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Flow library definition for redux-orm
declare module 'redux-orm' {
* The heart of an ORM, the data model.
* The fields you specify to the Model will be used to generate
* a schema to the database, related property accessors, and
* possibly through models.
* In each {@link Session} you instantiate from an {@link ORM} instance,
* you will receive a session-specific subclass of this Model. The methods
* you define here will be available to you in sessions.
* An instance of {@link Model} represents a record in the database, though
* it is possible to generate multiple instances from the same record in the database.
* To create data models in your schema, subclass {@link Model}. To define
* information about the data model, override static class methods. Define instance
* logic by defining prototype methods (without `static` keyword).
declare export class Model {
static all(): QuerySet<this>,
* Creates a new record in the database, instantiates a {@link Model} and returns it.
* If you pass values for many-to-many fields, instances are created on the through
* model as well.
* @param {props} userProps - the new {@link Model}'s properties.
* @return {Model} a new {@link Model} instance.
static create(props: Object): this,
static get(lookupObj: Object): this,
* Static variable propTypes.
static propTypes: Object,
* Static variable defaultProps.
static defaultProps: Object,
* Static variable modelName.
static modelName: string,
* Static variable fields.
static fields: Object,
* Static variable virtualFields.
static virtualFields: Object,
* Static variable querySetClass.
static querySetClass: any,
* The default reducer implementation.
* If the user doesn't define a reducer, this is used.
* @param {Object} action - the dispatched action
* @param {Model} modelClass - the concrete model class being used
* @param {Session} session - the current {@link Session} instance
* @return {undefined}
reducer(action: any, modelClass: any, session: Session): void,
* Creates a Model instance from it's properties.
* Don't use this to create a new record; Use the static method {@link Model#create}.
* @param {Object} props - the properties to instantiate with
constructor(props: Object): this,
static toString(): string,
static options: any,
static markAccessed(): any,
* Returns the id attribute of this {@link Model}.
* @return {string} The id attribute of this {@link Model}.
static idAttribute: any,
* Connect the model class to a {@link Session}.
* @private
* @param {Session} session - The session to connect to.
static connect(session: Session): void,
* Get the current {@link Session} instance.
* @private
* @return {Session} The current {@link Session} instance.
static session: Session,
static getQuerySet(): any,
static invalidateClassCache(): any,
static query: any,
* Creates a new or update existing record in the database, instantiates a {@link Model} and returns it.
* If you pass values for many-to-many fields, instances are created on the through
* model as well.
* @param {props} userProps - the required {@link Model}'s properties.
* @return {Model} a {@link Model} instance.
static upsert(userProps: Object): this,
* Returns a {@link Model} instance for the object with id `id`.
* This throws if the `id` doesn't exist. Use {@link Model#hasId}
* to check for existence first if you're not certain.
* @param {*} id - the `id` of the object to get
* @throws If object with id `id` doesn't exist
* @return {Model} {@link Model} instance with id `id`
static withId(id: any): this,
* Returns a boolean indicating if an entity with the id `id` exists
* in the state.
* @param {*} id - a value corresponding to the id attribute of the {@link Model} class.
* @return {Boolean} a boolean indicating if entity with `id` exists in the state
static hasId(id: any): boolean,
* Gets the {@link Model} instance that matches properties in `lookupObj`.
* Throws an error if {@link Model} is not found, or multiple records match
* the properties.
* @param {Object} lookupObj - the properties used to match a single entity.
* @return {Model} a {@link Model} instance that matches `lookupObj` properties.
get(lookupObj: Object): Model,
* Gets the {@link Model} class or subclass constructor (the class that
* instantiated this instance).
* @return {Model} The {@link Model} class or subclass constructor used to instantiate
* this instance.
getClass(): Class<this>,
* Gets the id value of the current instance by looking up the id attribute.
* @return {*} The id value of the current instance.
getId(): any,
* Returns a reference to the plain JS object in the store.
* Make sure to not mutate this.
* @return {Object} a reference to the plain JS object in the store
ref: any,
* Returns a string representation of the {@link Model} instance.
