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Created March 10, 2021 04:59
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Primary code for HUD that calculates the drawing position within the view
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
public class HudManager : MonoBehaviour
public List<HudInfo> huds = new List<HudInfo>();
public Transform localPlayer = null;
public float clampBorder = 12;
public bool useGizmos = true;
[Header("Global Settings")]
[Range(1, 50)] public float iconSize = 50;
[Range(1, 50)] public float offScreenIconSize = 25;
[Header("GUI Scaler")]
public Vector2 m_ReferenceResolution = new Vector2(800f, 600f);
[Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Determines if the scaling is using the width or height as reference, or a mix in between."), SerializeField]
public float m_MatchWidthOrHeight;
[Tooltip("Select Reference Resolution automatically in run time.")]
public bool AutoScale = true;
public GUIStyle TextStyle;
private static HudManager _instance;
//Get singleton
public static HudManager instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<HudManager>();
return _instance;
public void UpdateHudList(string sHud)
var hudToRemove = huds.Single(r => r.m_Text == sHud);
void OnDestroy()
_instance = null;
void Update() { if (AutoScale) { m_ReferenceResolution.x = Screen.width; m_ReferenceResolution.y = Screen.height; } }
void OnGUI()
if (HudUtility.mCamera == null)
if (localPlayer == null)
//pass test :)
for (int i = 0; i < huds.Count; i++)
if (!huds[i].Hide)
if(huds[i].HideOnCloseDistance > 0 && GetHudDistance(i) < huds[i].HideOnCloseDistance) { continue; }
if (huds[i].HideOnLargeDistance > 0 && GetHudDistance(i) > huds[i].HideOnLargeDistance) { continue; }
void OnScreen(int i)
//if transform destroy, then remove from list
if (huds[i].m_Target == null)
//Check target if OnScreen
if (HudUtility.isOnScreen(HudUtility.ScreenPosition(huds[i].m_Target), huds[i].m_Target))
//Calculate Position of target
Vector3 RelativePosition = huds[i].m_Target.position + huds[i].Offset;
Vector3 point = HudUtility.mCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(RelativePosition);
//The viewportPoint coordinates are between 0 and 1, so we have to convert them into screen space here
Vector2 drawPosition = new Vector2(point.x * Screen.width, Screen.height * (1 - point.y));
if (!huds[i].Arrow.ShowArrow)
//Clamp the position to the edge of the screen in case the icon would be drawn outside the screen
drawPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(drawPosition.x, clampBorder, Screen.width - clampBorder);
drawPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(drawPosition.y, clampBorder, Screen.height - clampBorder);
//Calculate distance from player to way point
float Distance = Vector3.Distance(this.localPlayer.position, RelativePosition);
//Cache distance
float CompleteDistance = Distance;
//Max Hud Increment
if (Distance > huds[i].m_MaxSize) // if more than "50" no increase more
Distance = 50;
float n = iconSize;
//Calculate depend of type
if (huds[i].m_HudType == HudType.Decreasing)
n = (((50 + Distance) / (25)) * 0.9f) + 0.1f;
else if (huds[i].m_HudType == HudType.Increasing)
n = (((50 - Distance) / (25)) * 0.9f) + 0.1f;
//Calculate Size of Hud
float sizeX = huds[i].m_Icon.width * n;
if (sizeX >= huds[i].m_MaxSize)
sizeX = huds[i].m_MaxSize;
float sizeY = huds[i].m_Icon.height * n;
if (sizeY >= huds[i].m_MaxSize)
sizeY = huds[i].m_MaxSize;
float TextUperIcon = sizeY / 2 + 5;
//palpating effect
if (huds[i].isPalpitin)
//Draw Huds
GUI.color = huds[i].m_Color;
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(drawPosition.x - (sizeX / 2), drawPosition.y - (sizeY / 2), sizeX, sizeY), huds[i].m_Icon);
if (!huds[i].ShowDistance)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(huds[i].m_Text))
Vector2 size = TextStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(huds[i].m_Text));
GUI.Label(new Rect(drawPosition.x - (size.x / 2) + 10, (drawPosition.y - (size.y / 2)) - TextUperIcon, size.x, size.y), huds[i].m_Text, TextStyle);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(huds[i].m_Text))
string text = huds[i].m_Text + "\n<color=white>[" + string.Format("{0:N0}m", CompleteDistance) + "]</color>";
Vector2 size = TextStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text));
GUI.Label(new Rect(drawPosition.x - (size.x / 2) + 10, (drawPosition.y - (size.y / 2)) - TextUperIcon, size.x, size.y), text, TextStyle);
string text = "<color=white>[" + string.Format("{0:N0}m", CompleteDistance) + "]</color>";
Vector2 size = TextStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text));
GUI.Label(new Rect(drawPosition.x - (size.x / 2) + 10, ((drawPosition.y - (size.y / 2)) - TextUperIcon), size.x, size.y), text, TextStyle);
void OffScreen(int i)
//if transform destroy, then remove from list
if (huds[i].m_Target == null)
if (huds[i].Arrow.ArrowIcon != null && huds[i].Arrow.ShowArrow)
//Check target if OnScreen
if (!HudUtility.isOnScreen(HudUtility.ScreenPosition(huds[i].m_Target), huds[i].m_Target))
//Get the relative position of arrow
