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Ahmad Karim ahmu83

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ahmu83 /
Created May 20, 2024 14:04
This is a Bash script designed to export MySQL databases into various formats including plain SQL, compressed ZIP, and GZIP files.
# sh
# bash
# OR
# chmod +x
ahmu83 /
Created May 20, 2024 13:58
This is a Bash script to import a MySQL database using either standard TCP/IP connections or Unix sockets
# sh
# bash
# OR
# chmod +x
ahmu83 /
Last active July 22, 2024 20:04
A Bash script designed to automate the search and replacement of strings in SQL files (or any large text file)
# bash dbfile.sql
# OR
# chmod +x
# ./ dbfile.sql
# Update the search_replace array with the
# strings to search and replace before running the script
ahmu83 / enqueueStyle.js
Created September 20, 2023 16:52
Dynamic Style Enqueuing for the DOM
* Enqueue styles dynamically into DOM.
* Example usage
* enqueueStyle({
* 'splide-styles': {
* url: '',
* },
* });
ahmu83 / enqueueScript.js
Created September 20, 2023 16:49
Dynamic Script Enqueuing for the DOM
* Enqueue scripts dynamically into DOM.
* Example usage
* enqueueScript({
* 'html2canvas': {
* id: 'html2canvas',
* url: '',
* onload: () => {
* // code
ahmu83 / elementInViewport.js
Created June 12, 2023 15:23
Check if an element is in the viewport using getBoundingClientRect method
* Check if an element is in the viewport using getBoundingClientRect method
* Copied from:
* @param object el Element object
* @param boolean partiallyVisible If element is partially visible or not
* @return boolean
function elementInViewport(el, partiallyVisible = true) {
ahmu83 / redirect.js
Created June 12, 2023 15:10
Function to redirect to a url with the all the current URL params
* Function to redirect to a url with the all the current URL params
* @param string url
* @param object params
* @param boolean dontCarryParams
* usage:
* redirect('', {param1: 111, param2: 222})
* will redirect to
ahmu83 / dispatchAnEvent.js
Created June 12, 2023 15:00
Dispatch an event using CustomEvent constructor, that can be listened to using addEventListener method
* Dispatch an event using CustomEvent constructor,
* that can be listened to using addEventListener method
* Example usage:
* dispatchAnEvent('my-custom-event', {data: 'The data'})
* window.addEventListener('my-custom-event', function(event) {
* This function should be only used in AJAX templates & AJAX callbacks.
* Use cases of this function are when you need to get a URL param inside a
* PHP template rendered through AJAX or an AJAX callback that needs access
* to the parent URL param (From where the ajax call was made). i.e,
* calling ajax.php from
* A header of URLPARAMS needsto be added to the request headers. i.e, using
ahmu83 / get-next-dates.php
Created September 5, 2022 15:52
Get next n number of dates from a specified date or the current date
* Get next n number of dates from a specified date
* @param Integer $n Number of dates
* @param String $from Now or the from date
* @param Boolean $exclude_weekends Exclude weekends
* @return Array