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Created November 14, 2012 14:14
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Sak's disambiguator
#Author: Haşim Sak @ Department of Computer Engineering - Boğaziçi University.
#Version: 1.0
#Date: August 17, 2007
#Description: This program implements an averaged perceptron based morphological disambiguation system for Turkish text.
# You can find the most up to date version at
# For more information, you can see readme.txt and read the following paper.
# Haşim Sak, Tunga Güngör, and Murat Saraçlar. Morphological disambiguation of Turkish text with perceptron algorithm.
# In CICLing 2007, volume LNCS 4394, pages 107-118, 2007.
# If you want to use this program in your research, please cite this paper.
# Please note that this implementation is a little bit different than the one described in the paper.
# The difference is that the baseline model is no longer used and the disambiguation is done using Viterbi decoding.
#Important: The input files are expected to be UTF-8 encoded. You can use iconv unix command line tool for encoding conversions.
use strict;
use utf8;
use open ":utf8";
$| = 1;
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
my $num_examples;
my %w;
my %avgw;
my %counts;
my %exclude_feat;
if (@ARGV != 3 && @ARGV != 4)
print "usage: -train train_set[in] dev_set[in] model[out]\n";
print "usage: -test model[in] test_set[in]\n";
print "usage: -disamb model[in] amb_set[in] unamb_set[out]\n";
print "please use utf-8 encoding for input files\n";
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-train")
train($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]);
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-test")
my $accuracy = test($ARGV[2]);
print "accuracy = ", $accuracy, "\n";
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-disamb")
disamb($ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]);
sub train
my ($train_file, $dev_file, $model_file) = @_;
$num_examples = 0;
for (my $iter = 1; $iter <= 4; ++$iter)
my $accuracy = test($dev_file);
print "$iter. iter: $accuracy\n";
#update averaged perceptron weights and save
sub one_pass
my ($train_file) = @_;
my $TRAIN;
open($TRAIN, $train_file) || die("cannot open file: $train_file\n");
my $line;
my @words;
my @correct_parse;
my @allparses;
while (read_sentence($TRAIN, \@words, \@correct_parse, \@allparses))
my ($best_score, @best_parse) = best_parse(0, @allparses);
my %feat_correct;
if ("@correct_parse" eq "@best_parse")
extract_features(\%feat_correct, @correct_parse);
my %feat_best;
extract_features(\%feat_best, @best_parse);
update_model(\%feat_correct, \%feat_best);
foreach my $feat (keys %avgw)
$avgw{$feat} = ($avgw{$feat} * $counts{$feat} + ($num_examples - $counts{$feat}) * $w{$feat})/$num_examples;
$counts{$feat} = $num_examples;
sub test
my ($test_file) = @_;
my $TEST;
open($TEST, $test_file) || die("cannot open file: $test_file\n");
my $line;
my @words;
my @correct_parse;
my @allparses;
my $num_correct = 0;
my $num_token = 0;
while (read_sentence($TEST, \@words, \@correct_parse, \@allparses))
my ($best_score, @best_parse) = best_parse(1, @allparses);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @correct_parse; ++$i)
if ($correct_parse[$i] eq $best_parse[$i])
if ($num_token > 0)
return 100*$num_correct/$num_token
return 0;
sub disamb
my ($amb_file, $unamb_file) = @_;
my $TEST;
open($TEST, $amb_file) || die("cannot open file: $amb_file\n");
my $OUT;
open($OUT, ">$unamb_file") || die("cannot open file: $unamb_file\n");
my @words;
my @allparses;
my $line;
while ($line = <$TEST>)
if ($line =~ /<DOC>/ || $line =~ /<\/DOC>/ || $line =~ /<TITLE>/ || $line =~ /<\/TITLE>/ || $line =~ /<S>/)
print "$line\n";
if ($line =~ /<\/S>/)
my ($best_score, @best_parse) = best_parse(1, @allparses);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @words; ++$i)
print $OUT "$words[$i] $best_parse[$i]\n";
@words = ();
@allparses = ();
my @tokens = split(/\s+/, $line);
push(@words, shift(@tokens));
push(@allparses, "@tokens");
sub best_parse
my ($averaged_perceptron, @allparses) = @_;
push(@allparses, "</s>");
my %bestpath;
$bestpath{0} = "-1 0 null";
my $best_state_num = 0;
my $best_score;
my %states;
$states{"<s> <s>"} = 0;
my $n = 0;
foreach my $str (@allparses)
$best_score = -100000;
my %next_states;
my @cands = split(/\s+/, $str);
#shuffle candidates
for (my $j = 0; $j < @cands; ++$j)
my $k = rand(@cands);
my $temp = $cands[$j];
$cands[$j] = $cands[$k];
$cands[$k] = $temp;
foreach my $cand (@cands)
foreach my $state (keys %states)
my $state_num = $states{$state};
my ($prev, $score, $parse) = split(/\s+/, $bestpath{$state_num});
my @hist = split(/\s+/, $state);
my @trigram = ($hist[0], $hist[1], $cand);
my %feat;
extract_trigram_feat(\%feat, @trigram);
my $trigram_score;
if ($averaged_perceptron)
$trigram_score = ascore(\%feat);
$trigram_score = score(\%feat);
my $new_score = $score + $trigram_score;
my $new_state = "$hist[1] $cand";
if (!defined $next_states{$new_state})
$next_states{$new_state} = ++$n;
my $next_state_num = $next_states{$new_state};