* @return {string} A string representation of this {@link Model} instance.
toString(): string,
* Returns a boolean indicating if `otherModel` equals this {@link Model} instance.
* Equality is determined by shallow comparing their attributes.
* @param {Model} otherModel - a {@link Model} instance to compare
* @return {Boolean} a boolean indicating if the {@link Model} instance's are equal.
equals(otherModel: Model): boolean,
* Updates a property name to given value for this {@link Model} instance.
* The values are immediately committed to the database.
* @param {string} propertyName - name of the property to set
* @param {*} value - value assigned to the property
* @return {undefined}
set(propertyName: string, value: any): void,
* Assigns multiple fields and corresponding values to this {@link Model} instance.
* The updates are immediately committed to the database.
* @param {Object} userMergeObj - an object that will be merged with this instance.
* @return {undefined}
update(userMergeObj: Object): void,
* Updates {@link Model} instance attributes to reflect the
* database state in the current session.
* @return {undefined}
refreshFromState(): any,
* Deletes the record for this {@link Model} instance.
* You'll still be able to access fields and values on the instance.
* @return {undefined}
delete(): void
* ORM - the Object Relational Mapper.
* Use instances of this class to:
* - Register your {@link Model} classes using {@link ORM#register}
* - Get the empty state for the underlying database with {@link ORM#getEmptyState}
* - Start an immutable database session with {@link ORM#session}
* - Start a mutating database session with {@link ORM#mutableSession}
* Internally, this class handles generating a schema specification from models
* to the database.
declare export class ORM {
* Creates a new ORM instance.
constructor(opts?: Object): this,
registry: Array<Class<Model>>,
* Registers a {@link Model} class to the ORM.
* If the model has declared any ManyToMany fields, their
* through models will be generated and registered with
* this call, unless a custom through model has been specified.
* @param {...Model} model - a {@link Model} class to register
* @return {undefined}
register(...models: Array<Class<Model>>): void,
registerManyToManyModelsFor(model: Class<Model>): void,
* Gets a {@link Model} class by its name from the registry.
* @param {string} modelName - the name of the {@link Model} class to get
* @throws If {@link Model} class is not found.
* @return {Model} the {@link Model} class, if found
get(modelName: string): Model,
getModelClasses(): Array<Class<Model>>,
isFieldInstalled(modelName: string, fieldName: string): boolean,
setFieldInstalled(modelName: string, fieldName: string): void,
generateSchemaSpec(): Object,
getDatabase(): Object,
* Returns the empty database state.
* @return {Object} the empty state
getEmptyState(): Object,
* Begins an immutable database session.
* @param {Object} state - the state the database manages
* @return {Session} a new {@link Session} instance
session(state: Object): Session,
* Begins a mutable database session.
* @param {Object} state - the state the database manages
* @return {Session} a new {@link Session} instance
mutableSession(state: Object): Session
* This class is used to build and make queries to the database
* and operating the resulting set (such as updating attributes
* or deleting the records).
* The queries are built lazily. For example:
* ```javascript
* const qs = Book.all()
* .filter(book => book.releaseYear > 1999)
* .orderBy('name');
* ```
* Doesn't execute a query. The query is executed only when
* you need information from the query result, such as {@link QuerySet#count},
* {@link QuerySet#toRefArray}. After the query is executed, the resulting
* set is cached in the QuerySet instance.
* QuerySet instances also return copies, so chaining filters doesn't
* mutate the previous instances.
declare export class QuerySet<SubModel> {
* Creates a QuerySet. The constructor is mainly for internal use;
* You should access QuerySet instances from {@link Model}.
* @param {Model} modelClass - the model class of objects in this QuerySet.
* @param {any[]} clauses - query clauses needed to evaluate the set.
* @param {Object} [opts] - additional options
constructor(modelClass: Class<SubModel>, idArr?: number[], opts?: Object): this,
rows: SubModel[],
modelClass: any,
* Returns an array of the plain objects represented by the QuerySet.
* The plain objects are direct references to the store.
* @return {Object[]} references to the plain JS objects represented by
* the QuerySet
toRefArray(): any[],
* Returns an array of {@link Model} instances represented by the QuerySet.
