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Created October 28, 2012 12:10
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import TypeConverter._
import ParserCSV._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
val csvReaderAhoy = readCSV("./csv/ahoy.txt")
case class Personne(nom:String, prenom:String, age:Option[Int])
csvReaderAhoy(line => ^(line.nom.s,line.prenom.s,[Option[Int]])(Personne)) //Iterator
csvReaderAhoy(line => ^(line.nom.s,line.prenom.s,[Option[Int]])(Personne)).toList //List[ValidationNEL[String,Personne]]
csvReaderAhoy(line => line.nom.s)
csvReaderAhoy(line => line.nom.s).toList
csvReaderAhoy(line =>[Int]).toList
csvReaderAhoy(line =>[Option[Int]]).toList
csvReaderAhoy(line =>[Option[Int]]).toList
//Drop validation, keep only sucesses
val reader:ParserCSV.CSVParser = readCSV("./csv/ahoy.txt")
val lineIterator:Iterator[ValidationNEL[String,Personne]] = reader(line => {^(line.nom.s,line.prenom.s,[Option[Int]])(Personne)})
val lPersonne: List[Personne] = lineIterator.toList.flatMap(_.toOption)
// lPersonne: List[Personne] = List(Personne(W,Jon,Some(25)), Personne(A,Alexis,None))
//Some JS
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