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Last active October 28, 2020 21:03
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Save ahmedselim2017/f48b7838d6e4dd10b6611ee4bf91b0db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Functions
echo "Installing $1"
pacman --noconfirm --needed -S "$1"
echo "Username:" && read username
while ! echo "$username" | grep -q "^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*$"; do
unset $username
echo "Username not valid. Give a username beginning with a letter, with only lowercase letters, - or _." && read username
echo "Password:" && read -s password
echo "Confirm password:" && read -s passwordConfirm
while ! [ "$password" = "$passwordConfirm" ]; do
unset password && unset passwordConfirm
echo "Passwords do not match. Please retype:" && read -s password
echo "Confirm password:" && read -s passwordConfirm
unset $passwordConfirm
useradd -m -s /bin/zsh $username
usermod -aG wheel,audio,video,optical,storage $username
echo "$username:$password" | chpasswd
unset $password
refreshKeys() (
echo "Refreshing Arch Keyring..."
pacman -Q artix-keyring >/dev/null 2>&1 && pacman --noconfirm -S archlinux-keyring >/dev/null 2>&1
pacman --noconfirm -S archlinux-keyring >/dev/null 2>&1
manualInstall() (
[ -f "/usr/bin/$1" ] && echo "$1 is already installed." && return
echo "Installing $1"
cd /tmp || exit
rm -rf /tmp/$1*
curl -sO"$1".tar.gz &&
sudo -u "$username" tar -xvf "$1".tar.gz &&
cd "$1" &&
sudo -u "$username" makepkg --noconfirm -si
cd /tmp
aurInstall() (
echo "Installing $1"
sudo -u "$name" $aurhelper -S --noconfirm "$1"
pipInstall() (
echo "Installing $1"
command -v pip || installPkg python-pip
yes | pip install "$1"
installDots() (
sudo -u "$username" git clone --bare "" > "/home/$username/.dots"
sudo -u "$username" /usr/bin/git --git-dir="/home/$username/.dots/" --work-tree="/home/$username/.dots/" checkout
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Checked out config.";
echo "Backing up pre-existing dot files.";
sudo -u "$username" sh -c '/usr/bin/git --git-dir="/home/$username/.dots/" --work-tree="/home/$username/.dots/" checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}'
sudo -u "$username" /usr/bin/git --git-dir="/home/$username/.dots/" --work-tree="/home/$username/.dots/" checkout
sudo -u "$username" /usr/bin/git --git-dir="/home/$username/.dots/" --work-tree="/home/$username/.dots/" config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
installationLoop() (
([ -f "$progsfile" ] && cp "$progsfile" /tmp/progs.csv) || curl -Ls "$progsfile" | sed '/^#/d' > /tmp/progs.csv
total=$(wc -l < /tmp/progs.csv)
aurinstalled=$(pacman -Qqm)
while IFS=, read -r tag program comment; do
echo "$comment" | grep -q "^\".*\"$" && comment="$(echo "$comment" | sed "s/\(^\"\|\"$\)//g")"
case "$tag" in
"A") aurinstall "$program" "$comment" ;;
"G") gitmakeinstall "$program" "$comment" ;;
"P") pipinstall "$program" "$comment" ;;
*) installPkg "$program" "$comment" ;;
done < /tmp/progs.csv ;}
installZSHPlugins() (
cd /home/$username/.config/zsh
sudo -u "$username" git clone
sudo -u "$username" git clone
sudo -u "$username" git clone
sudo -u "$username" git clone
# Start
# Banner
echo -e "\033[0;34m┏━┓┏━┓┏━╸╻ ╻┏━┓╺┳╸┏━┓┏━┓╺┳╸┏━╸┏━┓
┣━┫┣┳┛┃ ┣━┫┗━┓ ┃ ┣━┫┣┳┛ ┃ ┣╸ ┣┳┛
╹ ╹╹┗╸┗━╸╹ ╹┗━┛ ╹ ╹ ╹╹┗╸ ╹ ┗━╸╹┗╸\033[0m"
refreshKeys || error "Error automatically refreshing Arch keyring."
