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ahsannayem / Date Range Calculator
Last active July 1, 2023 16:36
Date range Calculator For Fluent Forms
var from = "from"; //change the name attribute of the from date field
var to = "to"; //change the name attribute of the to date field
var showHere = "showHere"; //change the name attribute of show difference field
let fp = flatpickr("#ff_91_from", {}); // Your Form's ID
let fp2 = flatpickr("#ff_91_to", {}); // Your Form's ID
function getDayDiff(input_name_1, input_name_2) {
var $date1 = $form.find('input[name='+input_name_1+']');
var time2 = (new Date()).getTime();
.fluent_form_98 .switch input[type="checkbox"] {
position: relative;
width: 34px;
height: 14px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-left: 10px;
-moz-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
background: rgb(107,114,128);
outline: none;
ahsannayem / Booking Date Fluent Forms
Created July 6, 2023 09:44
Fluent Forms Validate the Date
add_filter('fluentform_validate_input_item_input_date', function ($errorMessage, $field, $formData, $fields, $form) {
$fieldName = 'weddingdate';
$target_form_id = 104;
if ($target_form_id != $form->id) {
return $errorMessage;
ahsannayem / Admin Table For Ninja Table
Last active September 27, 2023 06:01
Show table on the WordPress Deshboard
add_action( 'admin_menu', function () {
add_menu_page( 'Admin View', 'NT Admin', 'manage_options', 'myplugin/myplugin-admin-page.php', function () {
$tableId = 173; // This is ninja table ID;
}, 'dashicons-tickets', 6 );
} );
// Global function to render a table in admin panel
function ninjaRenderTableOnAdmin($tableId)
const textarea = document.getElementById('TextArea_ID'); // Replace the id
textarea.addEventListener('input', function() {
const minTextLength = 10; // Set Minimum required text length
if (textarea.value.length < minTextLength) {
textarea.setCustomValidity('Please enter at least ' + minTextLength + ' characters.');
} else {
ahsannayem / Thank you page delay
Created September 8, 2023 04:50
Fluent Forms' Thank you page delay
$form.on('fluentform_submission_success', function() {
setTimeout(function(){ window.location.assign("");}, 5000);
ahsannayem / gist:199df8c2fe9e963bfeaf35178f71a9eb
Last active March 19, 2024 06:10
Get User Role For Fluent Forms
add_filter('fluentform/rendering_field_data_select', 'populateUserRoleAsDropdownValue', 10, 2);
add_filter('fluentform/editor_init_element_select', 'populateUserRoleAsDropdownValue', 10, 2);
function populateUserRoleAsDropdownValue($data, $form)
if ($form->id != '678') {
return $data;
// Check if the field name is not what you want
ahsannayem / Fluent Support Priority
Created April 30, 2024 09:55
Chnage Priority Status For Customer
add_filter('fluent_support/customer_ticket_priorities', function ($priorities) {
// Change 'Normal' to 'priority_1'
$priorities['normal'] = __('priority_1', 'fluent-support');
// Change 'Medium' to 'priority_2'
$priorities['medium'] = __('priority_2', 'fluent-support');
// Change 'Critical' to 'priority_3'
$priorities['critical'] = __('priority_3', 'fluent-support');
ahsannayem / Custom Ticket Status
Created May 2, 2024 06:57
Change Ticket status for Open, Active, Close, New, All
add_filter('fluent_support/ticket_status_groups', function ($statusGroups) {
// Modify the array keys
$statusGroups['khula'] = $statusGroups['open'];
$statusGroups['choler'] = $statusGroups['active'];
$statusGroups['bondo'] = $statusGroups['closed'];
$statusGroups['notun'] = $statusGroups['new'];
$statusGroups['hokol_ticket'] = $statusGroups['all'];
// Remove the old keys if necessary
add_filter('fluent_support/custom_registration_form_fields', function($fields) {
$fields['phone_number'] = [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'number',
'label' => __('Phone Number', 'fluent-support'),
'id' => 'fst_phone_number',
'placeholder' => __('phone_number', 'fluent-support'),
'wrapper_class' => 'fs_half_field',