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Created May 5, 2021 18:37
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Supervised PCA model via manifold optimization
Supervised PCA model.
Ritchie, A., Balzano, L., Kessler, D., Sripada, C. S., & Scott, C.
(2020). Supervised PCA: A Multiobjective Approach. arXiv:2011.05309.
import numpy as onp
import autograd.numpy as np
from pymanopt.manifolds import Grassmann, Euclidean, Product
from pymanopt import Problem
from pymanopt.solvers import SteepestDescent
m, n, p = 20, 10, 2
lam = 0.5
y = np.array(
X = np.array(
onp.random.randn(n, m).tolist()
manifold = Product(
(Grassmann(m, p), Euclidean(p))
def cost(params):
L, w = params
XL = X @ L
lr_resid = y - (XL @ w)
pca_resid = X - (XL @ L.T)
lr_obj = np.mean(lr_resid ** 2)
pca_obj = np.mean(pca_resid ** 2)
return (lam * lr_obj) + ((1 - lam) * pca_obj)
problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)
solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=2)
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