* @return {Model[]} model instances represented by the QuerySet
toModelArray(): SubModel[],
* Returns the number of model instances represented by the QuerySet.
* @return length of the QuerySet
count(): number,
* Returns the {@link Model} instance at index `index` in the {@link QuerySet} instance if
* `withRefs` flag is set to `false`, or a reference to the plain JavaScript
* object in the model state if `true`.
* @param {number} index - index of the model instance to get
* @return {Model|undefined} a {@link Model} instance at index
* `index` in the {@link QuerySet} instance,
* or undefined if the index is out of bounds.
at(index: number): SubModel | Object,
* Returns a new {@link QuerySet} instance with the same entities.
* @return a new QuerySet with the same entities.
all(): QuerySet<SubModel>,
* Returns the {@link Model} instance at index `QuerySet.count() - 1`
* @return
last(): SubModel,
* Returns the {@link Model} instance at index 0 in the {@link QuerySet} instance.
* @return
first(): SubModel,
* Checks if the {@link QuerySet} instance has any records matching the query
* in the database.
* @return {Boolean} `true` if the {@link QuerySet} instance contains entities, else `false`.
exists(): boolean,
* Returns a new {@link QuerySet} instance with entities that match properties in `lookupObj`.
* @param {Object} lookupObj - the properties to match objects with.
* @return {QuerySet} a new {@link QuerySet} instance with objects that passed the filter.
filter(lookupObj: Object): QuerySet<SubModel>,
* Returns a new {@link QuerySet} instance with entities that do not match
* properties in `lookupObj`.
* @param {Object} lookupObj - the properties to unmatch objects with.
* @return {QuerySet} a new {@link QuerySet} instance with objects that passed the filter.
exclude(lookupObj: Object): QuerySet<SubModel>,
* Returns a new {@link QuerySet} instance with entities ordered by `iteratees` in ascending
* order, unless otherwise specified. Delegates to `lodash.orderBy`.
* @param {string[]|Function[]} iteratees - an array where each item can be a string or a
* function. If a string is supplied, it should
* correspond to property on the entity that will
* determine the order. If a function is supplied,
* it should return the value to order by.
* @param {Boolean[]} [orders] - the sort orders of `iteratees`. If unspecified, all iteratees
* will be sorted in ascending order. `true` and `'asc'`
* correspond to ascending order, and `false` and `'desc`
* to descending order.
* @return {QuerySet} a new {@link QuerySet} with objects ordered by `iteratees`.
iteratees: Array<string | (() => any)> | string,
orders?: boolean[]
): QuerySet<SubModel>,
* Records an update specified with `mergeObj` to all the objects
* in the {@link QuerySet} instance.
* @param {Object} mergeObj - an object to merge with all the objects in this
* queryset.
* @return {undefined}
update(mergeObj: Object): void,
* Records a deletion of all the objects in this {@link QuerySet} instance.
* @return {undefined}
delete(): void
* Creates a new Session.
* @param {Database} db - a {@link Database} instance
* @param {Object} state - the database state
* @param {Boolean} [withMutations] - whether the session should mutate data
* @param {Object} [batchToken] - used by the backend to identify objects that can be
* mutated.
declare export class Session {
* Creates a new Session.
* @param {Database} db - a {@link Database} instance
* @param {Object} state - the database state
* @param {Boolean} [withMutations] - whether the session should mutate data
* @param {Object} [batchToken] - used by the backend to identify objects that can be
* mutated.
schema: ORM,
db: Object,
state?: Object,
withMutations?: boolean,
batchToken?: any
): this,
schema: ORM,
db: any,
state: Object,
initialState: any,
withMutations: any,
batchToken: any,
modelData: any,
models: any,
sessionBoundModels: any,
markAccessed(modelName: string): void,
* Applies update to a model state.
* @private
* @param {Object} update - the update object. Must have keys
* `type`, `payload`.
applyUpdate(updateSpec: Object): Object
* A memoizer to use with redux-orm
* selectors. When the memoized function is first run,
* the memoizer will remember the models that are accessed
* during that function run.
* On subsequent runs, the memoizer will check if those
* models' states have changed compared to the previous run.
