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Created April 22, 2018 20:41
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module Util
def mongo_cluster_command_line_options
Mongoid.default_client # Force the setting to be parsed
settings = Map.for(Mongoid.clients[:default])
address = settings[:uri]
unless address && address =~ %r`://`
raise("no uri in #{ settings.inspect }")
rest = address.dup
scheme, rest = rest.split('://', 2)
if rest =~ %r`@`
auth, rest = rest.split('@', 2)
hosts_and_ports, rest = rest.split('/', 2)
path_info = rest
list = []
list_of = proc{|arg| Coerce.list_of_strings(arg)}
esc = proc{|arg| Shellwords.escape(arg.to_s)}
list_of[hosts_and_ports].each do |host_and_port|
string = "#{ scheme }://" if scheme
string << "#{ auth }@" if auth
string << "#{ host_and_port }"
string << "/#{ path_info }" if path_info
uri = URI.parse(string)
db = (uri.path.split('/').reject{|x| x.blank?}.first || settings[:database])
host = ( || list_of[settings[:hosts]].first)
port = (uri.port || settings[:port])
username = (uri.user || settings[:username])
password = (uri.password || settings[:password])
ssl = !!(settings.get(:options, :ssl))
options = {
:db => db,
:host => host,
:port => port,
:username => username,
:password => password,
:ssl => ssl
}.select{|k,v| v.present?}
def mongo_master_command_line_options
mongo_cluster_command_line_options.each do |options|
command = ['mongo']
db = options[:db]
host = options[:host]
port = options[:port]
username = options[:username]
password = options[:password]
ssl = options[:ssl]
command << "#{ db.inspect }" if db.present?
command << "--host #{ host.inspect }" if host.present?
command << "--port #{ port.inspect }" if port.present?
command << "--username #{ username.inspect }" if username.present?
command << "--password #{ password.inspect }" if password.present?
command << "--ssl" if ssl.present?
mongo = command.join(' ')
stdout = `echo 'print("ismaster=" + db.isMaster().ismaster);' | #{ mongo } 2>&1`
if $?.success? && stdout =~ /ismaster=true/
return options
raise "no master connection options found in #{ mongo_cluster_command_line_options.inspect }"
extend Util
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