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Created December 9, 2010 03:22
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Rundeck announcement

Annoucing project "RunDeck" !

RunDeck is an open source software project with the goal of creating an easy to use command and control server that administrators can use to execute commands across servers in datacenter and cloud environments. The kinds of commands can be … well anything the day requires. It should be easy to have a single command, script or sequence of steps execute across your servers. Also, administrators today manage large numbers of servers in dynamic environments; dynamic because the number of nodes fluctuate (increase and decrease) or the role nodes play changes over time.

Here's a few ideas that drive the RunDeck development effort:

  • abstracted distributed command execution
  • filter driven host addressing (eg tags)
  • formalized multi-step procedures
  • self service "Jobs" that can be handed off to others
  • authorization policy governing "who" does "what" and "where"
  • graphical and command line interfaces

What does RunDeck replace? RunDeck is meant to replace server management manually done by running commands through a terminal in some kind of looping script.

What doesn't it replace? Everything else. RunDeck is meant to compliment your other tools. It can help automate tasks across any tool set, so long as it is scriptable. It's meant to work along side everything from configuration management tools like like Puppet and Chef or cloud infrastructure tools like RightScale.

When will it be ready to try? Right now! RunDeck is actually based on production code from several open source projects but more importantly, the basic idea has been proven in the field. The project developers all work in the trenches, automating all kinds of mundane and also complex processes. RunDeck is the scratch for the itch you have.

Sounds interesting, now what? Join in! The project infrastructure is already in place. Download a build, or build it yourself from the GitHub project. Post your comments and thoughts to this mailing group.


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