* Memoization algorithm operates like this:
* 1. Has the selector been run before? If not, go to 5.
* 2. If the selector has other input selectors in addition to the
* ORM state selector, check their results for equality with the previous results.
* If they aren't equal, go to 5.
* 3. Is the ORM state referentially equal to the previous ORM state the selector
* was called with? If yes, return the previous result.
* 4. Check which Model's states the selector has accessed on previous runs.
* Check for equality with each of those states versus their states in the
* previous ORM state. If all of them are equal, return the previous result.
* 5. Run the selector. Check the Session object used by the selector for
* which Model's states were accessed, and merge them with the previously
* saved information about accessed models (if-else branching can change
* which models are accessed on different inputs). Save the ORM state and
* other arguments the selector was called with, overriding previously
* saved values. Save the selector result. Return the selector result.
* @private
* @param {Function} func - function to memoize
* @param {Function} equalityCheck - equality check function to use with normal
* selector args
* @param {ORM} orm - a redux-orm ORM instance
* @return {Function} `func` memoized.
declare export function memoize(func: () => any, equalityCheck: () => any, orm: ORM): () => any;
declare var npm$namespace$utils: {
m2mName: typeof utils$m2mName,
m2mFromFieldName: typeof utils$m2mFromFieldName,
m2mToFieldName: typeof utils$m2mToFieldName,
normalizeEntity: typeof utils$normalizeEntity
* Returns the branch name for a many-to-many relation.
* The name is the combination of the model name and the field name the relation
* was declared. The field name's first letter is capitalized.
* Example: model `Author` has a many-to-many relation to the model `Book`, defined
* in the `Author` field `books`. The many-to-many branch name will be `AuthorBooks`.
* @private
* @param {string} declarationModelName - the name of the model the many-to-many relation was declared on
* @param {string} fieldName - the field name where the many-to-many relation was declared on
* @return {string} The branch name for the many-to-many relation.
declare function utils$m2mName(declarationModelName: string, fieldName: string): string;
* Returns the fieldname that saves a foreign key to the
* model id where the many-to-many relation was declared.
* Example: `Author` => `fromAuthorId`
* @private
* @param {string} declarationModelName - the name of the model where the relation was declared
* @return {string} the field name in the through model for `declarationModelName`'s foreign key.
declare function utils$m2mFromFieldName(declarationModelName: string): string;
* Returns the fieldname that saves a foreign key in a many-to-many through model to the
* model where the many-to-many relation was declared.
* Example: `Book` => `toBookId`
* @private
* @param {string} otherModelName - the name of the model that was the target of the many-to-many
* declaration.
* @return {string} the field name in the through model for `otherModelName`'s foreign key..
declare function utils$m2mToFieldName(otherModelName: string): string;
* Normalizes `entity` to an id, where `entity` can be an id
* or a Model instance.
* @private
* @param {*} entity - either a Model instance or an id value
* @return {*} the id value of `entity`
declare function utils$normalizeEntity(entity: any): any;
declare export function createSelector(orm: ORM, ...args: any[]): any;
* Defines a value attribute on the model.
* Though not required, it is recommended to define this for each non-foreign key you wish to use.
* Getters and setters need to be defined on each Model
* instantiation for undeclared data fields, which is slower.
* You can use the optional `getDefault` parameter to fill in unpassed values
* to {@link Model#create}, such as for generating ID's with UUID:
* ```javascript
* import getUUID from 'your-uuid-package-of-choice';
* fields = {
* id: attr({ getDefault: () => getUUID() }),
* title: attr(),
* }
* ```
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {Function} [opts.getDefault] - if you give a function here, it's return
* value from calling with zero arguments will
* be used as the value when creating a new Model
* instance with {@link Model#create} if the field
* value is not passed.
* @return {Attribute}
declare export function attr(opts?: {
getDefault: any | (() => any)
}): void;
* Defines a foreign key on a model, which points
* to a single entity on another model.
* You can pass arguments as either a single object,
* or two arguments.
* If you pass two arguments, the first one is the name
* of the Model the foreign key is pointing to, and
* the second one is an optional related name, which will
* be used to access the Model the foreign key
* is being defined from, from the target Model.
