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Last active January 15, 2018 08:00
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package recursion2
import scalaz.Free._
import slamdata.Predef._
import matryoshka._
import matryoshka.implicits._
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import scalaz._
sealed trait Expr[A]
case class IntW[A](value: Int) extends Expr[A]
case class Plus[A](x: A, y: A) extends Expr[A]
case class Times[A](x: A, y: A) extends Expr[A]
case class Abs[A](x:A) extends Expr[A]
class Recursion2 extends FunSuite {
//using Matryoshka we can't abstract the recursion.
//to evaluate, we just need a algebra, a function from Expr[_] to Int
val evalExpr:Algebra[Expr,Int] = {
case IntW(value) => value
case Plus(a,b) => a + b
case Times(a,b) => a * b
case Abs(a) => if (a > 0) - a else a
//to use the algebra, we need to define functor on the structure :
implicit val exprFunctor: Functor[Expr] = new Functor[Expr] {
def map[A, B](expr: Expr[A])(f: A => B): Expr[B] = expr match {
case IntW(v) => IntW(v)
case Plus(x, y) => recursion2.Plus(f(x), f(y))
case Times(x, y) => Times(f(x), f(y))
case Abs(x) => Abs(f(x))
import Fix._ // to use the Fix point (we could use Mu or Nu as well)
//helper method
def intW(value: Int):Fix[Expr] = Fix(IntW(value))
def times(x: Fix[Expr], y: Fix[Expr]): Fix[Expr] = Fix(Times(x, y))
def plus(x: Fix[Expr], y: Fix[Expr]): Fix[Expr] = Fix(Plus(x,y))
def abs(x: Fix[Expr]): Fix[Expr] = Fix(Abs(x))
test("1 + 1") {
val expr: Fix[Expr] = plus(intW(1), intW(1))
//Fix[Expr] = Expr[Fix[Expr]]
//the we use cata to apply the algebra
val res:Int = expr.cata(evalExpr)
assert(res == 2)
test("1 * 2 + 1") {
val expr: Fix[Expr] = plus(times(intW(1), intW(2)), intW(1))
assert(3 == expr.cata(evalExpr))
//The advantage of using an algebra is reuse, we don't need to redefine the way to dive into the structure
val showAlgebra: Algebra[Expr,String] = {
case IntW(value) => value.toString
case Plus(a,b) => s"($a + $b)"
case Times(a,b) => s"($a * $b)"
case Abs(a) => s"|$a|"
test("show : 1 * 2 + |-1|") {
val expr:Fix[Expr] = plus(times(intW(1),intW(2)),abs(intW(-1)))
assert(expr.cata(showAlgebra) == "((1 * 2) + |-1|)")
//But that's doesn't work out of the box for large structure
test("large structure") {
//to work on large structure, we need to use the Trampoline technique
//good news, we don't need to encode directly the Trampoline inside our logic
//we need more powerfull capabilities on Expr, to generalize folding operation
//Traverse is more powerful than a Functor
//weaker than an Applicative (you don't need Point)
implicit val exprTraverse: Traverse[Expr] = new Traverse[Expr] {
override def traverseImpl[G[_], A, B](fa: Expr[A])(f: (A) => G[B])(implicit app: Applicative[G]): G[Expr[B]] = fa match {
case IntW(value) => app.point(IntW(value))
case Plus(x,y) => app.apply2(f(x), f(y))(recursion2.Plus(_,_))
case Times(x,y) => app.apply2(f(x),f(y))(Times(_,_))
case Abs(x) =>
test("1 + 2 + ... + 100000") {
//having traverse on Expr, we can lift cata (implemented using hylo) in order to use Trampoline
def cataTrampoline[E[_],A](t: Fix[E])(f: Algebra[E, A])(implicit BT: Traverse[E]):Trampoline[A] = {
//with regular cata being :
//t.hylo[E,A](f, x => x.unFix)
x => Trampoline.delay(f(x)),
x => Trampoline.delay(x.unFix))
val expr:Fix[Expr] = (1 to 100000).map(intW).reduce(plus)
val res:Trampoline[Int] = cataTrampoline(expr)(evalExpr)
assert( == (1 to 100000).sum)
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