if (defined $bestpath{$next_state_num})
my ($ignore, $cur_score, $ignore) = split(/\s+/, $bestpath{$next_state_num});
if ($new_score > $cur_score)
$bestpath{$next_state_num} = "$state_num $new_score $cand";
$bestpath{$next_state_num} = "$state_num $new_score $cand";
if ($new_score > $best_score)
$best_score = $new_score;
$best_state_num = $next_state_num;
%states = %next_states;
my @best_parse;
my $state_num = $best_state_num;
while ($state_num != 0)
my ($prev, $score, $parse) = split(/\s+/, $bestpath{$state_num});
unshift(@best_parse, $parse);
$state_num = $prev;
#pop </s>
return ($best_score, @best_parse);
sub extract_features
my ($feat_hash, @parse) = @_;
unshift(@parse, "<s>");
unshift(@parse, "<s>");
push(@parse, "</s>");
my $i;
for ($i = 2; $i < @parse; ++$i)
my @trigram = ($parse[$i-2], $parse[$i-1], $parse[$i]);
extract_trigram_feat($feat_hash, @trigram);
sub extract_trigram_feat
my ($feat_hash, @trigram) = @_;
$trigram[0] =~ /([^\+]+|[\+])(.*)/;
my $r1 = $1;
my @IG1 = split(/\^DB/, $2);
$trigram[1] =~ /([^\+]+|[\+])(.*)/;
my $r2 = $1;
my @IG2 = split(/\^DB/, $2);
$trigram[2] =~ /([^\+]+|[\+])(.*)/;
my $r3 = $1;
my @IG3 = split(/\^DB/, $2);
$feat_hash->{"1:$r1@IG1-$r2@IG2-$r3@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{1});
$feat_hash->{"2:$r1@IG2-$r3@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{2});
$feat_hash->{"3:$r2@IG2-$r3@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{3});
$feat_hash->{"4:$r3@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{4});
$feat_hash->{"5:$r2@IG2-@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{5});
$feat_hash->{"6:$r1@IG1-@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{6});
$feat_hash->{"7:$r1-$r2-$r3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{7});
$feat_hash->{"8:$r1-$r3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{8});
$feat_hash->{"9:$r2-$r3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{9});
$feat_hash->{"10:$r3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{10});
$feat_hash->{"11:@IG1-@IG2-@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{11});
$feat_hash->{"12:@IG1-@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{12});
$feat_hash->{"13:@IG2-@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{13});
$feat_hash->{"14:@IG3"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{14});
foreach my $IG (@IG3)
$feat_hash->{"15:$IG1[$#IG1]-$IG2[$#IG2]-$IG"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{15});
$feat_hash->{"16:$IG1[$#IG1]-$IG"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{16});
$feat_hash->{"17:$IG2[$#IG2]-$IG"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{17});
$feat_hash->{"18:$IG"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{18});
for (my $j = 0; $j < @IG3-1; ++$j)
$feat_hash->{"19:$IG3[$j]-$IG3[$j+1]"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{19});
for (my $j = 0; $j < @IG3; ++$j)
$feat_hash->{"20:$j-$IG3[$j]"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{20});
if ((($r3 =~ /^[A-Z]/) || ($r3 =~ /^[İĞÜÇÖŞ]/)) && ($trigram[2] =~ /Prop/))
$feat_hash->{"21:PROPER"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{21});
my $len = @IG3;
$feat_hash->{"22:$len"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{22});
if (($trigram[2] =~ /\.\+Punc/) && ($trigram[1] =~ /\+Verb\+/))
$feat_hash->{"23:ENDSVERB"}++ if (!$exclude_feat{23});
sub score
my ($feat_hash) = @_;
my $score = 0;
foreach my $feat (keys %{$feat_hash})
$score += $w{$feat} * $feat_hash->{$feat};
return $score;
sub ascore
my ($feat_hash) = @_;
my $score = 0;
foreach my $feat (keys %{$feat_hash})
$score += $avgw{$feat} * $feat_hash->{$feat};
return $score;
sub update_model
my ($feat_corr, $feat_best) = @_;
my %featset;
foreach my $feat (keys %{$feat_corr})
$featset{$feat} = 1;
foreach my $feat (keys %{$feat_best})
$featset{$feat} = 1;
foreach my $feat (keys %featset)
$avgw{$feat} = ($avgw{$feat} * $counts{$feat} + ($num_examples - $counts{$feat}) * $w{$feat})/$num_examples;
$counts{$feat} = $num_examples;
$w{$feat} += $feat_corr->{$feat} - $feat_best->{$feat};
if ($avgw{$feat} == 0)
delete $avgw{$feat};
if ($w{$feat} == 0)
delete $w{$feat};
sub save_model
my ($model) = @_;
open(MODEL, "> $model") || die("cannot open file: $model\n");
foreach my $feat (keys %avgw)
print MODEL "$avgw{$feat} $feat\n";
sub load_model
my ($model) = @_;
open(MODEL, $model) || die("cannot open file: $model\n");
my $line;
%avgw = ();
while ($line = <MODEL>)
$line =~ /([^\s]*)\s+(.*)/;
my $weight = $1;
my $feat = $2;
$avgw{$feat} = $weight;
sub read_sentence
my ($FILE, $words, $correct_parse, $allparses) = @_;
@{$words} = ();
@{$correct_parse} = ();
@{$allparses} = ();
my $line;
while ($line = <$FILE>)
next if ($line =~ /<DOC>/);
next if ($line =~ /<\/DOC>/);
next if ($line =~ /<TITLE>/);
next if ($line =~ /<\/TITLE>/);
next if ($line =~ /<S>/);
if ($line =~ /<\/S>/)
return 1;
my @tokens = split(/\s+/, $line);
push(@{$words}, shift(@tokens));
push(@{$correct_parse}, $tokens[0]);
push(@{$allparses}, "@tokens");
return 0;
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