* If the related name is not passed, it will be set as
* `${toModelName}Set`.
* If you pass an object to `fk`, it has to be in the form
* ```javascript
* fields = {
* author: fk({ to: 'Author', relatedName: 'books' })
* }
* ```
* Which is equal to
* ```javascript
* fields = {
* author: fk('Author', 'books'),
* }
* ```
* @param {string|boolean} toModelNameOrObj - the `modelName` property of
* the Model that is the target of the
* foreign key, or an object with properties
* `to` and optionally `relatedName`.
* @param {string} [relatedName] - if you didn't pass an object as the first argument,
* this is the property name that will be used to
* access a QuerySet the foreign key is defined from,
* from the target model.
* @return {ForeignKey}
declare export function fk(
| string
| {
to: string,
relatedName?: string
relatedName?: string
): any;
* Defines a many-to-many relationship between
* this (source) and another (target) model.
* The relationship is modeled with an extra model called the through model.
* The through model has foreign keys to both the source and target models.
* You can define your own through model if you want to associate more information
* to the relationship. A custom through model must have at least two foreign keys,
* one pointing to the source Model, and one pointing to the target Model.
* If you have more than one foreign key pointing to a source or target Model in the
* through Model, you must pass the option `throughFields`, which is an array of two
* strings, where the strings are the field names that identify the foreign keys to
* be used for the many-to-many relationship. Redux-ORM will figure out which field name
* points to which model by checking the through Model definition.
* Unlike `fk`, this function accepts only an object argument.
* ```javascript
* class Authorship extends Model {}
* Authorship.modelName = 'Authorship';
* Authorship.fields = {
* author: fk('Author', 'authorships'),
* book: fk('Book', 'authorships'),
* };
* class Author extends Model {}
* Author.modelName = 'Author';
* Author.fields = {
* books: many({
* to: 'Book',
* relatedName: 'authors',
* through: 'Authorship',
* // this is optional, since Redux-ORM can figure
* // out the through fields itself as there aren't
* // multiple foreign keys pointing to the same models.
* throughFields: ['author', 'book'],
* })
* };
* class Book extends Model {}
* Book.modelName = 'Book';
* ```
* You should only define the many-to-many relationship on one side. In the
* above case of Authors to Books through Authorships, the relationship is
* defined only on the Author model.
* @param {Object} options - options
* @param {string} - the `modelName` attribute of the target Model.
* @param {string} [options.through] - the `modelName` attribute of the through Model which
* must declare at least one foreign key to both source and
* target Models. If not supplied, Redux-Orm will autogenerate
* one.
* @param {string[]} [options.throughFields] - this must be supplied only when a custom through
* Model has more than one foreign key pointing to
* either the source or target mode. In this case
* Redux-ORM can't figure out the correct fields for
* you, you must provide them. The supplied array should
* have two elements that are the field names for the
* through fields you want to declare the many-to-many
* relationship with. The order doesn't matter;
* Redux-ORM will figure out which field points to
* the source Model and which to the target Model.
* @param {string} [options.relatedName] - the attribute used to access a QuerySet
* of source Models from target Model.
* @return {ManyToMany}
declare export function many(options: {
to: string,
through?: string,
throughFields: Array<string>,
relatedName: string
}): any;
declare export function many(to: string, relatedName: string): any;
* Defines a one-to-one relationship. In database terms, this is a foreign key with the
* added restriction that only one entity can point to single target entity.
* The arguments are the same as with `fk`. If `relatedName` is not supplied,
* the source model name in lowercase will be used. Note that with the one-to-one
* relationship, the `relatedName` should be in singular, not plural.
* @param {string|boolean} toModelNameOrObj - the `modelName` property of
* the Model that is the target of the
* foreign key, or an object with properties
* `to` and optionally `relatedName`.
* @param {string} [relatedName] - if you didn't pass an object as the first argument,
* this is the property name that will be used to
* access a Model the foreign key is defined from,
* from the target Model.
* @return {OneToOne}
declare export function oneToOne(
| string
| {
to: string,
relatedName?: string
relatedName?: string
): any;
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