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Created June 4, 2021 13:33
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Alternative to multer file uploader using busboy-body-parser in Typescript
// Server Code ...
const busboyBodyParser = require('busboy-body-parser');
// Express TCP requests parsing
app.use(busboyBodyParser({ limit: '10mb', multi:true }));
// Some more server code ...
import { Uploader } from "uploader";
export const router = express.Router();'/uploader', Uploader.fields([{ name: "images" }]), (req, res)=>{console.log(req.body.files})
import compose from "composable-middleware"
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { SenderService } from "../http/services/sender.service"; // Optional Service for res handling
// This implementation requires busboy-body-parser initialized in app
interface IFields {
name: string;
export class Uploader {
static dest: string = './public/images';
public static fields(names: IFields[]) {
return (
.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.files == null) { next(); } else {
names.forEach(o => {
if (req.files[] != null) {
Uploader.fileFilter(req.files[], (error, status) => {
if (!status) SenderService.errorSend(res, { success: false, msg: error, status: 500 })
Uploader.fileStorage(req.files[], (error, status, files) => {
if (!status) SenderService.errorSend(res, { success: false, msg: error, status: 500 })
req.body.files = files;
public static async fileStorage(files, cb) {
let filePaths = await Promise.all( file => {
let filePath = path.join(Uploader.dest, `${new Date().toISOString().replace(/:/g, "-")}-${}`);
await fs.writeFileSync(filePath,;
return filePath;
cb(null, true, filePaths);
public static fileFilter(files, cb) {
files.forEach(file => {
if (
file.mimetype !== "image/png" &&
file.mimetype !== "image/jpg" &&
file.mimetype !== "image/jpeg"
) {
cb("Image uploaded is not of type jpg/jpeg or png", false);
cb(null, true);
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