Vector3 ArrowPosition = huds[i].m_Target.position + huds[i].Arrow.ArrowOffset;
Vector3 pointArrow = HudUtility.mCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(ArrowPosition);
pointArrow.x = pointArrow.x / HudUtility.mCamera.pixelWidth;
pointArrow.y = pointArrow.y / HudUtility.mCamera.pixelHeight;
Vector3 mForward = huds[i].m_Target.position - HudUtility.mCamera.transform.position;
Vector3 mDir = HudUtility.mCamera.transform.InverseTransformDirection(mForward);
mDir = mDir.normalized / 5;
pointArrow.x = 0.5f + mDir.x * 20f / HudUtility.mCamera.aspect;
pointArrow.y = 0.5f + mDir.y * 20f;
if (pointArrow.z < 0)
pointArrow *= -1f;
pointArrow *= -1f;
GUI.color = huds[i].m_Color;
float Xpos = HudUtility.mCamera.pixelWidth * pointArrow.x;
float Ypos = HudUtility.mCamera.pixelHeight * (1f - pointArrow.y);
//palpating effect
if (huds[i].isPalpitin)
//Calculate area to rotate guis
float mRot = HudUtility.GetRotation(HudUtility.mCamera.pixelWidth / (2), HudUtility.mCamera.pixelHeight / (2), Xpos, Ypos);
//Get pivot from area
Vector2 mPivot = HudUtility.GetPivot(Xpos, Ypos, huds[i].Arrow.ArrowSize);
Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix;
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(mRot, mPivot);
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(mPivot.x - HudUtility.HalfSize(huds[i].Arrow.ArrowSize), mPivot.y - HudUtility.HalfSize(huds[i].Arrow.ArrowSize), huds[i].Arrow.ArrowSize, huds[i].Arrow.ArrowSize), huds[i].Arrow.ArrowIcon);
GUI.matrix = matrix;
float ClampedX = Mathf.Clamp(mPivot.x, 20, (Screen.width - offScreenIconSize) - 20);
float ClampedY = Mathf.Clamp(mPivot.y, 20, (Screen.height - offScreenIconSize) - 20);
GUI.DrawTexture(HudUtility.ScalerRect(new Rect(ClampedX, ClampedY, offScreenIconSize, offScreenIconSize)), huds[i].m_Icon);
Vector2 ClampedTextPosition = mPivot;
//Icons and Text
if (!huds[i].ShowDistance)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(huds[i].m_Text))
Vector2 size = TextStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(huds[i].m_Text));
ClampedTextPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(ClampedTextPosition.x, (size.x + offScreenIconSize) + 30, ((Screen.width - offScreenIconSize)- 10) - size.x);
ClampedTextPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(ClampedTextPosition.y, (size.y + offScreenIconSize) + 35, ((Screen.height - size.y) - offScreenIconSize) - 20);
GUI.Label(HudUtility.ScalerRect(new Rect(ClampedTextPosition.x - (size.x / 2), ClampedTextPosition.y - (size.y / 2), size.x, size.y)), huds[i].m_Text, TextStyle);
float Distance = Vector3.Distance(localPlayer.position, huds[i].m_Target.position);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(huds[i].m_Text))
string text = huds[i].m_Text + "\n <color=white>[" + string.Format("{0:N0}m", Distance) + "]</color>";
Vector2 size = TextStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text));
ClampedTextPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(ClampedTextPosition.x, (size.x + offScreenIconSize) + 30, ((Screen.width - offScreenIconSize) - 10) - size.x);
ClampedTextPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(ClampedTextPosition.y, (size.y + offScreenIconSize) + 35, ((Screen.height - size.y) - offScreenIconSize) - 20);
GUI.Label(HudUtility.ScalerRect(new Rect(ClampedTextPosition.x - (size.x / 2), (ClampedTextPosition.y - (size.y / 2)), size.x, size.y)), text, TextStyle);
string text = "<color=white>[" + string.Format("{0:N0}m", Distance) + "]</color>";
Vector2 size = TextStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text));
ClampedTextPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(ClampedTextPosition.x, (size.x + offScreenIconSize) + 30, ((Screen.width - offScreenIconSize) - 10) - size.x);
ClampedTextPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(ClampedTextPosition.y, (size.y + offScreenIconSize) + 35, ((Screen.height - size.y) - offScreenIconSize) - 20);
GUI.Label(HudUtility.ScalerRect(new Rect(ClampedTextPosition.x - (size.x / 2) , (ClampedTextPosition.y - (size.y / 2)), size.x, size.y)),text, TextStyle);
// GUI.DrawTexture(HudUtility.ScalerRect(new Rect(mPivot.x + marge.x,(mPivot.y + ((!Huds[i].ShowDistance) ? 10 : 20)) + marge.y, 25, 25)), Huds[i].m_Icon);
GUI.color = Color.white;
//Add a new Huds from instance to the list
public void CreateHud(HudInfo info)
public void RemoveHud(int i)
public void RemoveHud(HudInfo hud)
if (huds.Contains(hud))
Debug.Log("Huds list don't contain this hud!");
public void HideStateHud(int i,bool hide = false)
if (huds[i] != null)
huds[i].Hide = hide;
public void HideStateHud(HudInfo hud, bool hide = false)
if (huds.Contains(hud))
for (int i = 0; i < huds.Count; i++)
if (huds[i] == hud)
huds[i].Hide = hide;
private float GetHudDistance(int i)
//if transform destroy, then remove from list
if (huds[i] == null || huds[i].m_Target == null)
return 0;
//Calculate Position of target
Vector3 RelativePosition = huds[i].m_Target.position + huds[i].Offset;
float Distance = Vector3.Distance(this.localPlayer.position, RelativePosition);
return Distance;
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