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Created May 18, 2023 07:28
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A script to add groups into policies in Purview
[string] $PurviewAccountName,
[string] $SubscriptionId,
[string] $ResourceGroupName,
[string] $ManagedIdentityUserID = $null,
[string] $PurviewDataCollectionAdminGroupObjectId,
[string] $PurviewDataSourceAdGroupObjectId,
[string] $PurviewDataCuratorAdGroupObjectId,
[string] $PurviewReaderAdGroupObjectId,
[string] $PurviewShareContributorAdGroupObjectId,
[string] $PurviewDataSourceUserObjectId = $null,
[string] $PurviewDataCuratorUserObjectId = $null,
[string] $PurviewReaderUserObjectId = $null,
[string] $PurviewShareContributorUserObjectId = $null
function Add-RootCollectionAdmin(
[string] $objectId,
[string] $SubscriptionId,
[string] $ResourceGroupName,
[string] $PurviewAccountName
) {
if (($null -eq $objectId) -or ($objectId -eq "")) {
Write-Host "Adding root collection admin $objectId"
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken -Resource "").Token
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $token" }
$body = "{
objectId: ""$objectId""
$uri = "$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/$PurviewAccountName/addRootCollectionAdmin?api-version=2021-07-01"
$retrycount = 1
$completed = $false
while (-not $completed) {
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body -ErrorAction Stop
$completed = $true
catch {
if ($retrycount -ge $retries) {
Write-Host "Metadata policy update failed the maximum number of $retryCount times for $objectId"
else {
Write-Host "Metadata policy update failed $retryCount time(s). Retrying in $secondsDelay seconds for $objectId"
Write-Warning $Error[0]
Start-Sleep $secondsDelay
function CallPurviewApi (
[string] $Method,
[string] $Url,
[string] $Body
) {
$Headers = @{}
$Headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Windows PowerShell 7.x Purview API PS")
$Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $token")
$Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
Write-Host "Invoking API : Sending Request ... " -ForegroundColor DarkCyan -NoNewLine
Write-Host " $Method $Url"
Try {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Url -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
Catch {
Write-Host $_ :-> $_.Exception
Write-Host "API Response Received :-> " -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Output $result
function Get-PolicyId() {
$uri = "https://$"
$res = (CallPurviewApi -Method "GET" -Url $uri -Body $body)
$policy = $res
$policyId = $
return $policyId
function Add-GroupToPolicy (
[string] $GroupId,
[string] $PolicyId,
[string] $PolicyName,
[System.Array] $dnfCondition
) {
if ($null -eq $GroupId) {
return $dnfCondition
# If there are no groups in the policy, create the whole array item with the policy name
if ($null -eq $dnfCondition[1]) {
$obj1 = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
fromRule = $PolicyName;
attributeName = "derived.purview.role";
attributeValueIncludes = $PolicyName
$obj2 = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
attributeName = "";
attributeValueIncludedIn = @("$GroupId")
$array = @($obj1, $obj2)
$dnfCondition = @($dnfCondition[0], $array)
# If the array item exists, add the group to the existing array
else {
$dnfCondition[1][1].attributeValueIncludedIn += $GroupId
return $dnfCondition
function Add-UserToPolicy (
[string] $UserId,
[System.Array] $dnfCondition
) {
# If there is no UserId, return the original dnfCondition
if (($null -eq $userId) -or ($userId -eq "")) {
return $dnfCondition
$dnfCondition[0][0].attributeValueIncludedIn += $UserId
return $dnfCondition
# Add Root Collection Admin
Add-RootCollectionAdmin -objectId $PurviewDataCollectionAdminGroupObjectId -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -PurviewAccountName $PurviewAccountName
Add-RootCollectionAdmin -objectId $ManagedIdentityUserID -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -PurviewAccountName $PurviewAccountName
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken -Resource "").Token
$purviewEndpoint = "https://$"
$policyId = Get-PolicyId
# Set the Url and get the policy by Id through the API call
$uri = "$purviewEndpoint/policystore/metadataPolicies/$policyId`?api-version=2021-07-01"
$res = (CallPurviewApi -Method "GET" -Url $uri -Body $body)
foreach ($attributeRule in $ {
if ($ -like "*data-source-administrator*") {
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-GroupToPolicy -GroupId $PurviewDataSourceAdGroupObjectId -PolicyId $policyId -PolicyName "purviewmetadatarole_builtin_data-source-administrator" -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-UserToPolicy -UserId $PurviewDataSourceUserObjectId -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
elseif ($ -like "*data-curator*") {
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-GroupToPolicy -GroupId $PurviewDataCuratorAdGroupObjectId -PolicyId $policyId -PolicyName "purviewmetadatarole_builtin_data-curator" -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-UserToPolicy -UserId $PurviewDataCuratorUserObjectId -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
elseif ($ -like "*purview-reader*") {
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-GroupToPolicy -GroupId $PurviewReaderAdGroupObjectId -PolicyId $policyId -PolicyName "purviewmetadatarole_builtin_purview-reader" -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-UserToPolicy -UserId $PurviewReaderUserObjectId -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
elseif ($ -like "*share-contributor*") {
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-GroupToPolicy -GroupId $PurviewShareContributorAdGroupObjectId -PolicyId $policyId -PolicyName "purviewmetadatarole_builtin_data-share-contributor" -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
$attributeRule.dnfCondition = Add-UserToPolicy -UserId $PurviewShareContributorUserObjectId -dnfCondition $attributeRule.dnfCondition
Write-Host "Update metadata policy (ID $policyId)..."
$body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $res -Depth 100
$uri = "$purviewEndpoint/policystore/metadataPolicies/" + $policyId + "?api-version=2021-07-01"
CallPurviewApi -Method "PUT" -Url $uri -Body $body
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