيْنِ مُسْلِمَيْنِ مُسْلِمَانِ Pair(Dual) (مُثَنَّى)
مُسْلِمِيْنَ مُسْلِمِيْنَ مُسْلِمُوْنَ Plural (جَمْع)2

Feminine Chart

Jarr (جَرّ) Nasb (نَصْب) Raf' (رَفْع)
مُسْلِمَةٍ مُسْلِمَةً 1 مُسْلِمَةٌ Singular (مُفْرَد)
مُسْلِمَتَيْنِ مُسْلِمَتَيْنِ مُسْلِمَتَانِ Pair(Dual) (مُثَنَّى)
مُسْلِمَاتٍ مُسْلِمَاتٍ مُسْلِمَاتٌ Plural (جَمْع)

Note: Look for combinations first then look for sounds in a word.


  1. Forms of status (Raf', Nasb and Jarr)
  2. How to tell status:
    1. By ending sounds
      1. Singular masculine sounds (u: 1-Raf', a: 1-Nasb, i: 1-Jarr)
      2. Singular feminine sounds (tu: 1-Raf', ta: 1-Nasb, ti: 1-Jarr)
    2. By ending combinations (Look for them first)
      1. Dual masculine Combinations (aani: 2-Raf', ayni: 2-Nasb, ayni: 2-Jarr)
      2. Dual feminine Combinations (taani: 2-Raf', tayni: 2-Nasb, tayni: 2-Jarr)
      3. Plural masculine Combinations2 (oona: 3-Raf', eena: 2-Nasb, eena: 3-Jarr)
      4. Plural feminine Combinations (aatun: 3-Raf', aatin: 2-Nasb, aatin: 3-Jarr)


  1. The trailing alif ا in the singular-heavy-Nasb status is a writing standard and is only not present when the word ends with a ta-marbuta ة, E.g.: غَفُوْرًا, كِتَابًا, رَحْمَةً, مُسْلِمَةً 2

  2. Plural masculine Combinations are always used when talking about People/Intelligent-Beings, E.g.: Humans, Jinns, Angels. 2

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