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Last active September 1, 2019 22:05
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Todo list design exercise (Advanced Software Design Week 2)
from enum import Enum
from models import Base
from datetime import DateTime
class ItemState(Enum):
class RelationshipType(Enum):
class VisibilityLevel(Enum):
FRIENDS = "FRIENDS" # viewable by friends of the authed user
PRIVATE = "PRIVATE" # viewable by authed user only
alias itemId: int ## autogenerated
class Item(Base):
item_id: itemId ## int autogenerated
list_id: foreignKey(List, backref="items", list=True) # many-to-one relationship
title: String
description: Optional[String]
when_created: DateTime
when_updated: Optional[DateTime]
when_completed: Optional[DateTime]
when_deleted: Optional[DateTime]
when_due: Optional[DateTime]
state: Enum(ItemState)
is_active: bool # inactive items are considered deleted/archived
priority: int # (check constraint, 0 <= priority <= 5)
visibility: Enum(VisibilityLevel)
class List(Base):
list_id: int # autogenerated
name: str
when_created: DateTime
class User(Base):
user_id: int # autogenerated
list_id: foreignKey(TodoList, backref="user", list=False)
def friends(self) -> List[User]:
return [ for friendship in db.get(
Relationship, type=RelationshipType.FRIEND, from=self
class Relationship(Base):
"""To create a bidirectional relationship, you need one relationship going in each direction."""
type: Enum(RelationshipType)
from: foreignKey(User)
to: foreignKey(User)
class TimePeriod:
from: Optional[DateTime]
to: Optional[DateTime]
def get_items_for_user(
user_id: int,
when_created: Optional[TimePeriod] = None,
when_due: Optional[TimePeriod] = None,
state: Optional[List[ItemState]] = None,
visibility: VisibilityLevel = VisibilityLevel.FRIENDS,
limit = Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Item]:
def create_item(
title: str,
description: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[] = None,
priority: Optional[int] = None,
when_due: Optional[DateTime] = None,
visibility: VisibilityLevel = VisibilityLevel.FRIENDS,
) -> Item:
def edit_item(
item_id: itemId,
title: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[] = None,
priority: Optional[int] = None,
when_due: Optional[DateTime] = None,
visibility: VisibilityLevel = VisibilityLevel.FRIENDS,
) -> Item:
"""Any field that is None is left untouched."""
def delete_item(item_id: itemId) -> None:
# API methods
def login() -> SessionId:
# set `logged_in_user` on Session
def logout() -> None:
# need some kind of middleware such that each function below knows who the logged in
# user is.
def get_friends() -> List[User]:
"""Get a list of friends for the logged in user."""
def view_list(
user_id: Optional[int] = None, # None means show list for logged in user
n: int = 50,
show_completed: bool = true,
order_by: str = "when_created", # one of "priority" | "when_created" | "when_due"
for_user: Optional[int(userId)], # if none it shows the list of the authenticated user
) -> List[Item]:
"""By default shows the n most recent todo items."""
# This function needs to check to see who the authenticated user is and check
# that they have permission to view the content they are trying to view?
def create_item(
title: str,
description: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Item:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
def set_status(item_id: itemId, status: str) -> Item:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
def set_priority(item_id: itemId, priority: int) -> Item:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
def set_due_date(item_id: itemId, due_date: DateTime) -> Item:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
def set_visiblity(item_id: itemId, is_private: bool) -> Item:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
def delete_item(item_id: itemId) -> None:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
def mark_as_done(item_id: itemId) -> Item:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
def make_as_not_done(item_id: itemId) -> Item:
# Check that the logged in user has permission to perform this action
# UI
# I think the most important thing here is that the authentication / authorization
# logic is kept separate from the main API.
# The UI for viewing a friends todo list would be the same as viewing one's own todo
# list, except that the view_list() API call is made by passing in the user id of the
# friend whose list you want to view.
# There needs to be a separate UI page where the user can view a list of their friends,
# and then they need to select a friend in order to view their todo list.
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