for x in curl base-devel git ntp zsh; do
installPkg "$x"
ntpdate >/dev/null 2>&1
addUser || error "Couldn't add user"
[ -f /etc/sudoers.pacnew ] && cp /etc/sudoers.pacnew /etc/sudoers # Just in case
# Allow user to run sudo without password. Since AUR programs must be installed
# in a fakeroot environment, this is required for all builds with AUR.
newperms "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
# Make pacman and yay colorful and adds eye candy on the progress bar because why not.
grep -q "^Color" /etc/pacman.conf || sed -i "s/^#Color$/Color/" /etc/pacman.conf
grep -q "ILoveCandy" /etc/pacman.conf || sed -i "/#VerbosePkgLists/a ILoveCandy" /etc/pacman.conf
# Use all cores for compilation.
sed -i "s/-j2/-j$(nproc)/;s/^#MAKEFLAGS/MAKEFLAGS/" /etc/makepkg.conf
manualinstall yay || error "Failed to install AUR helper."
# The command that does all the installing. Reads the progs.csv file and
# installs each needed program the way required. Be sure to run this only after
# the user has been created and has priviledges to run sudo without a password
# and all build dependencies are installed.
chsh -s /bin/zsh "$username" >/dev/null 2>&1
sudo -u "$username" mkdir -p "/home/$name/.cache/zsh/"
# Tap to click
[ ! -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf ] && printf 'Section "InputClass"
Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "libinput"
# Enable left mouse button by tapping
Option "Tapping" "on"
EndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf
# Fix fluidsynth/pulseaudio issue.
grep -q "OTHER_OPTS='-a pulseaudio -m alsa_seq -r 48000'" /etc/conf.d/fluidsynth ||
echo "OTHER_OPTS='-a pulseaudio -m alsa_seq -r 48000'" >> /etc/conf.d/fluidsynth
# Start/restart PulseAudio.
killall pulseaudio; sudo -u "$name" pulseaudio --start
# This line, overwriting the `newperms` command above will allow the user to run
# serveral important commands, `shutdown`, `reboot`, updating, etc. without a password.
#TAG NAME IN REPO (or git url) PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
xorg-server is the graphical server.
xorg-xwininfo allows querying information about windows.
xorg-xinit starts the graphical server.
A hack-font-ligature-nerd-font-git hack nerd font
xcompmgr is for transparency and removing screen-tearing.
xorg-xprop is a tool for detecting window properties.
dosfstools allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.
libnotify allows desktop notifications.
dunst is a suckless notification system.
exfat-utils allows management of FAT drives.
sxiv is a minimalist image viewer.
xwallpaper sets the wallpaper.
ffmpeg can record and splice video and audio on the command line.
gnome-keyring serves as the system keyring.
A gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git gives the dracula GTK theme
neovim a tidier vim with some useful features
cmus is a lightweight music player.
mpv is the patrician's choice video player.
man-db lets you read man pages of programs.
A brave-bin is an elegant browser with built-in adblocking, tor and other features.
noto-fonts-emoji is an emoji font.
ntfs-3g allows accessing NTFS partitions.
pulseaudio-alsa is the audio system.
pulsemixer is an audio controler.
pamixer is a command-line audio interface.
A sc-im is an Excel-like terminal spreadsheet manager.
maim can take quick screenshots at your request.
unrar extracts rar's.
unzip unzips zips.
lynx is a terminal browser.
xclip allows for copying and pasting from the command line.
xdotool provides window action utilities on the command line.
youtube-dl can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link.
zathura is a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings.
zathura-pdf-mupdf allows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura.
poppler manipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions.
mediainfo shows audio and video information.
fzf is a fuzzy finder tool.
highlight can highlight code output.
xorg-xbacklight enables changing screen brightness levels.
A simple-mtpfs-git enables the mounting of cell phones.
slock allows you to lock your computer, and quickly unlock with your password.
texlive-most latex
clipmenu Clipboard management using dmenu
A i3-gaps-rounded-git A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features, including gaps and rounded corners
picom X compositor that may fix tearing issues
A polybar Status bar
P ipython ipython
termite terminal emulator
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