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Created April 24, 2021 00:43
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// function to send order
function sendOrder(string memory burgerMenu, uint quantity) payable public {
// only the customer can use this function
require(msg.sender == customerAddress);
// increase the order index
// create the order
orders[orderseq] = Order(orderseq, burgerMenu, quantity, 0, 0, 0, 0, true);
// trigger OrderSent event
emit OrderSent(msg.sender, burgerMenu, quantity, orderseq);
// function to check orders
function checkOrder(uint ID) view public returns (address customer, string memory burgerMenu, uint quantity, uint price, uint safePayment) {
// check the order exists
// return the order
return(customerAddress, orders[ID].burgerMenu, orders[ID].quantity, orders[ID].price, orders[ID].safePayment);
// function to send price
function sendPrice(uint orderNo, uint price) payable public {
// only the owner can use this function
require(msg.sender == owner);
// check the order exists
// set the order price
orders[orderNo].price = price;
// trigger PriceSent event
emit PriceSent(customerAddress, orderNo, price);
// function to send safe payment
function sendSafePayment(uint orderNo) payable public {
// only the customer can use this function
require(customerAddress == msg.sender);
// check the order exists
// payout
orders[orderNo].safePayment = msg.value;
// trigger SafePaymentSent event
emit SafePaymentSent(msg.sender, orderNo, msg.value, now);
// function to send invoice
function sendInvoice(uint orderNo, uint order_date) payable public {
// only the owner can use this function
require(owner == msg.sender);
// check the order exists
// increase the invoice index
// create the invoice
invoices[invoiceseq] = Invoice(invoiceseq, orderNo, true);
// set the order date
orders[orderNo].orderDate = order_date;
// trigger InvoiceSent event
emit InvoiceSent(customerAddress, invoiceseq, orderNo, order_date);
// function to get invoice
function getInvoice(uint invoiceID) view public returns (address customer, uint orderNo, uint invoice_date){
// check the invoice exists
// get the related invoice info
Invoice storage _invoice = invoices[invoiceID];
// get the related order info
Order storage _order = orders[_invoice.orderNo];
// return the invoice
return (customerAddress, _order.ID, _order.orderDate);
// function to mark the order as delivered
function markOrderDelivered(uint invoiceID, uint delivery_date) payable public {
// only the customer can use this function
require(customerAddress == msg.sender);
// check the invoice exists
// get the related invoice info
Invoice storage _invoice = invoices[invoiceID];
// get the related order info
Order storage _order = orders[_invoice.orderNo];
// set the delivery date
_order.deliveryDate = delivery_date;
// trigger OrderDelivered event
emit OrderDelivered(customerAddress, invoiceID, _order.ID, delivery_date);
// payout
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