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Created August 9, 2015 05:41
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vrep mtsVFController
/// @author Andrew Hundt <>
#include <tuple>
#include <string>
#include <sawConstraintController/mtsVFController.h>
#include <sawConstraintController/mtsVFDataJointLimits.h>
namespace grl {
/// create the data object and put the data inside
/// @todo move to own header with no vrep dependencies
/// @todo figure out how the interface for following the motion will work
/// VFControlller stands for "virtual fixtures" controller
struct InverseKinematicsController : public mtsVFController {
typedef mtsVFController parent_type;
enum GrlVFControllerParamsIndex {
typedef std::tuple<
std::string // currentKinematicsName
,std::string // desiredKinematicsName
,std::string // followVFName
,std::size_t // followVFNumRows
,std::string // jointVelocityLimitsVFName
,std::size_t // JointVelocityLimitsVFNumRows
,std::string // JointPositionVFName
,std::size_t // JointPositionNumRows
> Params;
/// @todo maybe parameterize this somehow
static const std::size_t totalRows = 7;
/// @todo this is just done quickly, make it and the constructor be done right
InverseKinematicsController(size_t num_joints, mtsVFBase::CONTROLLERMODE cm):
mtsVFController(num_joints,cm) // parent
,currentKinematicsStateP_(new prmKinematicsState())
,desiredKinematicsStateP_(new prmKinematicsState())
,followVFP_(new mtsVFDataBase())
,jointVelocityLimitsVFP_(new mtsVFDataJointLimits())
,jointPositionLimitsVFP_(new mtsVFDataJointLimits())
Params defaultParams()
void construct(){
/// This will hold the Jacobian
std::unique_ptr<prmKinematicsState> currentKinematicsStateP_;
/// This will hold the xyz position and the rotation of where I want to go
std::unique_ptr<prmKinematicsState> desiredKinematicsStateP_;
// want to follow a goal position
/// @todo will want to use an addVFFollow member function once it is added in
std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataBase> followVFP_;
/// need velocity limits for the joints
std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataJointLimits> jointVelocityLimitsVFP_;
/// joints cannot go to certain position
std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataJointLimits> jointPositionLimitsVFP_;
} // namespace grl
/// @author Andrew Hundt <>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <sawConstraintController/mtsVFController.h>
#include "grl/cisst/GrlVFController.hpp"
#include "grl/vrep/Vrep.hpp"
#include "grl/vrep/VrepRobotArmDriver.hpp"
#include "grl/vrep/Eigen.hpp"
namespace grl {
/// This handles a whole vrep path object
class DesiredKinematicsPath {
enum VrepVFControllerParamsIndex {
typedef std::tuple<
std::string // DesiredKinematicsObjectName
> VrepVFControllerParams;
void construct()
Eigen::Affine3d getDesiredPose(){
/// This handles a specific vrep pose
class DesiredKinematicsObject {
enum VrepVFControllerParamsIndex {
std::string // DesiredKinematicsObjectName
> Params;
void construct()
Eigen::Affine3d getDesiredPose(){
/// @todo verify Robotiiwa is the correct base, and RobotMillTipTarget is the right target, because if the transform doesn't match the one in the jacobian the algorithm will break
//template<typename DesiredKinematics = DesiredKinematicsObject>
class VrepInverseKinematicsController : public grl::InverseKinematicsController
typedef InverseKinematicsController parent_type;
//using parent_type::currentKinematicsStateP_;
//using parent_type::parent_type::InitializeKinematicsState;
enum VrepVFControllerParamsIndex {
typedef std::tuple<
std::string // DesiredKinematicsObjectName
,std::string // IKGroupName
> Params;
static Params defaultParams()
return std::make_tuple("RobotMillTipTarget","IK_Group1_iiwa");
/// @todo need to call parent constructor:
/*! Constructor
VrepInverseKinematicsController(size_t num_joints = 7, mtsVFBase::CONTROLLERMODE cm = mtsVFBase::CONTROLLERMODE::JPOS):
void construct(Params params = defaultParams()){
// get kinematics group name
// get number of joints
VrepRobotArmDriverP_ = std::make_shared<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver>();
ikGroupHandle_ = simGetIkGroupHandle(std::get<IKGroupName>(params).c_str());
simSetExplicitHandling(ikGroupHandle_,1); // enable explicit handling for the ik
this->currentKinematicsStateP_->Name = std::get<IKGroupName>(params);
this->desiredKinematicsStateP_->Name = std::get<DesiredKinematicsObjectName>(params);
/// @todo set desiredKinematicsStateP name, INITIALIZE ALL MEMBER OBJECTS, & SET NAMES
positionLimitsName = std::get<IKGroupName>(params)+"_PositionLimits";
this->jointPositionLimitsVFP_->Name = positionLimitsName;
velocityLimitsName = std::get<IKGroupName>(params)+"_VelocityLimits";
this->jointVelocityLimitsVFP_->Name = velocityLimitsName;
// /// This will hold the Jacobian
// std::unique_ptr<prmKinematicsState> currentKinematicsStateP_;
// /// This will hold the xyz position and the rotation of where I want to go
// std::unique_ptr<prmKinematicsState> desiredKinematicsStateP_;
// // want to follow a goal position
// /// @todo will want to use an addVFFollow member function once it is added in
// std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataBase> followVFP_;
// /// need velocity limits for the joints
// std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataJointLimits> jointVelocityLimitsVFP_;
// /// joints cannot go to certain position
// std::unique_ptr<mtsVFDataJointLimits> jointPositionLimitsVFP_;
/// @todo verify object lifetimes
// for each virtual fixture need names and number of rows
/// @todo read objective rows from vrep
// Initialize Variables for update
//jointHandles_ = VrepRobotArmDriverP_->getJointHandles();
//int numJoints =jointHandles_.size();
/// @todo objectiveRows seems to currently be a 3 vector, may eventually want a rotation and translation, perhaps with quaternion rotation
followVFP_->ObjectiveRows = 3;
// set the names once for each object, only once
/// @todo set vrep explicit handling of IK here, plus unset in destructor of this object
/// check out sawConstraintController
void updateKinematics(){
// Initialize Variables for update
jointHandles_ = VrepRobotArmDriverP_->getJointHandles();
int numJoints =jointHandles_.size();
std::vector<float> ikCalculatedJointValues(numJoints,0);
/// Run inverse kinematics, but all we really want is the jacobian
/// @todo find version that only returns jacobian
/// @see
auto ikcalcResult =
,NULL /// @todo do we need to use these options?
