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Created September 30, 2021 19:04
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package main
import "fmt"
// [[1, 2, 7], [3, 6, 7]]
// given a src and dest stop, what is the minimum number of hops?
// src: 2 dst:3
// r0 8->3
// r1 7->8
// r2 1->2->7
// r3 3->6->7
// undirected graph search while keeeping cost min
// * loops
// * dfs/bfs
// 1--2--7*-8*-
// 3--6-/* |
// ^-----------
// rn -> rm N stops
// src: r1 r2 d: r3 .. r10
// [[1, 2, 7], [3, 6, 7]]
func f(routes [][]int, srcStop, dstStop int) int {
stopsToRoutes := make(map[int][]int)
for routeID , stops := range routes {
for _, stop := range stops {
stopsToRoutes[stop] = append(stopsToRoutes[stop], routeID)
connectingRoutes := make(map[int][]int)
for routeID, stops := range routes {
for _, stop := range stops {
routesOnThisStop := stops[stop]
for _, r := range routesOnThisStop {
if r != routeID {
connectingRoutes[routeID] = r
// min hops between srcRoutes and dstRoutes pairs
var minOut = math.MaxInt32
for _, srcRoute := range srcRoutes {
for _, dstRoute := range dstRoutes {
if srcRoute == dstRoute {
minOut = 0
minOut = min(minOut, minRouteHops(graph, srcRoute,dstRoute))
if minOut == math.MaxInt32 {
minOut = -1
return minOut
func min(a,b int)int{
if a<b{return a}
return b
func minRouteHops(graph make(map[int][]int), srcRoute, dstRoute int) int {
visited := make(map[int]bool)
return dfs(graph, dstRoute, srcRoute, visited, 0)
func dfs(graph make(map[int][]int), dst int, cur int, visited map[int]bool, hops int){
if cur == dst {
return hops
defer visited[cur]=false
var minHop = math.MaxInt
for _, neighbor := range graph[cur] {
if visited[cur] {
if gotHops := dfs(graph, dst, neighbor, visited, hops+1); gotHops != -1 {
minHop = min(minHop,gotHops)
return minHop
// stops --> []routes
// 3 -> r0, r3
// route --> set(route)
// r2 <> r1
// r1 <> r0
// r2 <> r3
// src: s2 dst: s3
// search src:r2 dst: r0
// search src:r2 dst: r3
// graph (src->dst) bfs
// 2 <--> 1 <--> 0
// ^
// v
// 3
func main() {
c1 := []int{[]int[1, 2, 7], []int[3, 6, 7]}
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