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Created December 5, 2018 04:58
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# This file is a part of JuliaFEM.
# License is MIT: see
using FEMBase, Base.Threads
struct Poisson <: FieldProblem end
FEMBase.get_unknown_field_name(::Problem{Poisson}) = "u"
function FEMBase.assemble_elements!(problem::Problem{Poisson},
time::Float64) where E
bi = BasisInfo(E)
ndofs = length(bi)
Ke = zeros(ndofs, ndofs)
fe = zeros(ndofs)
for element in elements
fill!(Ke, 0.0)
fill!(fe, 0.0)
for ip in get_integration_points(element)
J, detJ, N, dN = element_info!(bi, element, ip, time)
k = 1.0
if haskey(element, "coefficient")
k = element("coefficient", ip, time)
Ke += ip.weight * k*dN'*dN * detJ
if haskey(element, "source")
f = element("source", ip, time)
fe += ip.weight * N'*f * detJ
gdofs = get_gdofs(problem, element)
add!(assembly.K, gdofs, gdofs, Ke)
add!(assembly.f, gdofs, fe)
return nothing
function create_element()
x1 = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
x2 = [6.0, 3.0, 2.0]
x3 = [2.0, 5.0, 1.0]
x4 = [4.0, 3.0, 6.0]
x5 = 0.5*(x1+x2)
x6 = 0.5*(x2+x3)
x7 = 0.5*(x3+x1)
x8 = 0.5*(x1+x4)
x9 = 0.5*(x2+x4)
x10 = 0.5*(x3+x4)
X = Dict(
1 => x1, 2 => x2, 3 => x3, 4 => x4, 5 => x5,
6 => x6, 7 => x7, 8 => x8, 9 => x9, 10 => x10)
u = Dict(i => zeros(3) for i in 1:10)
element = Element(Tet10, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
update!(element, "geometry", X)
update!(element, "displacement", u)
return element
function test_assembler_timing()
problem = Problem(Poisson, "test problem", 1)
assembly = problem.assembly
elements = [create_element() for _=1:100000]
time = 0.0
assemble_elements!(problem, assembly, elements, time)
@time assemble_elements!(problem, assembly, elements, time)
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