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Ahmad Karim ahmu83

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ahmu83 / print_are.php
Last active May 13, 2021 19:49
Pretty Version of PHP's print_r Function
* A pretty version of "print_r" function
* @param Array|stdClass $obj
* @param string $title Optional.
* @param bool $collapse Optional.
* @return string Type returned.
* There is not a hard and fast rule to check if the
* current page is the blog page (the page you set in
* the settings to display blog posts). This is what the
* documentation says: "There is no conditional tag for the blog page."
* Read the full section here:
* Not sure if there is another way to achieve this!
* Function to check for more than one
* array keys of a long/nested associative array.
* i.e, instead of doing this $var['key1']['key2'] (which will result in undefined
* notice if the key/index does not exist) you can do this isset_key($var, 'key1', 'key2')
* @param array $var Array variable
<!-- Transparent GIF Image Favicon -->
<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/gif">
<!-- Black GIF Image Favicon -->
<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/gif">
<!-- Transparent PNG Image Favicon -->
<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/png">
ahmu83 /
Created January 4, 2022 21:52 — forked from stefanmaric/
Create Bookmarklet (browser bookmark that executes Javsacript) to copy a given text to Clipboard

Copy-to-clipboard Bookmarklet

Create Bookmarklet (browser bookmark that executes Javsacript) to copy a given text to Clipboard.

This is the base javascript:

(function (text) {
  var node = document.createElement('textarea')
  var selection = document.getSelection()
* This function retrieves post meta using a custom $wpdb query. There are two reasons for this approach.
* 1. When doing get_post_meta to query all the meta keys it returns an array or array
* 2. This function also queries for LIKE fields. i.e, get_post_meta2(1, 'first_name, last_name, hobby_%')
* TODO: distinct meta_key, meta_value
ahmu83 / wp-adminbar-toggler.php
Last active February 5, 2022 19:09
wp-adminbar toggler. Toggle adminbar from a URL parameter.
* wpadminbar toggle for conveniently showing/hiding adminbar from a URL parameter.
* 1. Upload wp-adminbar-toggler.php to theme
* 2. Include this file in theme's functions.php
* - require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/wp-adminbar-toggler.php' );
* 3. Use ?adminbar=1 in the URL to show adminbar. Use ?adminbar=0 in the URL to
ahmu83 / get-next-dates.php
Created September 5, 2022 15:52
Get next n number of dates from a specified date or the current date
* Get next n number of dates from a specified date
* @param Integer $n Number of dates
* @param String $from Now or the from date
* @param Boolean $exclude_weekends Exclude weekends
* @return Array
* This function should be only used in AJAX templates & AJAX callbacks.
* Use cases of this function are when you need to get a URL param inside a
* PHP template rendered through AJAX or an AJAX callback that needs access
* to the parent URL param (From where the ajax call was made). i.e,
* calling ajax.php from
* A header of URLPARAMS needsto be added to the request headers. i.e, using
ahmu83 / wp-debug.php
Last active April 23, 2023 01:54
WP_DEBUG Toggler. Toggle WP_DEBUG using a URL parameter.
* WP_DEBUG toggle for conveniently turning on and off from the a URL param "debug"
* Its good when working on a staging site where you need debug functionality on/off
* usage:
* Include this file in wp-config.php (include 'wp-debug.php';)
* Make sure to comment out all these constants in wp-config.php