/// @see
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("VrepInverseKinematicsController: didn't run inverse kinematics"));
// Get the Jacobian
int jacobianSize[2];
float* jacobian=simGetIkGroupMatrix(ikGroupHandle_,0,jacobianSize);
// Transfer the Jacobian to cisst
// jacobianSize[0] represents the row count of the Jacobian
// (i.e. the number of equations or the number of joints involved
// in the IK resolution of the given kinematic chain)
// Joints appear from tip to base.
// jacobianSize[1] represents the column count of the Jacobian
// (i.e. the number of constraints, e.g. x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma,jointDependency)
// The Jacobian data is ordered row-wise, i.e.:
// [row0,col0],[row1,col0],..,[rowN,col0],[row0,col1],[row1,col1],etc.
std::string str;
for (int i=0;i<jacobianSize[0];i++)
for (int j=0;j<jacobianSize[1];j++)
str+=boost::str(boost::format("%.1e") % jacobian[static_cast<int>(j*jacobianSize[0]+i)]);
if (j<jacobianSize[1]-1)
str+=", ";
float currentValue = jacobian[static_cast<int>(j*jacobianSize[0]+i)];
this->currentKinematicsStateP_->Jacobian[i][j] = currentValue;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << str;
/// @todo Set Current Joint State
// currentKinematicsStateP_->JointState = ...
// prmJointState* JointState;
// Copy Joint Interval, the range of motion for each joint
// lower limits
auto & llim = std::get<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver::JointLowerPositionLimit>(currentArmState_);
std::vector<double> llimits(llim.begin(),llim.end());
jointPositionLimitsVFP_->LowerLimits = vctDoubleVec(llimits.size(),&llimits[0]);
// upper limits
auto & ulim = std::get<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver::JointLowerPositionLimit>(currentArmState_);
std::vector<double> ulimits(ulim.begin(),ulim.end());
jointPositionLimitsVFP_->UpperLimits = vctDoubleVec(ulimits.size(),&ulimits[0]);
/// @todo get target position, probably relative to base
const auto& handleParams = VrepRobotArmDriverP_->getVrepHandleParams();
Eigen::Affine3d desiredEndEffectorPose =
auto eigenT = desiredEndEffectorPose.translation();
auto& cisstT = desiredKinematicsStateP_->Frame.Translation();
cisstT[0] = eigenT(0);
cisstT[1] = eigenT(1);
cisstT[2] = eigenT(2);
SetKinematics(*currentKinematicsStateP_); // replaced by name of object
// fill these out in the desiredKinematicsStateP_
//RotationType RotationMember; // vcRot3
//TranslationType TranslationMember; // vct3
SetKinematics(*desiredKinematicsStateP_); // replaced by name of object
// call setKinematics with the new kinematics
// sawconstraintcontroller has kinematicsState
// set the jacobian here
/// may not need this it is in the base class
/// blocking call, call in separate thread, just allocates memory
void run_one(){
/// @todo need to provide tick time in double seconds
vctDoubleVec jointAngles;
auto returncode = Solve(jointAngles);
/// @todo check the return code, if it doesn't have a result, use the VREP version as a fallback and report an error.
if(returncode != nmrConstraintOptimizer::NMR_OK) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("VrepInverseKinematicsController: constrained optimization error, please investigate"));
/// @todo: rethink where/when/how to send command for the joint angles. Return to LUA? Set Directly? Distribute via vrep send message command?
for (int i=0 ; i < jointHandles_.size() ; i++)
/// may not need this it is in the base class
/// this will have output
/// blocking call, call in separate thread, just allocates memory
/// this runs the actual optimization algorithm
void solve(){
std::vector<int> jointHandles_; ///< @todo move this item back into VrepRobotArmDriver
int ikGroupHandle_;
std::shared_ptr<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver> VrepRobotArmDriverP_;
vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver::State currentArmState_;
std::string positionLimitsName;
std::string velocityLimitsName;
} // namespace grl
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